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II Torneo Soho de Málaga - II Memorial Paco Carrasquilla

Última actualización01.07.2022 21:06:12, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 470)

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 6 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Bernabe Duran Francisco2189197 8b1 11w1 7b1 13w1 2b1 3w162262471
2Ledesma Claros Daniel2049200 18w1 19b1 14w1 4b1 1w0 7b152351991
3Ramos Moreno Francisco Jose2036197 21b1 40w1 23b1 5w1 13b1 1b0520,551791
4Tapia Lorente Antonio Miguel1845196 36b1 41w1 9b1 2w0 10b1 8w152051666
5Moreno Alberti Manuel Maria1776195 31w1 30b1 15w1 3b0 16w1 12b1519,551677
6Garret Martinez Jose Francisco1679197 29b1 39w1 10b1 7w0 22b1 9w1517,551574
7Romero Soler Saul1675200 37w1 24b1 1w0 6b1 15w1 2w0422,541799
8Garcia Delgado Ignacio0197 1w0 53b1 35w1 14b1 17w1 4b042241535
9Casado Fajardo Yago1185200 12w1 25b1 4w0 24b1 28w1 6b042041513
10Macias Arquillo Jose1077200 35w1 28b1 6w0 18b1 4w0 25b142041443
11Alarcon Gonzalez Mario929201 52w1 1b0 17w1 12b0 36w1 28b142041419
12Luque Carballo Daniel0200 9b0 20w1 39b1 11w1 23b1 5w0419,541463
13Borrego Gil Diego1889197 47w1 42b1 22w1 1b0 3w0 24b1418,541406
14Rando Alcala David1217200 34b1 32w1 2b0 8w0 26b1 21w141841497
15De Abrisqueta Betancourt Asier954200 63b+ 26w1 5b0 34w1 7b0 33w141831460
16Calderon Gonzalez Pedro1037200 32b0 27w1 29b1 38w1 5b0 26w141741328
17Aldana Ortega Guillermo1086200 48b1 33w1 11b0 21w1 8b0 34w141741279
18Garcia Ivan0200 2b0 54w1 27b1 10w0 43b1 22w1416,541404
19Rando Alcala Jose Luis924200 54b1 2w0 37b1 26w0 38b1 27w1416,541387
20De la Viuda Pettersson Iker Henry0200 25w0 12b0 53w1 52b1 31w1 23b141441172
21Garcia Marco Ignacio0201 3w0 52b1 25w1 17b0 35w1 14b031931240
22Aviles Jurado Alfonso976201 53w1 51b+ 13b0 31b1 6w0 18b031921147
23Jimenez Delgado Antonio Miguel1309198 60w+ 38b1 3w0 30b1 12w0 20w0318,521269
24Domenech Fernandez Hugo0201 43b1 7w0 33b1 9w0 32b1 13w031831326
25Rosado Lorente Hugo0201 20b1 9w0 21b0 29w1 39b1 10w031831212
26Ramsden De Diego Eric0200 45w1 15b0 44w1 19b1 14w0 16b0317,531218
27Turner Cordero Michael0201 44w1 16b0 18w0 37b1 49w1 19b0316,531143
28Valenzuela Arguello Nicolas0200 56b1 10w0 36b1 49w1 9b0 11w0316,531001
29Gonzalez Gemar Pablo0201 6w0 55b1 16w0 25b0 46w1 45b13163931
30Cotilla Luna Daniel0200 49b1 5w0 32b1 23w0 33b0 43w1315,531152
31Gil Carlos0199 5b0 43w1 40b1 22w0 20b0 39w1315,531143
32Moreno Romero Victor0200 16w1 14b0 30w0 42b1 24w0 41b1315,531108
33Perez Osuna Antonio0195 50w1 17b0 24w0 44b1 30w1 15b031531123
34La Rosa Jimenez Hector0201 14w0 45b1 42w1 15b0 41w1 17b031531057
35Marquez Abakha Salma0200 10b0 56w1 8b0 40w1 21b0 47w13153963
36Garrido Horcajo Mario0201 4w0 46b1 28w0 55b1 11b0 42w13153853
37Gonzalez Serret Maria0201 7b0 50b1 19w0 27w0 40b1 44w1314,531135
38Herbas Aguilar Jordi Lucas0201 57w+ 23w0 41b1 16b0 19w0 50b1314,521055
39Escalera Merida Jhoel0201 55w1 6b0 12w0 46b1 25w0 31b02172892
40Arellano Gonzalez Isabela0201 46w1 3b0 31w0 35b0 37w0 49b12162962
41Condori Condori Abril Cecilia0201 65w+ 4b0 38w0 54w1 34b0 32w02161940
42Barsukov Andrei0201 64w+ 13w0 34b0 32w0 53b+ 36b0215,50320
43Rosado Lorente Paula0201 24w0 31b0 47w1 50b1 18w0 30b02152925
44Fernandez Tirado Adrian0201 27b0 48w1 26b0 33w0 54b+ 37b0213,51791
45Choque Flores Aitor0201 26b0 34w0 54b0 48w1 52b1 29w0212,52760
46Perez Martin Juan Jose0201 40b0 36w0 48b1 39w0 29b0 52w1211,52675
47Garret Beldiman Luca0201 13b0 49w0 43b0 56w1 55w1 35b02112546
48Luque Carballo Lauara0201 17w0 44b0 46w0 45b0 -1 55w12101465
49Romero Soler Valeria0201 30w0 47b1 50w½ 28b0 27b0 40w01,5131729
50Barquero Jimenez Alejandro0201 33b0 37w0 49b½ 43w0 56b1 38w01,5121643
51Vargas Serrano Francisco0197 -1 22w- -0 -0 -0 -0115,5014
52Perez Cerezo Diego0201 11b0 21w0 56b1 20w0 45w0 46b01151613
53Nogueron Luengo Ivan0201 22b0 8w0 20b0 -1 42w- -01150499
54Perez Izquierdo Enrique0195 19w0 18b0 45w1 41b0 44w- -0114,51944
55Tsvetkov Adrian0201 39b0 29w0 -1 36w0 47b0 48b0111,500
56Ferrer Rodriguez Daniel0201 28w0 35b0 52w0 47b0 50w0 -1110,500
57Gaba Bejko Altin1405197 38b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Aznar Trujillo Carlos969201 61b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Padilla Carmona Hector963200 62w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Huertas Gonzalez Abel0201 23b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Ortiz Moreno Ruben0200 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Otero Luque Martin0201 59b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Panov Marc0201 15w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Pradas Bravo Eric0201 42b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014
Rando Alcala Rafael0200 41b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,5014

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 3: Recursive Ratingperformance