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TRIVANDRUM DISTRICT UNDER 17 OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2022 (VENUE: Gandhi Bhavan Kerala Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

Last update 14.05.2022 13:18:09, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Association Kerala

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Farriz J1374IND 19w1 16b1 6w0 18b½ 25w½ 27b1410017,519,5
2Shreyas Arun1295IND 20b1 13w½ 7b½ 16w1 37b1 3w152016,518,5
3Sreehari S1197IND 21w1 25b1 11w1 6b½ 28w1 2b04,5302224
4Pavan Kalyan1183IND 22b1 15w1 28b0 13w0 32b1 12w½3,51301820,5
5DEVDUTT BINU1171IND 23w1 27b1 12w1 28b½ 11w0 18b14,55018,520
6Jahnvi Ashok1164IND 24b1 17w1 1b1 3w½ 13b1 11b½5102022
7Gifty RS1140IND 25w0 23b1 2w½ 10b0 31w1 15b13,514017,519
8Aron S P1116IND 26b1 28w0 13b0 24w1 36b1 37w149017,520
9Akshay A R1096IND 27w0 29b1 25w½ 31b1 18w0 19b13,51601516,5
10Neerad P1093IND 28b0 36w1 22b½ 7w1 15b1 13w½4801820,5
11ALLEN B JUDWIN1092IND 29w1 37b1 3b0 36w1 5b1 6w½4,54019,521
12Goutham P R1090IND 30b1 32w1 5b0 37w0 19w1 4b½3,51501616,5
13Jithin Asok1040IND 31w1 2b½ 8w1 4b1 6w0 10b½46021,524
14Abhinand H0IND 32b0 24w0 30b1 33w½ 17b1 22w02,527012,513
15ADVAITH B S0IND 33w1 4b0 27w1 19b½ 10w0 7w02,524016,517,5
16Aman Mathew0IND 34b1 1w0 24b1 2b0 27w0 26w0228018,519,5
17Amanat Farhan S0IND 35w1 6b0 37w0 27b0 14w0 30b1230014,515
18Anecx Kanjiravila0IND 36b0 26w1 32b1 1w½ 9b1 5w03,512018,521,5
19Arjun S Anil0IND 1b0 30w1 35b1 15w½ 12b0 9w02,52601515,5
20Daksh S Nair0IND 2w0 31b0 29w1 35b0 30w1 36b0231013,514
21Deekshit Maheswaran0IND 3b0 34w1 36b0 32w0 29b1 24w022901516
22Dhruv S Nair0IND 4w0 33b1 10w½ 25b0 35w1 14b13,51701516
23G.K.PARITHIRAGAVAN0IND 5b0 7w0 34b0 30w- -0 -0037012,513,5
24Govind Arun0IND 6w0 14b1 16w0 8b0 34w1 21b1322015,516,5
25HIRENJITH S J0IND 7b1 3w0 9b½ 22w1 1b½ 28w½3,511019,523
26Jayihari A0IND 8w0 18b0 31w½ 34w1 33b1 16b13,51801314
27Kedarnath. U0IND 9b1 5w0 15b0 17w1 16b1 1w0321016,518,5
28Mayoogh A N0IND 10w1 8b1 4w1 5w½ 3b0 25b½47020,524
29Midhun S Anil0IND 11b0 9w0 20b0 -1 21w0 34b123301314
30Mukund Arun0IND 12w0 19b0 14w0 23b+ 20b0 17w0135012,513,5
31Neellesh Manub0IND 13b0 20w1 26b½ 9w0 7b0 33w12,525016,517,5
32Nishant Nambiar0IND 14w1 12b0 18w0 21b1 4w0 35b132301516,5
33Prathyuksh Thampi0IND 15b0 22w0 -1 14b½ 26w0 31b01,534014,516
34S.Sanjay0IND 16w0 21b0 23w1 26b0 24b0 29w013601213,5
35SURYANARAYANAN M. S.0IND 17b0 -1 19w0 20w1 22b0 32w023201315
36Vaibhav V Nair0IND 18w1 10b0 21w1 11b0 8w0 20w132001820
37Vineeth R S0IND -1 11w0 17b1 12b1 2w0 8b0319019,521,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)