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Leamington Lightning 2022

Last update 14.05.2022 21:56:24, Creator/Last Upload: mattcarr2700

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Larkin Benjamin2020ENG 13b1 11w1 10b1 7w½ 4b1 9w1 22b1 3w1 8b18,510849,5
2Carpenter Ray1950ENG 14w0 16b1 7w0 20b1 8w1 3b0 13w0 19b1 15b04140443
3Clarke Neil1950ENG 15b0 17w1 13b1 10w0 11b1 2w1 14b1 1b0 9w1620646
4Darling Tom1910ENG 16w1 14b1 5w1 9b½ 1w0 22b½ 10b½ 11w½ 7w1640449
5Roper Paul1900ENG 17b1 15w1 4b0 11w1 9w0 14b0 8w0 21b1 20w1590540,5
6Sadler Tony1868ENG 18w0 19b1 14w0 16w1 13b1 8b0 11w0 20b0 21w03190336,5
7Graff Ben1850ENG 19b1 18w½ 2b1 1b½ 12w1 10w½ 9b½ 22w1 4b0650446
8Collins Andy1830ENG 20w0 21b1 15w1 12b0 2b0 6w1 5b1 14w1 1w0580541
9Staples Neil1824ENG 21b1 20w1 18b1 4w½ 5b1 1b0 7w½ 10w1 3b0630546
10Bowman Kevin1800ENG 22w1 24b1 1w0 3b1 14w1 7b½ 4w½ 9b0 13w½5,570447,5
11Brodie Iain1755ENG 23b1 1b0 24w1 5b0 3w0 16w1 6b1 4b½ 22w15,560541
12Panchev Marten1700ENG 24w0 22b0 20b1 8w1 7b0 19w0 17w1 16b1 14w15100535,5
13Zawadzki Marek1667ENG 1w0 23b1 3w0 24b1 6w0 18b1 2b1 15w½ 10b½5110438,5
14Grzywaczewski Karol1660ENG 2b1 4w0 6b1 18w1 10b0 5w1 3w0 8b0 12b04150442
15Silverman Paul1585ENG 3w1 5b0 8b0 22w0 18b½ 23w1 19b1 13b½ 2w15120438,5
16Warden Mike1583ENG 4b0 2w0 21w1 6b0 20w1 11b0 18w1 12w0 24b14180434
17Robson Roland1500ENG 5w0 3b0 23w½ 19b0 21w0 24w1 12b0 -1 -02,5220,5132
18Madden Jason1450ENG 6b1 7b½ 9w0 14b0 15w½ 13w0 16b0 25w0 -02230141
19Wood Penny1450ENG 7w0 6w0 22b0 17w1 24b1 12b1 15w0 2w0 23b14170434
20Allen Matthew1400ENG 8b1 9b0 12w0 2w0 16b0 21w1 23b1 6w1 5b04160437
21Savinov Leo1400ENG 9w0 8w0 16b0 23w0 17b1 20b0 24w½ 5w0 6b12,5211233,5
22Shivakumar Akshath1750ENG 10b0 12w1 19w1 15b1 23b1 4w½ 1w0 7b0 11b04,5130448
23Vemuri Sairam1208ENG 11w0 13w0 17b½ 21b1 22w0 15b0 20w0 24b1 19w02,5201,5234,5
24Ramachandran Shiva1000ENG 12b1 10w0 11b0 13w0 19w0 17b0 21b½ 23w0 16w01,5240136,5
25Chiu Hok1500ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 18b1 -01250129

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)