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European School Chess Championships 2022 Open under 09

Last update 29.04.2022 17:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for LAT

4Steiners Emils1731LAT011½½½1004,514Open 11
15Kukushkin Ivan0LAT011½001½159Open 09

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Papadopoulos Antonios0 0 - 14 Kukushkin Ivan0
Gabadadze Gabriel15075 1 - 0 Steiners Emils1731

Player details for LAT

Kukushkin Ivan 0 LAT Rp:1305 Pts. 5
14Filindash Nikita1404UKR6,5s 0
220Popov Aleksandr And0FID5w 1
38Odabasi Ruzgar1251TUR6s 1
43Skytte Robert1437DEN4w ½
51Sofronie Vladimir1743ROU5,5w 0
69Mahapatra Samyakk1234SUI4s 0
719Papadopoulos Stavros0GRE3,5w 1
86Bjerregaard Hagen Frida1293DEN4s ½
918Papadopoulos Antonios0GRE3,5s 1
Steiners Emils 1731 LAT Rp:1387 Pts. 4,5
117Rutkowski Feliks1300POL5w 0
23Ochedzan Filip1873POL5s 1
315Rynkjob Bastian1362DEN3w 1
426Yu Rock0ENG3,5s ½
513Bryant Harry1425ENG4,5w ½
611Tatvidze Davit1440GEO5,5s ½
714Ward Cian1367ENG5,5s 1
820Gvasalia Gaga1211GEO5,5w 0
99Gabadadze Gabriel1507GEO6s 0