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*Prize winners, please email your bank details to

Prizes - Minor

1st - £150 - 4.5/5 Alex Stroud,
2nd/3rd - £50 each - 4/5 Rachel Yang, Biel Obiols & Nathan Binu,
Best Woman - £50 - 4/5 - Rachel Yang.
Rating Prizes:
U1450 £50 - 3.5/5 Christian Llube,
U1300 £25 each - 3/5 Andrew Glass & John M Mcgann.

Hammersmith Chess Club Congress 2022 Minor U1500 at Hammersmith Chess Club - Mindsports Centre, 21 Dalling Road, London, W6 0JD

Last update 08.06.2022 15:01:55, Creator/Last Upload:

not paired

6Cowling, JamesENG*
14Glass, AndrewENG*
1Holland, LynENG****
22Pavord, AndrewENGbye
11Smith, Michael JENG*
23Sobolevski, DamienENGbye
16Wen, LianaENG*bye
26Yang, RachelENGbye