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Moja Open 2022 Ladies Section

Last update 22.03.2022 12:44:07, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1WIMLaubscher Anzel14300800RSA1718
2Grobbelaar Jacqui14307650RSA1522
3Sedibeng Kamogelo14349183RSA1483
4Petlele Motheo14329506RSA1293
5Bhila Lindokuhle14324091RSA1281
6Monchosi Atlegang14351200RSA1281
7Van Den Berg Ane14325551RSA1266
8Yende Thokozile14319632RSA1214
9Mocumi Visolia14334356RSA1204
10Naidoo Kajol14341077RSA1199
11Masilo Kediemetse14316080RSA1194
12Matshego Thato14348489RSA1171
13Nel Hayley14338688RSA1129
14Aldum Carla14327708RSA1108
15Ahjum Kristen14320657RSA1072
16Grobbelaar Fransiena14306964RSA1035
17Mundama Celima14334550RSA1026
18Sicethana Siviwe14353415RSA891
19Tlhaganyane Boikhutso14342758RSA862
20Masango Sizakele14353598RSA788
21Kgosietsile Tshegofatso14352036RSA616
22Metswi Rethabile14355728RSA576
23May Jaina14355752RSA545
24Botha Lorelei14346656RSA0
25Masito itemogengRSA0
26Songca MisokubleRSA0