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Campionatul Republicii Moldova la sah blitz 2022, feminin

Last update 20.03.2022 12:54:34, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

Starting rank list of players

5IMPetrenko Svetlana13900196MDA1870Chisinai
6Mihailova Alina13907018MDA1610Comrat
7Ojog Felicia13906666MDA1595Chisinau
2Petricenco Ana13908596MDA1562Chisinau
10Bargan Victoria13908197MDA1548Chisinau
11Nicorici Nicoleta13906658MDA1297Chisinau
8Grebeniuc Alexandra13911635MDA1243Tiraspol
9Bitca Emilia13909720MDA1211Chisinau
4Verbin Cleopatra13910825MDA1204Chisinau
1Comarnitcaia Ecaterina13912020MDA0Bender
3Golubas Ecaterina13913484MDA0Falesti