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VII Obert Vila de Gracia per majors de 55 anys (280432)

Darrera actualització09.05.2022 21:11:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Daguro Dasalla Armando 47w1 29b1 4b1 9w1 2b1 13w1 3b+ 5b½7,537407
2Balague Orduna Enric 36w1 13b1 33w1 7b1 1w0 3b0 11w1 18b1636406
3Brusi Noguera Ricardo Ll. 58b1 52w+ 15w1 -0 46b1 2w1 1w- 6w1636386
4Menendez Artime Luis 35w1 26b1 1w0 5b½ 34w1 14b½ 15w1 10b1635,5395
5Mas Recorda Pere 56b1 32w1 34b½ 4w½ 20b1 25w1 6b½ 1w½633,536,54
6Melero Sanchez Pere 17b½ 10w½ 21b1 27w1 16b1 9w1 5w½ 3b05,53740,54
7Codina Blasco Joan 59w1 46b1 8w+ 2w0 9b0 28w1 8b½ 13w15,534,536,55
8Muntane Aznar Juan Manuel 23w+ 21w½ 7b- 30b½ 35w1 44b1 7w½ 19b15,531,5354
9Valls Sole Josep 16w1 27b1 11w1 1b0 7w1 6b0 31w1 -0537,5415
10Marchador Villalba Jordi 45w½ 6b½ 35w1 44b1 13w- 26w1 25b1 4w0533,537,54
11Angulo Serrato Josep 65w+ 22w1 9b0 13b0 30w1 20w1 2b0 25w153336,55
12Ballester Valls Juan Antonio 41b- 49b½ 51w½ 37b1 -0 48w1 28b1 27w152729,54
13Villa Cardenas Jorge 61b1 2w0 38b1 11w1 10b+ 1b0 14w½ 7b04,535,5384
14Vallbona Domingo Joan 25b1 34w0 45b1 19w½ 18b1 4w½ 13b½ -04,532,5363
15Sumelzo Lozano Jose 40b+ 19w+ 3b0 34w1 25b0 21w1 4b0 20w½4,53235,54
16Cabrera Marmol Manuel 9b0 43w1 32b1 28w1 6w0 24b½ 18w0 34b14,53234,54
17Ferre Navarro Joan 6w½ 45b½ -0 59w1 28b0 33w1 32b1 24w½4,531,533,53
18Maqueda Berdugo Francisco 53w- 51b½ 37w1 63b1 14w0 36b+ 16b1 2w04,53133,54
19Torralba Perez Antonio 60w1 15b- 59b1 14b½ 31w0 52b1 24w+ 8w04,530,531,54
20Mabres Torello Josep 38b0 50w1 41b1 24w+ 5w0 11b0 44w1 15b½4,528,531,54
21Solsona Olive Xavier 50b+ 8b½ 6w0 36b½ 47w1 15b0 37w½ 39b14,52830,53
22Gracia Vila Frederic 55w1 11b0 47w1 46b0 24w0 39b½ 51w1 42b14,526,5294
23Roche Peris Eduard 8b- -0 42w1 43b1 44w0 47b1 34w½ 37b14,524,5274
24Caballe Sasot Roger 57w1 53b+ -0 20b- 22b1 16w½ 19b- 17b½433,536,53
25Llombart Bages Jaime 14w0 60b1 52w1 33b1 15w1 5b0 10w0 11b0433344
26Lopez Cayuela Pedro 54b1 4w0 48b1 -0 29w1 10b0 45w+ -0432354
27Costa Trave Jaume 43b1 9w0 53b+ 6b0 49w1 31b0 50w1 12b043234,54
28Batista Perez Carlos -0 57b1 29w1 16b0 17w1 7b0 12w0 38w1431,534,54
29Lopez Arjona Emilio 63w+ 1w0 28b0 38w1 26b0 49b+ 30w0 50b1431344
30Domenche Redondo Francesc 62b1 -0 36w½ 8w½ 11b0 40w1 29b1 -0431323
31Corominas Garrido Antonio -0 48w0 64b1 39w1 19b1 27w1 9b0 -042931,54
32Baratech Galup Juan Manuel 37w1 5b0 16w0 57b1 36w½ 34b½ 17w0 51b+42931,53
33Carrey Abellan Enric 39b1 38w1 2b0 25w0 45b- 17b0 58w1 47b1429314
34Volart Buil Jordi 42w1 14b1 5w½ 15b0 4b0 32w½ 23b½ 16w03,534372
35Orriols Codina Joan 4b0 64w1 10b0 50w1 8b0 37w- 48w1 41b½3,53032,53
36Clanchet Olle Josep 2b0 61w1 30b½ 21w½ 32b½ 18w- 39w0 53b13,52931,52
37Castillo Rosa Jose Luis 32b0 58w1 18b0 12w0 59b+ 35b+ 21b½ 23w03,529313
38Roige Lopez Xavier 20w1 33b0 13w0 29b0 51w½ 54w1 40b1 28b03,528,531,53
39Sanchez Coves Juan Josep 33w0 44b0 60w1 31b0 53w+ 22w½ 36b1 21w03,528,529,53
40Tort Barenys Juan Jose 15w- 55b1 44w0 53b1 52w½ 30b0 38w0 56b13,52729,53
41Orts Gonzalez Rafael 12w+ -0 20w0 47b0 50b0 62w1 56b+ 35w½3,525263
42Molina Tabernero Jordi 34b0 56w0 23b0 61w½ 64b1 58w1 52w+ 22w03,524,526,53
43Febrero Perez Lluis 27w0 16b0 65w+ 23w0 48b0 55w½ 60b1 52w+3,524253
44Navas Martin Jordi -0 39w1 40b1 10w0 23b1 8w0 20b0 -0333363
45Pereda Villalba Julian 10b½ 17w½ 14w0 51b1 33w+ 46w- 26b- -0332,5362
46Cubeles Marquez Albert 48b1 7w0 56b1 22w1 3w0 45b- -0 -0332,535,53
47Riera Mestres Josep 1b0 62w1 22b0 41w1 21b0 23w0 49b1 33w0332333
48Asensio Graells Ricard 46w0 31b1 26w0 52b0 43w1 12b0 35b0 60w1330,531,53
49Olleta Tanya Jordi 52b0 12w½ 58b½ 56w1 27b0 29w- 47w0 57b1326,528,52
50Martin Sanchez Antoni 21w- 20b0 55w1 35b0 41w1 56b+ 27b0 29w032527,53
51Esteve Garcia Antoni -0 18w½ 12b½ 45w0 38b½ 61w1 22b0 32w-2,530,5331
52Santoux Canal Albert 49w1 3b- 25b0 48w1 40b½ 19w0 42b- 43b-2,528,531,52
53Onate Diaz Manuel 18b+ 24w- 27w- 40w0 39b- 59b½ 55b+ 36w02,526,528,52
54Vidal Moll Francesc 26w0 -0 62b½ -0 60w1 38b0 59w1 -02,522232
55Vazquez Sanchez Juan Antonio 22b0 40w0 50b0 -1 57w0 43b½ 53w- 62b12,522231
56Argemi Camp Jaume 5w0 42b1 46w0 49b0 58b1 50w- 41w- 40w0228,530,52
57Garcia Gargallo Joaquin 24b0 28w0 61b1 32w0 55b1 -0 -0 49w0226,5292
58Dominguez Rodriguez Gabriel 3w0 37b0 49w½ 62b1 56w0 42b0 33b0 64w½225,526,51
59Carrasco Pedro Jose Maria 7b0 -1 19w0 17b0 37w- 53w½ 54b0 -01,52830,50
60Villalonga Royo Lluis 19b0 25w0 39b0 64w½ 54b0 -1 43w0 48b01,523,5250
61Aixut Freixanet Amad 13w0 36b0 57w0 42b½ 62w1 51b0 -0 -01,523241
62Recacha Delgado Rafael 30w0 47b0 54w½ 58w0 61b0 41b0 -1 55w01,522230
63Lopez Belles Luis 29b- 65b1 -0 18w0 -0 -0 -0 -0126281
64Cervera Alemany Serafi -0 35b0 31w0 60b½ 42w0 -0 -0 58b½123240
65Boldu Zabih Llorenc 11b- 63w0 43b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0021220

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: The greater number Of victories