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Darrera actualització19.03.2022 18:06:46, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Sergio Martinez Perez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 6 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Garcia Corpas Nicolas1341 7w1 -0 22b1 8w1 3b1 5b1515,522,51310
2Guzman Lopez Cristian1276 5b1 21w1 3b1 4w1 10b1 -0514,5231317
3Marin Lopez Alex1312 23w1 25b1 2w0 6b1 1w0 11b1414,520,51308
4Rodríguez Kostromitin Mark1304 24b+ 13w1 10b1 2b0 5w0 12w1414221319
5Costache Stefan1324 2w0 20b1 25w1 14b1 4b1 1w0413,519,51291
6Belda Balmes Teo1328 9b0 19w1 26b1 3w0 16b1 8w1411,516,51275
7Sabate Avalos Alex1316 1b0 -0 20w1 25b1 19w1 10w149,515,51286
8Cid Marcos Laia1276 15w½ 23b1 11w1 1b0 13w1 6b03,512,5201333
9Andres Gonzalez Carlos1288 6w1 11b0 13b0 26w1 15w½ 21b13,511161321
10de Arriba López Eloi1316 19b1 17w1 4w0 13b1 2w0 7b0313,520,51291
11Cremades Ibañez Claudia1332 14b½ 9w1 8b0 16w½ 17b1 3w0312,5191283
12Roas Correa Hector1332 -0 18w1 -0 15b1 14w1 4b0312181314
13Sellares Fito Marti1332 20w1 4b0 9w1 10w0 8b0 19b1312171287
14Lorenzo Mayo Fabiano1300 11w½ 15b½ 24w1 5w0 12b0 22b+311,517,51329
15Vela Rodo Martina1328 8b½ 14w½ 16b½ 12w0 9b½ 17w½2,512,5191287
16Garcia Corpas Oliver1252 18b1 -0 15w½ 11b½ 6w0 20b½2,512181321
17Puignero Garcia Adelaida1272 22w+ 10b0 -0 21w1 11w0 15b½2,511171326
18Trulls Ruiz Nil1324 16w0 12b0 -0 23w½ 24b+ 26b12,58,513,51306
19Gaspar de Valenzuela Tost Javier1248 10w0 6b0 -1 22w1 7b0 13w0212,518,51269
20Gaspar de Valenzuela Tost Gonzalo1292 13b0 5w0 7b0 24w½ 23b1 16w½21218,51316
21López Cantos Eric1328 26w1 2b0 -0 17b0 25w1 9w0210,516,51269
22Pomar Izquierdo Sergi1324 17b- 24b1 1w0 19b0 26w+ 14w-210171296
23Fernandez Zamorano Guillermo1336 3b0 8w0 -0 18b½ 20w0 25b11,510,5151287
24Flores Montañez Angel1336 4w- 22w0 14b0 20b½ 18w- -11,59131257
25Briega Mira Miquel1232 -1 3w0 5b0 7w0 21b0 23w011319,51269
26Bisbal Dalmau Kilian1276 21b0 -1 6w0 9b0 22b- 18w0111171265

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)