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2022 Richmond Open - U1500

Last update 17.01.2022 04:00:55, Creator/Last Upload: brendanw

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Beattie Will1499 31b1 20w1 11b1 3w½ 37b14,52015,51313
2Chiu Thomas1499 32w1 22b1 16w1 50b½ 43w03,55016,51196
3Naumenko Xander1499 33b1 24w1 12b1 1b½ 50w14,51016,51290
4Aripuddin Allan1473 34w1 30b½ 36w1 43b0 39w½315014,51163
5Boz Hasan Tahsin1473 35b1 29w1 50b0 26w½ 21b13,5110131211
6Jeong Edward1428 36w0 54b½ 41w1 28b1 44w13,514010,51118
7Cheng Peter Qian1423 37b½ 38w1 49b½ 29w1 61w0316014,51085
8Barlow Aaron1400 39w½ 43b0 46w1 30b½ 54w13190141105
9Collins Will1400 40b0 42w1 56w0 46b½ 51w01,5520121059
10Fritz Justin1400 41w1 36b0 32w1 22b½ 40w½3240121180
11Marlow Ben1400 42b1 40w1 1w0 44b0 22w0235016,51218
12Shulman Elijah1400 44w1 46b1 3w0 36b½ 56w13,580141155
13Francis Zoe1397 45b1 50w0 33b0 35w0 25b1242010,51160
14Chen Alex1343 46w0 41b½ 52w½ 39b0 48w1243091068
15Singh Kamal1338 37w0 35b½ 47w0 41b12410111121
16Batisse Norman1327 47b1 57w1 2b0 33w0 29b13180141201
17Dong Tony1316 48w1 56b½ 39w1 61b0 36w13,59013,51041
18Bajcetic Branko1300 49b½ 60w1 37b0 38w1 26b½323012,51106
19Bozman William1300 50w0 44b0 48w1 54b0 55w0157011,51030
20Nahhas Mark1300 51b1 1b0 34w½ 49w- 46w12,5300131161
21Poole Ryan1300 52w½ 39b0 58w1 34b1 5w02,5310121080
22Saggu Arshdeep Singh1300 53b1 2w0 57b1 10w½ 11b13,513011,51262
23Ungurean Stefan1300 54w½ 52b1 43w0 -0 -01,546014,51043
24Wingfield Kai1300 55b1 3b0 44w0 57w0 59b½1,548013,51103
25Clarkson Paul1297 49w0 38b0 52b½ 13w0156011,51145
26Jin Alexander1288 56w0 45b1 54w1 5b½ 18w½327011,51091
27Kargi Yusuf Said1266 57b0 47w1 40b0 55w1 35b13250121072
28Thompson Brian1253 61w0 60b1 6w0 -01,545014,51086
29Hack Don1241 58w1 5b0 59w1 7b0 16w02390121168
30Mok Erwin Jun-Han1237 59b1 4w½ 61b0 8w½ 47b1320013,51151
31Russell Wesley1230 1w0 48b1 -0 -01,547013,51271
32Yu Marvin1226 2b0 51w1 10b0 59w1 57b02370131173
33Holmgren Emilian1225 3w0 53b1 13w1 16b1 49w½3,512012,51254
34Argue Kyle1202 4b0 55w1 20b½ 21w0 42b01,5500131235
35Godard Richard1200 5w0 58b½ 15w½ 13b1 27w02380121243
36Zhao Andy1152 6b1 10w1 4b0 12w½ 17b02,528016,51403
37Xu Ruihan (Hannah)1136 7w½ 15b1 18w1 56b1 1w03,560151312
38Phillips Jordan1133 7b0 25w1 18b0 52w01,5510121260
39Shu Luke1126 8b½ 21w1 17b0 14w1 4b½3170141366
40Uy Gabriel1120 9w1 11b0 27w1 10b½322012,51367
41Bailey James1100 10b0 14w½ 6b0 15w01550121377
42Paridel Pooya1100 11w0 9b0 51w½ 58b1 34w12,534091199
43Tang Gideon1099 8w1 23b1 4w1 2b14,53014,51418
44Philipzig Mats1073 12b0 19w1 24b1 11w1 6b0326011,51366
45Coady Adam1053 13w0 26w0 55b0 51b0 -115809,51177
46Taylor Edward1053 14b1 12w0 8b0 9w½ 20b01,5490131369
47Hormes Grayden1047 16w0 27b0 53w1 15b1 30w02400111237
48Chua Zachary1042 17b0 31w0 19b0 53w1 14b0159091241
49Chiu Brad1029 18w½ 25b1 7w½ 20b+ 33b½3,5100131309
50Jiang Zihao William1026 19b1 13b1 5w1 2w½ 3b03,57014,51424
51Yuen Owen1021 20w0 32b0 42b½ 45w1 9b12,53309,51216
52Kiff Oliver1019 21b½ 23w0 14b½ 25w½ 38b12,53209,51275
53Ivers Colm1018 22w0 33w0 47b0 48b0 58w0061011,51117
54Paley Bill1011 23b½ 6w½ 26b0 19w1 8b02360131343
55Paridel Romina1000 24w0 34b0 45w1 27b0 19b124407,51224
56Wu Nicholas Pei-Chang1000 26b1 17w½ 9b1 37w0 12b02,5290151308
57Yu Ryan Bole994 27w1 16b0 22w0 24b1 32w13210131284
58Gordon Peter971 29b0 35w½ 21b0 42w0 53b11,554091172
59Chang Chester951 30w0 -1 29b0 32b0 24w½1,5530101251
60Chan Simon944 18b0 28w0 -0 -00,5600111277
61Styffe Andrew885 28b1 30w1 17w1 7b14,540141307

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)