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Última actualización16.01.2022 14:32:14, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 543)

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Martin Fandiño Manuel Federico2054CA 17b1 12w1 8w0 19b14721,514,513,50
2Ortega Valle Jose Ramon2014CA 18w1 9b1 7w1 8b½ 3w½ 5w046241613,25
3Fernandez Montero Francisco Manuel2008CA 19b1 11w½ 14b1 10w1 2b½ 8w½4,54211416,50
4Herrera Mellado Luis2008CA 20w1 12b½ 7w1 6b14,5520,51414,00
5CMInsua Mellado Jose Luis2000CA 21b1 13w1 8b0 14w1 11w1 2b1522113,517,00
6Gentes Benito Mauricio1938CA 23w1 14b- 18b1 16b1 4w03,5112113,510,50
7Villodres Maldonado Jose Manuel1887CA 25b1 35w1 2b0 15w1 4b0 10w031421,5159,00
8Lopez-Tello Gonzalez Ernesto1878CA 26w1 24b1 5w1 2w½ 1b1 3b½512315,518,75
9Lorente Manzanares Luis Santiago1864CA 27b1 2w0 32b1 13w-31719,513,57,50
10Bermudez Ureba Jose Maria1821CA 15w1 16b1 3b0 17w1 7b14,5321,51415,50
11Cid Alarcon Fabio1767CA 28w1 3b½ 19w1 5b0 15w031520,5147,75
12Sevillano Leal Julio1601CA 30b1 4w½ 13b½ 1b0 23w1 26b14818,513,511,25
13Cabillas Martinez Juan Luis1587CA 31w1 5b0 12w½ 22b1 35w½ 9b+4918,5129,50
14Picazo Soto Lucas1554CA 32b1 6w+ 3w0 5b0 26w0 20w131620,5139,00
15Roman Garcia Miguel1485CA 33w1 10b0 24w1 7b0 32w1 11b141016,51110,50
16Ramirez Guillon Jose Antonio1403CA 34b1 10w0 27b1 6w0 35b13,51218,5128,00
17Gil Fernandez Daniela1388CA 1w0 34b1 20w1 10b0 24w13,5131811,58,50
18Insua Conesa Enrique1302CA 2b0 29w1 6w0 19b- 30b12,52616,5124,50
19Gomez Lopez Jorge1260CA 3w0 22b1 25w+ 11b0 18w+ 1w031919126,50
20Gil Garcia Jose1221CA 4b0 21w1 17b0 27w1 14b02,5251811,56,00
21Gonzalez Mantel Guillermo1116CA 5w0 20b0 29w1 33b13231597,00
22Garcia Herruzo Francisco1085CA 19w0 13w0 31b1 -022815,510,54,00
23Bollar Bello Victor1064CA 6b0 30w1 35b0 29w1 12b0 25w13221510,55,00
24Cid Alarcon Saul1014CA 29b1 8w0 15b0 31w1 17b02,5241912,54,50
25Garcia Garcia Miguel997CA 7w0 31b+ 19b- 32b0 34w1 23b02271610,53,00
26Bollar Bello Iker970CA 8b0 32w0 30b1 34w1 14b1 12w032116,5116,00
27Fernandez Chaves Israel0TR 9w0 33b1 16w0 20b0 32w-1,5321611,53,50
28Garat Mesones Santiago0TR 11b0 34w0 31b0 30w1 33b- 29b013511,581,00
29Iribarnegaray Chanrion Gael Graeme0ESP 24w0 18b0 33w1 23b0 21b0 28w123014103,00
30Mesones Peña Fernando0TR 12w0 23b0 26w0 28b0 -1 18w01331510,53,00
31Moreno Ojeda Angel Jesus0TR 13b0 25w- 28w1 24b0 22w0 34b013415101,00
32Moya Cortina Juan Francisco0 14w0 26b1 9w0 25w1 15b0 27b+32017116,50
33Ortega Santos Helma0CA 15b0 27w0 29b0 -1 28w+ 21w023113,58,54,00
34Sanchez Ceballos Daniel0CA 16w0 28b1 17w0 26b0 25b0 31w122915102,00
35Sotelo Menacho Francisco0TR -1 7b0 23w1 13b½ 16w031819139,50

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable