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1st Open Rapid Chess Tournament

Last update 07.11.2021 11:58:48, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Wajih Nassir2141IND 31b1 19w1 8b0 32w1 6b½3,5915,513,59,50
2Harish Sharma2125IND 14b1 23w1 9b1 6w½ 5b03,58191612,00
3Girish Chandra Gupta1940IND 32w1 29b1 11w1 8b0 15w14416,513,512,50
4Deepak Rai1833IND 33b1 24w1 10b0 31w1 12b½3,51214,5129,25
5AIMBaig Akram1825IND 34w1 41b1 15w1 10b1 2w152151315,00
6Aaditya Dhingra1674IND 44w1 45b1 58w1 2b½ 1w½46141310,50
7Azal Nasir1515IND 35b1 26w1 53b0 33w1 41b14515,51410,50
8Garv Rai1511IND 36w1 51b1 1w1 3w1 53b04316,515,511,50
9Akshat Negi1508IND 37b1 46w1 2w0 36b1 60w147141210,50
10Anubhav Singhal1318IND 38w1 52b1 4w1 5w0 26b½3,51015148,25
11Atul Mishra1213IND 39b1 50w1 3b0 46w1 55b½3,51611,510,55,75
12Vaibhav Gautam1200IND 41w0 60b1 38w1 44b1 4w½3,51313,512,58,75
13Priyanshu Dua1117IND 42b1 53w0 57b1 55w0 32b023416,5145,00
14Amartya Kumar1038IND 2w0 36b0 22w1 39b1 34w132612115,50
15Abhishek Shankar1026IND 43b1 55w1 5b0 48w1 3b031717,515,58,50
16Abhigyan Nayak0IND 46b0 37w0 42b0 27w½ 20b11,5497,57,50,25
17Adhiraaj Sejwal0IND 47w1 58b0 18w0 40b1 36w024012,511,53,00
18Aditi Mukharjee0IND 48b1 57w½ 17b1 53w0 19b13,51114,512,58,25
19Agrim Jain0IND 49w1 1b0 39w1 41b0 18w023913123,00
20Akhurath Menon0IND 50b0 39w0 43b0 35w0 16w0061760,00
21Anjali Verma0IND 52w0 38b0 40w0 47b1 49w0159871,00
22Ansh Aggarwal0IND 53b0 42w½ 14b0 52b1 38w12,52913,512,54,25
23Arjan Singh Chahal0IND 54w1 2b0 41w0 45b1 57w132712115,50
24Arpan0IND 40w1 4b0 44w0 49b1 37w-23713,511,54,00
25Arthav Gupta0IND 55b0 43w1 46b0 50w1 48b024211,510,53,00
26Aryan Nair0IND 56w1 7b0 45w1 58b1 10w½3,51412,511,56,75
27Atharv Manngalam0IND 57b0 48w0 59b0 16b½ 47w00,56010,59,50,75
28Atreyu Sandilya0IND 58w0 40b1 51w1 60b0 44w024112113,00
29Byomokesh Mukherjee0IND 59b1 3w0 48b0 43w1 46b132213,511,56,50
30Dhairya Sehgal0IND 60w0 44b0 47w1 51b1 58w024311102,00
31Dhimaan Goswami0IND 1w0 47b1 52w1 4b0 59w½2,53012,511,54,25
32G. Gopalakrishan0IND 3b0 59w1 50b1 1b0 13w132413125,50
33Gunin Talwar0IND 4w0 49b1 54w1 7b0 -023514,512,54,00
34Harsh Aggarwal0IND 5b0 61w1 55b0 56w1 14b02381312,51,50
35Karmas Saluja0IND 7w0 54b0 49w0 20b1 51w+246991,00
36Kartik narula0IND 8b0 14w1 56b1 9w0 17b131914136,00
37Kartik Vishvkarma0IND 9w0 16b1 60w0 61b1 24b+3281110,54,00
38Krishiv Malhotra0IND 10b0 21w1 12b0 59w0 22b015113121,00
39Manendu Prakash0IND 11w0 20b1 19b0 14w0 42b015511110,00
40Manthan0IND 24b0 28w0 21b1 17w0 50b12488,57,52,00
41Mehul Sondhi0IND 12b1 5w0 23b1 19w1 7w031817,515,58,50
42Mihir Puri0IND 13w0 22b½ 16w1 57b0 39w12,5339,58,53,75
43Piyush Sharma0IND 15w0 25b0 20w1 29b0 61w12478,58,50,50
44Prajwal Prakash0IND 6b0 30w1 24b1 12w0 28b132014126,50
45Pulkit Ghosalya0IND 61b1 6w0 26b0 23w0 52b01501312,50,50
46Raghav Bansal0IND 16w1 9b0 25w1 11b0 29w02361412,53,50
47Rig Mangalam0IND 17b0 31w0 30b0 21w0 27b115887,50,50
48Ripunj bansal0IND 18w0 27b1 29w1 15b0 25w13251211,55,50
49Rudra Manngalam0IND 19b0 33w0 35b1 24w0 21b12459,58,52,50
50Ruhaan0IND 20w1 11b0 32w0 25b0 40w015610,510,50,00
51Samir0IND -1 8w0 28b0 30w0 35b-15312102,00
52Saranya Rawat0IND 21b1 10w0 31b0 22w0 45w124410,59,52,00
53Shahan Abu Sayeed0IND 22w1 13b1 7w1 18b1 8w151161416,00
54Shaurya Chaudhary0IND 23b0 35w1 33b0 -0 -015411,5101,50
55Shreyas Das0IND 25w1 15b0 34w1 13b1 11w½3,51512,510,57,75
56Sidhant Malhotra0IND 26b0 -1 36w0 34b0 -01521210,51,50
57Sidhanth Babbar0IND 27w1 18b½ 13w0 42w1 23b02,53111,5114,75
58Soham Vats0IND 28b1 17w1 6b0 26w0 30b132313,511,56,00
59Tamanna Verma0IND 29w0 32b0 27w1 38b1 31b½2,532109,52,75
60Vivek Pathak0IND 30b1 12w0 37b1 28w1 9b032114126,50
61Yejur Mangalam0IND 45w0 34b0 -1 37w0 43b01578,57,51,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable