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Last update 30.10.2021 18:49:04, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

8GMDamljanovic Branko900125SRB2504
1GMTadic Branko916412SRB2484
6IMSankalp Gupta5097010IND2446
4IMPetkov Momchil2921642BUL2441
2GMKosic Dragan900290MNE2436
5Bhambure Shantanu5025931IND2405
10IMMoksh Amit Doshi25064967IND2379
3Ritviz Parab5073367IND2296
7Kunal M.5018250IND2290
9WIMHarshita Guddanti25043250IND2180