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ASK mix 2021

Last update 09.10.2021 14:31:32, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Starting rank

1GMSavic Miodrag R920479SRB2433
2IMRamoutar Alan-Safar7704224TTO2400
3GMPikula Dejan906379SRB2378
4GMCabrilo Goran900249SRB2370
5FMGungl Theo24695653GER2370
6Raahul V S25035525IND2344
7GMMarkovic Miroslav901504SRB2336
8FMAcor Corey2024861USA2309
9IMSredojevic Ivan929310SRB2298
10IMBrkljaca Ante900567SRB2252
11GMPopchev Milko2900165BUL2222
12WFMGeller Anastasiya24119059RUS2199
13WIMHarshita Guddanti25043250IND2180
14AIMAayush Bhattacherjee35029070IND1956