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Open de Carrefour en Ligne-2021 Catégorie U20 Féminin

Last update 24.08.2021 21:16:55, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Starting rank

1Mathieu Sara Daphka11901110HAI1718Le Pion
2Seine Rose Berline11900547HAI1679
3Jean Francois Valencia11900768HAI1650GHA
4Paul Theophane11900776HAI1493
5Cadeau Merisena11900733HAI1439
6Dunat Kinberlie11900814HAI1398
7Adeus MitchadaHAI0
8Alexis Lourdina11901861HAI0
9Belgarde Roudena11900695HAI0
10Bernard Victoria11901560HAI0
11Debrosse SarahHAI0
12Ireus Nerline11901055HAI0
13Jeantus MiralndaHAI0
14Nicolas Kathiana11901780HAI0
15Pressoir MeganeHAI0
16Sylvestre KeroneHAI0