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The 100th Irish Championships 2021 Final weekender

Last update 22.08.2021 19:38:30, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Murray Benjamin1709IRL 45b1 23w1 8b½ 9w1 16b14,591413,5
2Ruchko Denis1976IRL 34b1 20w1 9b½ 14w½ 8b149,51512,5
3Kavanagh James1719IRL 40b½ 4w1 7b½ 25w1 13b14914,511
4Keenan Cathal0IRL 27w1 3b0 35w1 26b1 11w1481411
5Sheahan Ben1290IRL 49b1 26w½ 29w1 14b14811,511,5
6Ni Mhuireagain Eibhia1652IRL 22w0 33b1 36w1 15b1 12w147,512,510
7Hayden Luke1581IRL 18w1 11b½ 3w½ 24b½ 21w13,58,51510,5
8O'Neill Sam1889IRL 38w1 35b1 1w½ 21b1 2w03,58,514,512,5
9Moran Darragh1859IRL 43w1 36b1 2w½ 1b0 27w13,58,51411,5
10Gonnelly Mark1645IRL 41b1 16w1 12w½ 11b0 22w13,58,51311,5
11Gupta Utkarsh1868IRL 32b1 7w½ 25b½ 10w1 4b039,515,510,5
12Burke Kevin A.1883IRL 28b1 29w1 10b½ 13w½ 6b03915,511,5
13Liu Jason913IRL 17b1 21w½ 24w1 12b½ 3w038,51511
14Paronyan Vahe1784IRL 33w1 22b½ 42w1 2b½ 5w038,51411
15Liu Wenle1162IRL 24w½ 17b1 6w0 40b13813,58,5
16Kelly John C.1881IRL 37w1 10b0 34w1 32b1 1w037,51410
17Wang Zhengjn1630IRL 13w0 30b1 15w0 39b1 32w137,512,57
18Cooney Brendan1818IRL 7b0 37w1 28b½ 23w½ 33b13712,57,5
19McDonnell Odhran1715IRL 23b0 32w0 44b1 37w1 28b136,5106
20Farrelly Eoin1686IRL 47w1 2b0 32w0 43b1 34w1359,58
21Novak Vjekoslav1736CRO 30w1 13b½ 22w1 8w0 7b02,591510
22Ivanov Andrey1025IRL 6b1 14w½ 21b0 40w1 10b02,5914,59
23O'Hanlon Joe1507IRL 19w1 1b0 27w½ 18b½ 24w½2,58,515,58
24Mihaylova Aliona1655IRL 15b½ 46w1 13b0 7w½ 23b½2,58,5138
25Lievens Karel1512IRL 31b½ 50w1 11w½ 3b0 26w½2,5813,58,5
26Lynch Peter J.1661IRL 46b½ 40w1 5b½ 4w0 25b½2,58138,5
27O'Laoide Liam1626IRL 4b0 45w1 23b½ 41w1 9b02,57,5137,5
28Donohoe Eugene1608IRL 12w0 44b1 18w½ 42b1 19w02,57,511,57,5
29O'Cuilleanain Oisin1662IRL 44w1 12b0 43w1 5b0 30w½2,56,511,58,5
30Hackett William1530IRL 21b0 17w0 49b1 38w1 29b½2,56,5105,5
31Kenny William1719IRL 25w½ 42b0 39w½ 41b12,55,59,56
32Harrington Eoin1587IRL 11w0 19b1 20b1 16w0 17b029157
33Scott Shay1567IRL 14b0 6w0 45b1 35b1 18w02813,55
34Murray Sam1621IRL 2w0 47b1 16b0 36w1 20b02812,56
35Rrasa Elvan1665ITA 39b1 8w0 4b0 33w0 42w127,5136
36Fitzgerald Niall1549IRL 48w1 9w0 6b0 34b0 43w127,512,56
37Fitzgerald Martin1597IRL 16b0 18b0 47w1 19b0 46w12710,54
38Leavy Paul A.1609IRL 8b0 39w½ 30b0 44w+26,5114,5
39Paibir Atharva1428IRL 35w0 38b½ 31b½ 17w0 49b1269,54,5
40Whelan Niall P.1514IRL 3w½ 26b0 46w1 22b0 15w01,58135,5
41Sheahan Gavin980IRL 10w0 50b1 27b0 31w01,57125
42Wang Eric1473IRL 50b½ 31w1 14b0 28w0 35b01,5711,56,5
43Kirulis Edgars1586IRL 9b0 49w1 29b0 20w0 36b017,511,54
44Carolan James1339IRL 29b0 28w0 19w0 -1 38b-1710,52
45Brady Fearghal1463IRL 1w0 27b0 33w0 47b1 -016,511,52
46Bueckert Diana1305IRL 26w½ 24b0 40b0 49w½ 37b01693,5
47Fitzpatrick Kevin1463IRL 20b0 34w0 37b0 45w0 -115,58,51
48Jocius Donatas1775IRL 36b0 -0 -0 -00,56102
49Loughran John1660IRL 5w0 43b0 30w0 46b½ 39w00,55,510,51
50Moran Hugh1711IRL 42w½ 25b0 41w0 -0 -00,5592,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break