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Arab Elite Chess Championship 2011 25th Sep to 2nd Oct 2011

Dernière mise à jour 02.10.2011 12:39:53, Créateur: UAE Chess Federation,Dernière mise à jour: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 9

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1GMSalem A R Saleh2489UAE 11w1 8b1 10w1 2b0 6b1 5w1 3w1 4b1 7b1801949446
2GMAdly Ahmed2605EGY 4w1 6b½ 3w½ 1w1 7b1 11b1 9w1 5b½ 10w17,501918846
3GMAl-Modiahki Mohamad2564QAT 5b½ 4w½ 2b½ 7w½ 12b1 6w1 1b0 8w1 9b1601906748
4FMMohammad Samir2349SYR 2b0 3b½ 5w½ 14b1 10w½ 13w1 6b1 1w0 11b15,50,51919341
5FMNjili Kamel2329TUN 3w½ 11b0 4b½ 9w1 14b1 1b0 10w1 2w½ 12b15,50,51886642,5
6IMKhader Sami2416JOR 9w1 2w½ 7b½ 8b1 1w0 3b0 4w0 13b1 14w1501901641,5
7IMEid Fadi2381LBN 12w1 10b½ 6w½ 3b½ 2w0 9b0 13w1 11b1 1w04,501896642,5
8IMAl-Zendani Zendan2396YEM 14b1 1w0 9b1 6w0 11w½ 10b½ 12w½ 3b0 13w14,501845835,5
9Yaaqoub Rashid2102SUD 6b0 14w1 8w0 5b0 13b1 7w1 2b0 12w1 3w0401891838
10IMTissir Mohamed2454MAR 13b1 7w½ 1b0 12w½ 4b½ 8w½ 5b0 14w1 2b0401877640,5
11FMAyyad Husain2206BRN 1b0 5w1 12b½ 13w1 8b½ 2w0 14b½ 7w0 4w03,50,51877640,5
12Tamra Attallah2090PLE 7b0 13w1 11w½ 10b½ 3w0 14w1 8b½ 9b0 5w03,50,51856233,5
13Al-Hageri Badr2130KUW 10w0 12b0 14w1 11b0 9w0 4b0 7b0 6w0 8b0101840135
14Daouda Sabar Ousmane2097MTN 8w0 9b0 13b0 4w0 5w0 12b0 11w½ 10b0 6b00,501838236,5
15Elarbi Abobker2273LBA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000027

Départage 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Départage 2: Sum of the ratings of the opponents (whithout one result)
Départage 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)