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Last update 25.07.2021 23:48:26, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.7)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Ramirez Andrade Samuel Josue1658 13w1 27b1 16w1 6b1 7w1 5b½5,5052119
2Borges Oliveros Sebastian Francisco1629 23w1 8b1 7w0 17b1 16w1 6b150520,518
3Olmos Bustamante Brayan David1597 28w1 17b1 6w0 8b1 4b½ 7w14,50421,519,5
4Ubertin Gomez Katherin Rossmary1667 30w1 12b1 9w1 7b0 3w½ 11b14,5042119,5
5Rodriguez Contreras Gabriel Alejandro1640 15b1 11w½ 12b½ 24w1 18b1 1w½4,50321,519
6Briceno Salas Gabriel Anselmo1766 14b1 18w1 3b1 1w0 11b1 2w040424,521,5
7Osio Briceno Rogelio Armando1533 31b1 21w1 2b1 4w1 1b0 3b040423,522
8Patino Fernandez Richard Isaac1239 25b1 2w0 15b1 3w0 12b1 18w14042219,5
9Navas Lopez Leonardo Esteban1621 10b1 24w1 4b0 11w0 29b1 21w14041917
10Rivero Ochoa Alan Alexis1125 9w0 22b0 33w1 30b1 17w1 16b140414,514
11Lugo Vargas Juan Diego1223 22w1 5b½ 27w1 9b1 6w0 4w03,50321,519,5
12Guerrero Corniel Gabriela Alejandra1444 20b1 4w0 5w½ 25b1 8w0 22b13,5032118,5
13Sosa Sanz Isis1212 1b0 32w1 19b1 18w0 26b1 14w½3,5031817
14Leon De Canha Yasahev Isaac1213 6w0 30b0 22w1 34b+ 19b1 13b½3,50316,515
15Gil Vargas Samuel Moises1150 5w0 33b1 8w0 22b½ 28w1 23b13,5031615,5
16Gonzalez Viana Angel Yosuet1544 26w1 29b1 1b0 21w1 2b0 10w030321,519,5
17Parra Torres Frenyer Antonio1218 34b1 3w0 26b1 2w0 10b0 24w130320,518,5
18Leon Arciniegas Xian Neng1240 33w1 6b0 29w1 13b1 5w0 8b030318,518
19Caterine Visconti Ismael David1079 27w0 35b1 13w0 28b1 14w0 31b130313,512
20BLANCO GIL JEREMIAS GABRIEL0 12w0 28b0 23w0 33b1 27w1 29w130312,512
21Peinado Piamo Rafael Vicente1197 -1 7b0 31w1 16b0 25w1 9b030217,516
22LAHOUD ESTANGA JHON SANTIAGO0 11b0 10w1 14b0 15w½ 32b1 12w02,50218,517,5
23Leon De Canha Yassell Arianne1133 2b0 25w0 20b1 32w1 24b½ 15w02,50217,516,5
24Velasquez Font Majeiqueilin Valentina1216 35w1 9b0 30w1 5b0 23w½ 17b02,5021715,5
25ESCOBAR PIMENTEL ISAAC JOSUE0 8w0 23b1 28w1 12w0 21b0 26w½2,5021715
26Montoya Jimenez Urano Rigoberto1124 16b0 34w1 17w0 27b1 13w0 25b½2,5021614
27Pisani Revilla Andrea Elaine1249 19b1 1w0 11b0 26w0 20b0 32w120218,517,5
28Sotillo Moneguis Jhonaiker1202 3b0 20w1 25b0 19w0 15b0 33w12021716,5
29Ubertin Gomez Samuel Jesus1183 32b1 16w0 18b0 31w1 9w0 20b020215,514,5
30Herrera Rodriguez Doriant Alberto1068 4b0 14w1 24b0 10w0 31b0 -120116,515,5
31NARVAEZ ROALES ANDERSON WILIS0 7w0 -1 21b0 29b0 30w1 19w02011513,5
32Herrera Rodriguez Flavia Del Valle1030 29w0 13b0 35w1 23b0 22w0 27b01011412,5
33BRITO CORREA MOISES0 18b0 15w0 10b0 20w0 -1 28b01001615,5
34MARQUEZ PULIDO ADRIAN ALEJANDRO0 17w0 26b0 -1 14w- -0 -010014,513
35MONTESINO SOLORZANO DEINNIER GABRIEL0 24b0 19w0 32b0 -1 -0 -01001211

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)