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للأستعلام ك/تامر محمد رقم 01554163685
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Delta Blitz tournament

Last update 23.07.2021 23:04:46, Creator/Last Upload: Mohamed Shoieb

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMAmeir Moheb2362EGY 42b1 17w1 6b1 24w1 10b1 12w1 13b1 2w1 3b½8,50843
2IMSarwat Walaa2188EGY 40w1 30b1 24w0 18b1 39w1 37b1 27w1 1b0 14w170736,5
3Mahdy Tawfeik2051EGY 16b1 29w1 11b0 46w1 26b1 6w½ 37b1 10b1 1w½70639
4IMElgabry Mohsen2231EGY 43b1 23w0 19b½ 62w1 11b1 20w1 6b1 12w1 8b½70638,5
5Zayan Osama2092EGY 66b1 21w½ 18b½ 35w1 6b0 36b1 23w1 26w1 12b170637
6Ahmed Moustafa Elsayed1976EGY 64b1 32w1 1w0 34b1 5w1 3b½ 4w0 20b1 31w16,50640,5
7CMTamer Ahmed1918EGY 68b1 55w½ 21b1 20w0 9b1 19w1 8b0 37w1 13b16,50637,5
8IMEl Arousy Abdul Hameed2216EGY 11w0 64b1 36w0 61b1 45w1 33b1 7w1 27b1 4w½6,50635
9Khater Hamdy1917EGY 70w1 51b1 10w0 36b½ 7w0 38b1 19w1 28b1 22b16,50635
10Sayed Hany2157EGY 19b1 35w1 9b1 11w1 1w0 28b1 12b0 3w0 29b160641
11CMKhaled Yousef1746EGY 8b1 15w1 3w1 10b0 4w0 24b0 44w1 59b1 27w160639,5
12FMYousry Salah2345EGY 36w1 59b1 39w1 44b1 23w1 1b0 10w1 4b0 5w060638
13Allam Emad Hamdy2084EGY 48w1 33b1 44w0 30b1 25w1 23b1 1w0 24b1 7w060636
14Shehata Aly2084EGY 63b1 34w1 23b0 41w1 15b1 27w0 29b1 16w1 2b060635,5
15Morsy Elsayed1945EGY 58w1 11b0 66w1 45b1 14w0 43b1 25w0 33b1 24w+60633
16Ibrahim Ammar1497EGY 3w0 56b1 30w0 52b1 54w1 44b1 28w1 14b0 39w160632,5
17Essam Ibrahem Mohamed1905EGY 52w1 1b0 48w1 25b0 19b0 69w1 53b1 34w1 26b160632
18Saleh Abdel Rahman1884EGY 74w½ 61b1 5w½ 2w0 32b0 49b1 45w1 43b1 25w160532
19Shokry Yasser1708EGY 10w0 67b1 4w½ 55b1 17w1 7b0 9b0 57w1 38b15,50537
20Shoieb Mahmoud1922EGY 38w½ 62b1 55w1 7b1 37w0 4b0 36w1 6w0 41b15,50535
21Elabdiny Hamdy1829EGY 71w1 5b½ 7w0 38b1 36w0 54b1 22b0 40w1 37b15,50534
22Fahmy Ahmed2056EGY 62w½ 38b0 61w0 74b1 55w1 59b1 21w1 25b1 9w05,50529,5
23Abdel Rasool Shaker1882EGY 47b1 4b1 14w1 26w1 12b0 13w0 5b0 29w0 53b150539
24Abdel Fattah Mansour1926EGY 60b1 49w1 2b1 1b0 28w0 11w1 31b1 13w0 15b-50538,5
25Mecheil Kerlos1388EGY 27b1 26w0 57b1 17w1 13b0 35w1 15b1 22w0 18b050538
26FMTamer Mohamed1934EGY 73w1 25b1 31w1 23b0 3w0 40b1 30w1 5b0 17w050537,5
27Saiid Ibrahim2044EGY 25w0 58b1 43w1 33b1 44w1 14b1 2b0 8w0 11b050536,5
28Hussein Hany2030EGY 46b0 69w1 32b1 29w1 24b1 10w0 16b0 9w0 43b150535
29Ghareeb Mohamed Reda1783EGY 56w1 3b0 51w1 28b0 48w1 39b1 14w0 23b1 10w050534,5
30Abo Rayya Sameh1861EGY 65b1 2w0 16b1 13w0 63b1 32w1 26b0 31w0 46b150533,5
31Yousry Mohamed2213EGY 53b1 57w1 26b0 37w0 42b1 34w1 24w0 30b1 6b050533
32Magdy Maichel1684EGY 78b+ 6b0 28w0 70b1 18w1 30b0 33w0 61b1 45w150533
33Abdel Aziem Aly Yusef1820EGY 76b1 13w0 49b1 27w0 46b1 8w0 32b1 15w0 47b150532,5
34Khedr Mahmoud1787EGY 82b+ 14b0 47w1 6w0 65b1 31b0 50w1 17b0 56w150532
35Sadek Taha1843EGY 72w1 10b0 60w1 5b0 51w1 25b0 43w0 49b1 50w150529
36Hassan Moustafa Mohamed1768EGY 12b0 77w1 8b1 9w½ 21b1 5w0 20b0 38w0 57b14,50438
37Hafez Mohamed1892EGY 61w½ 74b1 38w1 31b1 20b1 2w0 3w0 7b0 21w04,50437,5
38Afify Amir0EGY 20b½ 22w1 37b0 21w0 62b1 9w0 63b1 36b1 19w04,50434
39Fatehy Hazem1942EGY 69b1 46w1 12b0 63w1 2b0 29w0 42b1 41w½ 16b04,50433
40Abdel Dayem Adel1715EGY 2b0 65w0 75b1 56w1 41b1 26w0 57b½ 21b0 58w14,50428,5
41Shiba S.Eldin Ahmed1795EGY 51w0 73b1 70w1 14b0 40w0 58b1 48w1 39b½ 20w04,50428,5
42Medhat Magdy1769EGY 1w0 70b0 74w1 73b1 31w0 52b1 39w0 58b½ 59w14,50426,5
43Erfan Ahmed1767EGY 4w0 52b1 27b0 47w1 57b1 15w0 35b1 18w0 28w040434,5
44Moatamid Yasser1910EGY 75b1 50w1 13b1 12w0 27b0 16w0 11b0 46w0 64b140433,5
45Tawfiek Maged1780EGY 50b- 75w1 50b1 15w0 8b0 47w1 18b0 69w1 32b040431,5
46Rezk Romany1378EGY 28w1 39b0 54w1 3b0 33w0 50b0 70w1 44b1 30w040431
47Hefny Ibrahem0EGY 23w0 53w1 34b0 43b0 66w1 45b0 54w1 48b1 33w040430
48George Dawod Hany1655EGY 13b0 76w1 17b0 50w1 29b0 67w1 41b0 47w0 68b140429
49Waheed Shawky Youssef1307EGY 79b+ 24b0 33w0 71b1 59w0 18w0 67b1 35w0 65b140429
50Sayed Mohamed Hassan0EGY 45w+ 44b0 45w0 48b0 70w1 46w1 34b0 63w1 35b040428
51Salama Mahmoud0EGY 41b1 9w0 29b0 64w1 35b0 63w0 68b1 53w0 72b140427,5
52Elhor Ahmed Ibrahim0EGY 17b0 43w0 53b1 16w0 64b1 42w0 69b0 75w1 66b140427,5
53Bauomy Magdy1726EGY 31w0 47b0 52w0 77b1 72w1 61b1 17w0 51b1 23w040427,5
54Alhawee Ahmed1832EGY 55b0 68w1 46b0 60w1 16b0 21w0 47b0 67w1 69b140426,5
55Elmekkway Emad0EGY 54w1 7b½ 20b0 19w0 22b0 65w1 66b0 62w½ 63b140329,5
56Sayed Darwesh Ahmed0EGY 29b0 16w0 -1 40b0 58w0 73b1 60w1 66w1 34b040326,5
57Ismail Hany1862EGY 67w1 31b0 25w0 58b1 43w0 60b1 40w½ 19b0 36w03,50329,5
58Abd Elrahman Haytham0EGY 15b0 27w0 67b1 57w0 56b1 41w0 65b1 42w½ 40b03,50328,5
59Helmy Abdel Razek Ahmed1901EGY 77b1 12w0 63b0 69w½ 49b1 22w0 62b1 11w0 42b03,50328,5
60Adel Tarek0EGY 24w0 79b+ 35b0 54b0 76w1 57w0 56b0 72w½ 73b13,50323,5
61Emad Fransis Fady0EGY 37b½ 18w0 22b1 8w0 69b½ 53w0 64b1 32w0 62b½3,50230,5
62Nabil Mouner Youssef1516EGY 22b½ 20w0 65b1 4b0 38w0 74w+ 59w0 55b½ 61w½3,50229,5
63Mohamed Ismail Mohamed1629EGY 14w0 71b1 59w1 39b0 30w0 51b1 38w0 50b0 55w030329
64Nabil Hamed1290EGY 6w0 8w0 77b1 51b0 52w0 71b1 61w0 70b1 44w030327
65Kalil Wael0EGY 30w0 40b1 62w0 66b1 34w0 55b0 58w0 73b1 49w030326
66El Nabawy Nabil1671EGY 5w0 72b1 15b0 65w0 47b0 77w1 55w1 56b0 52w030326
67Hosam Abd el Rahman0EGY 57b0 19w0 58w0 68b1 73w1 48b0 49w0 54b0 76w130323,5
68Ahmed Hassan Aly0EGY 7w0 54b0 71w0 67w0 75b1 72b1 51w0 76b1 48w030320,5
69Abdel Razik Hammam0EGY 39w0 28b0 72w1 59b½ 61w½ 17b0 52w1 45b0 54w030229
70Ahmed Ahmed Hamdy0EGY 9b0 42w1 41b0 32w0 50b0 76w1 46b0 64w0 -130226
71Mohamed Phared0EGY 21b0 63w0 68b1 49w0 74b0 64w0 73w0 -1 75b130219,5
72Kamal Mahmoud0EGY 35b0 66w0 69b0 75w1 53b0 68w0 -1 60b½ 51w02,50122
73Abdo Ahmed Fahmy0EGY 26b0 41w0 76b1 42w0 67b0 56w0 71b1 65w0 60w020224
74Hassan Sherif Ahmed0EGY 18b½ 37w0 42b0 22w0 71w1 62b- -0 -0 -01,50127,5
75Ashraf Hafsa0EGY 44w0 45b0 40w0 72b0 68w0 -1 76b½ 52b0 71w01,50021,5
76Tharwat Youssef0EGY 33w0 48b0 73w0 -1 60b0 70b0 75w½ 68w0 67b01,50020
77Elsobky Emad0EGY 59w0 36b0 64w0 53w0 -1 66b0 -0 -0 -010021
78Elsersawy Khaled2099EGY 32w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000021
Hosny Hosam2008EGY 49w- 60w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000021
Shabaan Osama M1885EGY 81b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000021
Farag Ahmed0EGY 80w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000021
Saleh Gergis0EGY 34w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000021

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)