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1st Cattolica Summer Open GM Mix (> 2100 ELO)

Sidst opdateret 26.05.2021 12:46:53, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: marcobelemmi

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Start rangering krydstabel

Nr.NavnRatFED1 rd.2 rd.3 rd.4 rd.5 rd.6 rd.7 rd.8 rd.9 rd.Pts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMBernadskiy Vitaliy2587UKR 11b1 6w1 10b1 4w½ 2b½ 3w1 19w1 -0 13b1714944,52347
2GMKadric Denis2584BIH 12w1 5b1 3w½ 6b½ 1w½ 13b1 4b½ 10w1 -06248,5452386
3GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2557DEN 13b1 8w1 2b½ 10w1 4b½ 1b0 11w½ 6w½ 5b0565045,52382
4GMBasso Pier Luigi2538ITA 16w1 9b1 14w1 1b½ 3w½ 5b1 2w½ -0 -05,534744,52384
5FMSorensen Hampus2395SWE 17b1 2w0 22b1 8w1 11b½ 4w0 10b½ 7w½ 3w15,5444422318
6FMPalozza Christian2305ITA 18w1 1b0 9w1 2w½ 19b½ 11w0 7b1 3b½ 8w04,51047,543,52334
7FMFischer Daniel2302SUI 19b½ 10w0 13b0 18w1 21b1 8w1 6w0 5b½ 12w1574036,52205
8FMLe Goff Damien2294FRA 20w1 3b0 12w½ 5b0 14w1 7b0 21w½ 22b1 6b15836,534,52219
9FMDeuer Marius2283GER 21b1 4w0 6b0 19w0 16b1 12w1 20b0 -03,5183835,52187
10WIMMuetsch Annmarie2271GER 22w1 7b1 1w0 3b0 12w1 19b½ 5w½ 2b0 21w-41344,542,52337
11WGMHeinemann Josefine2266GER 1w0 18b1 16w½ 14b1 5w½ 6b1 3b½ 13w½ 20w½5,5541,5392269
12IMVezzosi Paolo2242ITA 2b0 17w1 8b½ 13w½ 10b0 20w½ 9b0 15w1 7b03,51741,538,52243
13Rasti Arvin2195SWE 3w0 20b½ 7w1 12b½ 22w1 2w0 17b1 11b½ 1w04,51144422291
14Lohvinov Petro2161UKR 19w1 4b0 11w0 8b0 21w½ 20b0 16b½ 18w02,51941,5392174
15Ermitsch Michael2145GER -0 -0 17b0 20b0 -1 22w1 18w0 12b0 16w½2,52233312085
16WFMNilssen Ellen Fredericia2121DEN 4b0 21w½ 11b½ 17w½ 18b0 9w0 22b0 14w½ 15b½2,52135,533,52169
17Hagner Bennet2084GER 5w0 12b0 15w1 16b½ 20w½ 18b½ 13w0 21b½ 22w141534322130
18Costa Leonardo2069GER 6b0 11w0 21b½ 7b0 16w1 17w½ 15b1 19w½ 14b14,5123532,52162
19Toman Jan2062CZE 7w½ 14b0 20w1 9b1 6w½ 10w½ 1b0 18b½ -041442,5402251
20Ermitsch Magnus2032GER 8b0 13w½ 19b0 15w1 17b½ 12b½ 14w1 9w1 11b½5936,5342192
21Ohler Julius2010GER 9w0 16b½ 18w½ 22b½ 7w0 14b½ 8b½ 17w½ 10b+41632,530,52160
22Nineuil Vincent1963FRA 10b0 -1 5w0 21w½ 13b0 15b0 16w1 8w0 17b02,5203633,52189

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)