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GEO Online G-8 Ch 2021. საბოლოო შედეგები

Last update 29.04.2021 21:48:30, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Amirajibi Nutsa0GEO 12w0 20b0 14w1 17b0 2w1 6b1 16w1 4w0 21b158037,540,545
2Artmeladze Elene0GEO 13b0 15w0 18b1 7w½ 1b0 5w1 12b1 11w0 22b14,512030,53154
3Bakhtadze Nia0GEO 14w1 12b1 10w0 13b1 4w0 15b0 21b1 20w0 11b156041,54555
4Basiladze Anastasia0GEO 15b1 11w1 16b1 20w½ 3b1 10w0 8w0 1b1 19w05,55047,550,545
5Basilaia Marta0GEO 16w0 18b1 13w0 19b0 14w0 2b0 22w1 7w0 6b1320032,53343
6Beltadze Ana0GEO 17b0 19w0 22b1 11w0 7b1 1w0 18b1 21w0 5w0319034,53543
7Beltadze Mariam0GEO 18w1 16b0 15w0 2b½ 6w0 22b1 17w0 5b1 12w03,517029,53043
8Buadze Emili0GEO 19b1 13w1 20b0 10b0 17w1 11w1 4b1 15b1 9w173145,549,557
9Chagelishvili Nino0GEO 20w0 22b1 17w1 15b0 21w1 13w1 10b0 14b½ 8b04,51004444,554
10Chiokadze Barbare0GEO 21b1 17w1 3b1 8w1 20b½ 4b1 9w1 19b0 15w17,520,5465057
11Dograshvili Marta0GEO 22w1 4b0 19w0 6b1 15w1 8b0 14w0 2b1 3w041304141,544
12Ediberidze Alexandra0GEO 1b1 3w0 21b1 16w0 13b0 18w0 2w0 22b½ 7b13,51613232,553
13Gegia Tamar0GEO 2w1 8b0 5b1 3w0 12w1 9b0 19w0 16b1 17w0414039,542,544
14Giorgadze Mariam0GEO 3b0 21w0 1b0 22w1 5b1 16w1 11b1 9w½ 20b04,51103636,554
15Giorgidze Nino0GEO 4w0 2b1 7b1 9w1 11b0 3w1 20b½ 8w0 10b04,59045,54954
16Giorgobiani Lili0GEO 5b1 7w1 4w0 12b1 19w0 14b0 1b0 13w0 18b03180363953
17Jaliashvili Ketevan0GEO 6w1 10b0 9b0 1w1 8b0 21w0 7b1 18w1 13b157038,541,555
18Kukulava Nini0GEO 7b0 5w0 2w0 21b0 22w1 12b1 6w0 17b0 16w1321029,53043
19Rekhviashvili Mariam0GEO 8w0 6b1 11b1 5w1 16b1 20w0 13b1 10w1 4b174041,544,557
20Shonia Barbare0GEO 9b1 1w1 8w1 4b½ 10w½ 19b1 15w½ 3b1 14w17,510,54650,546
21Sichinava Barbare0GEO 10w0 14b1 12w0 18w1 9b0 17b1 3w0 6b1 1w04150384144
22Tsikridze Sesili0GEO 11b0 9w0 6w0 14b0 18b0 7w0 5b0 12w½ 2w00,522030,533,540

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Most black
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)