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L Social del Tres Peons (257831)

Darrera actualització05.07.2021 17:53:43, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Ventura Bolet Maxim 28b1 16w1 13b1 2w1 4b1 8w1 14b1 -073834,535
2FMCastillo Dalmau Albert 11w1 23b1 19w1 1b0 6w1 5b1 4b- 4b1640,53729
3Daguro Dasalla Armando 46b1 29w1 14b½ 4w½ 21b½ 10w½ 8b1 15w1634,53227
4Vargas Drechsler Carlos 55b+ 6b1 33w1 3b½ 1w0 21b1 2w+ 2w05,5454128,5
5Ventura Bolet Alexandre 47b1 -0 25w1 51b+ 14b1 2w0 13b1 7w½5,5393625,5
6Campins Barberia Jon 38b1 4w0 36b1 13w1 2b0 16w½ 29b1 14w+5,534,531,523,5
7Pla Almenar Nel 35w1 -0 -0 43b1 18w1 15b1 19w1 5b½5,5312922,5
8Trenchs Lopez Christian 54b1 21w0 24b1 16w1 19w1 1b0 3w0 32b1536,53624
9Solsona Olive Xavier 57b1 22w½ 17b½ 29w1 15b½ 14w0 30b1 13w½532,529,524
10Uber Gracia Hugo 40w1 18b0 28w½ 32b1 45w1 3b½ 17w1 -05322923,5
11Esteban Tudela Oriol 2b0 20w- 53w1 44b1 23w1 13w0 37b1 22w1530,528,518
12Ibanez Camara Oscar 36w0 58b1 44w1 19b0 17w0 43b1 20w1 21b1526,524,519
13Madrid Sole Antonio 39w1 25b1 1w0 6b0 35w1 11b1 5w0 9b½4,539,536,522,5
14Costa Trave Jaume 43b1 31w1 3w½ 22b1 5w0 9b1 1w0 6b-4,538,536,526
15Galceran Porqueras Joan 49b1 -0 52w1 39b1 9w½ 7w0 16b+ 3b04,534,532,523
16Donas Perez Emilio 58w1 1b0 35w1 8b0 39w1 6b½ 15w- 29w14,53431,520,5
17Carrey Abellan Enric 41w½ 36b1 9w½ -0 12b1 29w½ 10b0 31w14,533,530,520,5
18Cabello Sierra Victor 24b1 10w1 22b0 21w0 7b0 51w+ 27w0 40w+43935,519
19Escribano Rodriguez Pedro 45b1 26w1 2b0 12w1 8b0 20w1 7b0 -0436,53423
20Schenkel Alberto 23w0 11b+ 29b0 26w1 51b+ 19b0 12b0 41w+4353217
21Martin Valentin Francisco 30w1 8b1 -0 18b1 3w½ 4w0 22b½ 12w0434,531,523
22Perez Roses Sergi 52w+ 9b½ 18w1 14w0 -0 34b1 21w½ 11b04343121,5
23Navarro Fornos Pere Josep 20b1 2w0 45b0 48w1 11b0 41w+ 26w0 30w1431,52917
24Torrent Diaz Carlos 18w0 41b1 8w0 35b0 32w1 39b1 25b1 -0431,528,516
25Garcia Miralles Eduard 44b1 13w0 5b0 36w1 -0 40b1 24w0 39w1430,52817
26Asensio Ruiz De Alda Javier 53w1 19b0 51w0 20b0 50b+ 48w1 23b1 -0428,526,517
27Fuentes Barrientos Carlos -0 43w1 -0 52b0 49w1 28b1 18b1 -0425,523,516
28Paez Nunez David 1w0 59b+ 10b½ 30w0 31b1 27w0 38b1 -03,5363316
29Ventura Fontanet Jaume 59b+ 3b0 20w1 9b0 52w1 17b½ 6w0 16b03,535,53319,5
30Paul Pardinas Jose Maria 21b0 34w½ 41w+ 28b1 33w0 45b1 9w0 23b03,5333017,5
31Langstrom Sammy 42w1 14b0 32w½ 37b0 28w0 52b1 34w1 17b03,531,529,516
32Molina Sanchez Ruben -0 49w1 31b½ 10w0 24b0 53w1 45b1 8w03,529,527,515
33Ortiz Padro Pol 48b1 50w1 4b0 45w½ 30b1 -0 -0 -03,529,52721,5
34Aparicio Escudero Hector F. 50w0 30b½ -0 46w1 47b1 22w0 31b0 36w13,527,52513,5
35Akiyama Daigo 7b0 38w1 16b0 24w1 13b0 37w0 48b1 -033532,514
36Perez Vidal Ian 12b1 17w0 6w0 25b0 41b0 54w1 43w1 34b0330,53013
37Abreu Sanchez Leonel Jesus -0 -0 49b1 31w1 -0 35b1 11w0 -0330,528,514
38Perez Llaurado Adria 6w0 35b0 40b1 41w½ -0 46b+ 28w0 47b½329,52712
39Gutierrez Aguilar David 13b0 54w1 46b1 15w0 16b0 24w0 52w1 25b032928,515
40Usobiaga Ferrer Enrique 10b0 -0 38w0 53b1 44w+ 25w0 47w1 18b-327,525,511
41Flores Audante Edgar Jairo Jesus 17b½ 24w0 30b- 38b½ 36w1 23b- 49w1 20b-326,524,512,5
42Orts Gonzalez Rafael 31b0 45w0 48b0 -1 43w0 49b0 54b1 52w+320,5208
43Riera Alentorn Jordi 14w0 27b0 59w+ 7w0 42b1 12w0 36b0 48w½2,533,531,510,5
44Morales Gesti Jose Narciso 25w0 57w+ 12b0 11w0 40b- -0 53b½ -12,532309
45Hernandez Botey Albert 19w0 42b1 23w1 33b½ 10b0 30w0 32w0 -02,531,529,515,5
46Castillo Rosa Jose Luis 3w0 53b½ 39w0 34b0 -1 38w- 50b0 54w12,52726,58,5
47Gomez De Argila Lluis 5w0 52b0 58w1 54b1 34w0 -0 40b0 38w½2,52625,511,5
48Soriano Rafel Xavier 33w0 51b0 42w1 23b0 54w1 26b0 35w0 43b½2,525,52510,5
49Cervera Alemany Serafi 15w0 32b0 37w0 58b+ 27b0 42w1 41b0 -0232308
50Morales Rubiella Albert 34b1 33b0 -0 -0 26w- -0 46w1 -0231,52910
51Prohens Lopez Aitor -0 48w1 26b1 5w- 20w- 18b- -0 -0229,52713
52Alvarez Jorge Tome 22b- 47w1 15b0 27w1 29b0 31w0 39b0 42b-228,526,512
53Villa Peiro Joan 26b0 46w½ 11b0 40w0 58b+ 32b0 44w½ -0228,5268,5
54Hurtado Farre Ildefons 8w0 39b0 -1 47w0 48b0 36b0 42w0 46b0125236
55Calvo Gonzalo Roberto 4w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032,528,50
56Molina Tabernero Jordi -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032280
57Garcia Garcia Eric 9w0 44b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0031,5290
58Joya Abadal Eduard 16b0 12w0 47b0 49w- 53w- -0 -0 -0029270
59Pedrido Venero Adrian 29w- 28w- 43b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0028,526,50

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break