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Final Campeonato Nacional Individual 2020

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony29.03.2021 17:38:33, Creator: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 49),Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

12Pereira Sergio1908316POR2001Torre D`Avenida
7Espirito Santo Waldyr16900049STP1914Vila Maria
4CMLima Osvaldo Dos Santos14306352STP1847Torre D`Avenida
8Nascimento Admilton De Ceita Dos Santos16900120STP1817CLUXA-STP
10Rita Jose16900057STP1642Torre D`Avenida
1Alegre Fabio Costa16900219STP1576Invictus
3Borges Aderito Bonfim16900138STP1555Torre D`Avenida
11Neto Euclides16900316STP1532Montalegre
5Viegas Edmilson16900332STP1528Invictus
9Neves Carlos Delgado das16900294STP1468CLUXA-STP
6Pontes Alberto16900324STP1431Montalegre
2Cravid Joao Paulo Gomes16900308STP1421Invictus