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Championnat des Hauts-de-Seine 2021 - U10

Dernière mise à jour 21.03.2021 20:57:45, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: IA Laurent FREYD

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 7

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1Dang Louis1443 65w1 24b1 12w1 5b1 3w1 2b0 9w1631,534,51391
2Petrichenko Maxim799 37w1 8b1 15w1 43b1 4w1 1w1 3b0630,533,51416
3Zhang Frank1216 68b1 55w1 40b1 6w1 1b0 8w1 2w162828,51295
4Jasmin Lysandre1358 58b1 14w1 11b1 7w1 2b0 6w½ 17b15,531,533,51243
5Choteau Gurvann1145 29b1 21w1 27b1 1w0 20b1 10w1 7b½5,528,532,51226
6Tu Mathias1058 33w1 39b1 23w1 3b0 19w1 4b½ 15w15,527,530,51206
7Libourel Leo1120 9w1 32b1 19w1 4b0 39w1 23b1 5w½5,527,530,51158
8Selvi Yanis1050 16b1 2w0 53b1 32w1 22b1 3b0 21w1527,5301017
9Corral Nehama Leo799 7b0 45w1 25b1 34w1 26b1 20w1 1b0527301302
10Tanguy Lucas799 44w1 42b1 13w1 20w0 12b1 5b0 24w1526,529,51203
11Pop Thomas1030 28w1 18b1 4w0 19b0 59w1 41b1 23w1525271037
12Maisonhaute Elena1022 61b1 22w1 1b0 41w1 10w0 39b1 19w1524,5261046
13Wanschoor Elias1130 52b1 40w0 10b0 58w1 29b1 44w1 31b152224957
14Thum Antonin950 60w1 4b0 59w1 39b0 57w1 22b1 20b152021,51094
15Hamdi Anais1059 66b1 41w1 2b0 27w1 16b½ 26w1 6b04,52729975
16Larue Aksel799 8w0 67w1 30b1 42b1 15w½ 17b0 33w14,524,525,51072
17Silva Roux Benjamin1010 57b1 54w1 20b0 18w½ 35b1 16w1 4w04,52425,51040
18Spinu Daniel799 67b1 11w0 64w1 17b½ 25b0 35w1 36b14,521,522,51049
19Lazignac -Aslanyan Anton799 30b1 26w1 7b0 11w1 6b0 25w1 12b0429331126
20Mahe-Pichou Pauline1210 48w1 64b1 17w1 10b1 5w0 9b0 14w042829,5968
21Balian Aram799 25b1 5b0 34w0 45w1 46b1 30w1 8b0425281116
22Wathtuhewage Shen799 50w+ 12b0 50w1 37b1 8w0 14w0 44b142528927
23Viossat Emrys799 31b1 63w1 6b0 54w1 44b1 7w0 11b042527994
24Du Roscoat Vadim990 46b1 1w0 41b0 53w1 28b1 32w1 10b0424,527933
25Dincov Christian1220 21w0 36b1 9w0 48b1 18w1 19b0 40w1423,526,5881
26Menager Steven1061 53w1 19b0 33w1 40b1 9w0 15b0 41w142325,5886
27Costinasiu Andrei799 43w1 47b1 5w0 15b0 42w0 60b1 49w1422241082
28Levy Matheo799 11b0 31w1 42w0 64b1 24w0 43b1 47w142223,51039
29Beurlet Noe799 5w0 62b1 43w0 47b1 13w0 59b1 42w1421,523,51062
30Merot Robin1040 19w0 69b1 16w0 52b1 40w1 21b0 39w1421,522849
31Tebiz Eissa800 23w0 28b0 66w1 38b1 60w1 42b1 13w042123929
32Gazel Hugo799 45b1 7w0 47w1 8b0 43w1 24b0 37w½3,524271054
33Kasperczyk Eugene799 6b0 51w1 26b0 63w1 34b½ 45w1 16b03,523,525,51005
34Cuny Cesar1130 40w0 35w1 21b1 9b0 33w½ 36b0 56w13,52224,5813
35Simon Pierre-Marie799 36w½ 34b0 49w1 65b1 17w0 18b0 55b13,521,524935
36Rayko Pauline900 35b½ 25w0 45b0 62b1 65w+ 34w1 18w03,52123918
37Nguyen Nam Phong940 2b0 66w1 46b1 22w0 41b0 62w1 32b½3,52123799
38Soufflet Simon799 64w0 -1 44b0 31w0 67b1 52b½ 53w13,516,517,5758
39Sloma Krystian799 51b1 6w0 55b1 14w1 7b0 12w0 30b032830,5947
40Blondel Yanis799 34b1 13b1 3w0 26w0 30b0 46w1 25b0326,529,51030
41Marie Francoise Tori799 49b1 15b0 24w1 12b0 37w1 11w0 26b032629966
42Haioun Julien1030 56b1 10w0 28b1 16w0 27b1 31w0 29b0325,528749
43Aberlenc Raphael1100 27b0 52w1 29b1 2w0 32b0 28w0 61b1324,526749
44Leroy Adam800 10b0 56w1 38w1 60b1 23w0 13b0 22w032325796
45Lairy Gregoire1100 32w0 9b0 36w1 21b0 48w1 33b0 59w132224763
46Moura Antonin799 24w0 48b1 37w0 50b1 21w0 40b0 64w132122,5810
47Bougra Maria1080 69b1 27w0 32b0 29w0 54b1 61w1 28b031919,5749
48Beneddine Linda Jasmine799 20b0 46w0 61b1 25w0 45b0 67w1 62b1317,518,5906
49Dorey Felix1010 41w0 53b0 35b0 69w1 58b1 57w1 27b0316,517749
50Waller Mathis800 22b- 61w1 22b0 46w0 62b0 58w1 57b131617,5799
51Benmouloud Maya890 39w0 33b0 52w0 66b1 61w0 69b1 60w131515,5749
52Cheng Jules799 13w0 43b0 51b1 30w0 63b1 38w½ -02,521,523,5936
53Gonthier-Donnio Marin799 26b0 49w1 8w0 24b0 64w½ 63b1 38b02,52122,5869
54Yatim Paul799 -1 17b0 65w½ 23b0 47w0 56b0 68w12,52020,5688
55Dermoum Lina900 62w1 3b0 39w0 57b0 56w½ 64b1 35w02,518,520770
56Le Galiard Domitille799 42w0 44b0 58b0 68w1 55b½ 54w1 34b02,51616,5792
57Messaoudi Adam799 17w0 65b0 -1 55w1 14b0 49b0 50w0221,523,5639
58Auschitzky Max799 4w0 59b0 56w1 13b0 49w0 50b0 69w1221,522776
59Moraru Christian799 63b0 58w1 14b0 67w1 11b0 29w0 45b022122767
60Nouveau Bellon Hugo799 14b0 68w1 63b1 44w0 31b0 27w0 51b022121,5705
61Lussiana Marius799 12w0 50b0 48w0 -1 51b1 47b0 43w0220,522676
62Saadouni Nassim799 55b0 29w0 68b1 36w0 50w1 37b0 48w0219,520690
63Tissot Gabriel1000 59w1 23b0 60w0 33b0 52w0 53w0 67b121718641
64Sy Jules Souleymane890 38b1 20w0 18b0 28w0 53b½ 55w0 46b01,52123,5642
65Allou Sami799 1b0 57w1 54b½ 35w0 36b- -0 -01,520,522812
66Igourarene Nassim799 15w0 37b0 31b0 51w0 68b1 -0 -0119,520658
67Korichi Nelya800 18w0 16b0 69w1 59b0 38w0 48b0 63w011919,5519
68Benchico Wassim799 3w0 60b0 62w0 56b0 66w0 -1 54b0116,51766
69Gomez Aydan799 47w0 30w0 67b0 49b0 -1 51w0 58b011617137

Départage 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Départage 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Départage 3: Performance (variable with parameter)