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Championnat des Hauts-de-Seine 2021 - U12

Dernière mise à jour 21.03.2021 20:57:37, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: IA Laurent FREYD

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 7

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1Nicolas Quentin999 53b1 18w1 20b1 31b1 4w½ 5w1 2b16,528,530,51662
2Rayko Alexis1151 32b1 49w1 17b1 19w1 7b1 4w1 1w0628,5301407
3Horenfeld Melvil1210 59w1 13b1 9w1 4b0 33w1 8b1 7w1628291362
4Oriol Leone1310 33b1 12w1 6b1 3w1 1b½ 2b0 15w15,533361360
5Arzur Maia1427 14w½ 10b1 54w1 17b1 19w1 1b0 12w15,528,530,51443
6Loyer Kaito1180 56w1 50b1 4w0 34b1 9w1 12b½ 21w15,52425,51335
7Selvi Akyes900 23w1 22b1 14w1 21b1 2w0 18w1 3b0528,532,51309
8Hu Axel1117 9w0 26b1 13w1 35b1 20b1 3w0 17b1527,530,51269
9Viossat Elwan999 8b1 40w1 3b0 52w1 6b0 48w1 18b152628,51301
10Lambert Maxime1410 36b½ 5w0 27b1 37w1 11b1 31w½ 28b152527,51306
11Sauer Mathis1058 44w1 54b1 21w0 22b1 10w0 34b1 19w1523251355
12Uhrimov Maxime1090 47w1 4b0 55w1 38b1 21w1 6w½ 5b04,526281280
13Souiller-Fedorenkov Alexandre1006 15b1 3w0 8b0 49w1 52b1 20w1 22b½4,52627,51236
14Moudres Sofia1052 5b½ 36w1 7b0 45w1 15b0 40w1 31b14,524,527,51280
15Renault Antoine1240 13w0 59b1 37b½ 48w1 14w1 16b1 4b04,524251180
16Dang Hugo1110 58b1 17w0 48b½ 36w1 38b1 15w0 32b14,520,521,51207
17Guitard Alexandre1295 25w1 16b1 2w0 5w0 23b1 35b1 8w0429321183
18Khalfoune Anis1174 26w1 1b0 23w1 24b1 31w1 7b0 9w0428,5321095
19Palmas Adriana1380 27w1 29b1 38w1 2b0 5b0 24w1 11b0428,531,51204
20Hamdi Firas1250 35w1 34b1 1w0 28b1 8w0 13b0 36w1426291109
21Taoufiki Yassine1230 63b1 51w1 11b1 7w0 12b0 33w1 6b0425271088
22Henadci Ilyan1170 57b1 7w0 46b1 11w0 25b1 32w½ 13w½425271053
23El Dos Adam1070 7b0 32w1 18b0 30w1 17w0 41b1 42w1423,526,51085
24Eissa Yacine1080 41b0 57w1 49b1 18w0 44b1 19b0 35w141920,51069
25Yakouben Badis1036 17b0 58w1 40b0 41w1 22w0 54b1 34w1419201175
26Cheng Maxime999 18b0 8w0 58b1 53w0 45b1 52w1 37w1419201164
27Fesneau Thomas1050 19b0 48w0 10w0 61b1 50b1 49w1 38b1417,5181160
28Plasse Jonah1110 55w0 61b1 50w1 20w0 51b1 42b1 10w0417,5181139
29Husson Marianne1130 48b1 19w0 51b0 50w1 32b0 55w1 33b141718,51106
30Decaure-Gonzales Rodrigue960 34w0 35b0 61w1 23b0 60b1 53w1 48b1415,5161100
31Herard Come1268 46b1 37w1 52b1 1w0 18b0 10b½ 14w03,525,5281125
32Kedadouche Boularas Noam999 2w0 23b0 56w1 54b1 29w1 22b½ 16w03,524,526,51124
33Berger Pablo1043 4w0 42b1 45w1 40w1 3b0 21b0 29w0325,528,51127
34Zerhouni Mohamed-Jad1110 30b1 20w0 41b1 6w0 55b1 11w0 25b0325,527,51003
35Gouram Noah1020 20b0 30w1 53b1 8w0 40b1 17w0 24b0324261093
36Bassouamina Isaia1050 10w½ 14b0 59w1 16b0 37b½ 44w1 20b0323,524,51054
37Dabilly Milo1070 62w+ 31b0 15w½ 10b0 36w½ 51w1 26b0323251036
38Poncet Colas1180 43b1 41w1 19b0 12w0 16w0 56b1 27w0323251028
39Medjoubi Sofiane1146 50b- 43w1 60b1 51w1 -0 -0 -0322,523,51806
40Kairo Mathis1170 61w1 9b0 25w1 33b0 35w0 14b0 56w1321,522971
41Arab Lena920 24w1 38b0 34w0 25b0 43b1 23w0 51b1321231018
42Mauro Lilouan999 52b0 33w0 63b1 46w1 53b1 28w0 23b0318,520,51025
43Chaillou Breiz999 38w0 39b0 47w1 44b0 41w0 50b1 54w1318,520989
44Lemaire Gabriel840 11b0 60w0 57b1 43w1 24w0 36b0 59w131819979
45Guiraud Clement1190 51b0 63w1 33b0 14b0 26w0 57w1 55b1317,519,5959
46Descombes Maelle1020 31w0 47b1 22w0 42b0 48b0 58w1 49b131718972
47Depauw Emma950 12b0 46w0 43b0 63w+ 56w0 60w1 53b131617918
48Porter Noam999 29w0 27b1 16w½ 15b0 46w1 9b0 30w02,52629971
49Grynbaum Jonas800 -1 2b0 24w0 13b0 61w1 27b0 46w0224,525778
50Messamah Wael999 39w+ 6w0 28b0 29b0 27w0 43w0 60b1223,524,5809
51Castanier Paul999 45w1 21b0 29w1 39b0 28w0 37b0 41w022325,5956
52Strabach Damien1150 42w1 55b1 31w0 9b0 13w0 26b0 -022325915
53Amrouz Yanis1130 1w0 56b1 35w0 26b1 42w0 30b0 47w022325831
54Maier Noah1240 60b1 11w0 5b0 32w0 57b1 25w0 43b022324919
55Tai Nahil970 28b1 52w0 12b0 60w1 34w0 29b0 45w022122956
56Cercel Daniel999 6b0 53w0 32b0 58w1 47b1 38w0 40b0219,520,5925
57Dapoigny Henri999 22w0 24b0 44w0 59b1 54w0 45b0 58w121718912
58Taguemount Amine970 16w0 25b0 26w0 56b0 59w1 46b0 57b0119,520,5714
59Callico Noe999 3b0 15w0 36b0 57w0 58b0 61w1 44b0119,520735
60Waterlot Martin1020 54w0 44b1 39w0 55b0 30w0 47b0 50w0118,520706
61Gazel Manon999 40b0 28w0 30b0 27w0 49b0 59b0 -1117,517,5215
62Lungela Silu Mael910 37b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,517,50
63Akbaraly Issak999 21w0 45b0 42w0 47b- -0 -0 -001617340

Départage 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Départage 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Départage 3: Performance (variable With parameter)