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Latvijas 2021. gada 1/2 fināls -U-10

Last update 19.03.2021 14:15:13, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IIGaidis Edvards1091LAT 10w1 2b0 18w1 6b0 31w1 9b1 5b1 11w1 12b17346,5501220
2IAndrusevics Jegors0LAT 41b1 1w1 29b1 12b0 46w1 4w1 11b1 23w0 8b17147491230
3IIAizstrauts Ernests0LAT 35w1 40b0 44w1 11w0 9b0 27b1 15w0 31b- -03373942,5950
4IIDabols Janis Marks0LAT 5b1 32w1 23b1 24w1 12w0 2b0 20w1 6b½ 7w16,5645,5501166
5IIDiners Kirils0LAT 4w0 27b1 10w1 23w0 29b1 28b1 1w0 15b0 40w½4,52146,5501010
6IIFridmans Boriss0LAT 8w0 31b1 39b1 1w1 24b1 7b1 12w0 4w½ 11b05,51046,5481090
7IIGorohovs Aleksandrs0LAT 30w1 8b½ 13w1 25b1 11b0 6w0 10b1 24w1 4b05,51144,548,51080
8IIKalinin Oleg0LAT 6b1 7w½ 11b0 14w1 17w1 32b1 23b1 12w1 2w06,5447,5521166
9IIKantans Ansis0LAT 17w0 42b1 28w0 27b1 3w1 1w0 43b1 20b1 15w16841441135
10IIKarpovs Toms0LAT 1b0 19w1 5b0 26w1 40w1 17b½ 7w0 25w1 44b15,51538401090
11IILahs Edvards0LAT 27w1 21b½ 8w1 3b1 7w1 12b½ 2w0 1b0 6w16748521135
12IILahs Ricards0LAT 38b1 20w1 43b1 2w1 4b1 11w½ 6b1 8b0 1w06,5547511176
13IILusts Ricards Martins0LAT 26w1 14w1 7b0 46b0 30w1 18w0 17b0 27b0 42w14293840957
14IIIApinis Madars Andrejs0LAT 46w1 13b0 37w½ 8b0 22w1 25b1 32w0 38w1 17b04,52336,5401000
15IIIBeloborodovs Eldars0LAT 44b1 43w0 46b0 37w1 18b0 39w1 3b1 5w1 9b051835,5371043
16IIIGauja Hugo Georgs0LAT 25w½ 28b0 22w0 33b½ 35w½ 41b0 34b1 29w0 45b+3,5363032859
17IIIljins Kirils0LAT 9b1 23w0 32b½ 21w1 8b0 10w½ 13w1 18b½ 14w15,51244,548,51080
18IIILescenko Maksims0LAT 23b0 41w1 1b0 39w1 15w1 13b1 21w0 17w½ 32b15,5144041,51090
19IIIRodionovs Kirils0LAT 21w0 10b0 31w0 35w0 -1 33b0 45b0 37w1 39b13403132,5807
20IIISceglovs Andrejs0LAT 36w+ 12b0 33w1 40b1 43b1 23w0 4b0 9w0 38b151643471000
21IIIStakanovs Serafims0LAT 19b1 11w½ 25w0 17b0 37b+ 40w1 18b1 32w1 23b05,5134143,51043
22IIIVitums Jaunzems Gusts0LAT 33b½ 29w0 16b1 32w0 14b0 35b0 41w1 45w1 27b03,5353234920
23IIIVorobjovs Nils0LAT 18w1 17b1 4w0 5b1 28w1 20b1 8w0 2b1 21w17246,5511220
24IIIZideluns Ralfs0LAT 31w1 37b1 40w1 4b0 6w0 43w1 44b1 7b0 28w051739,5431043
25IVBankovskis Elias0LAT 16b½ 33w1 21b1 7w0 32b0 14w0 31w1 10b0 35w14,52436,539,51000
26IVDicmanis Artjoms0LAT 13b0 44w0 -1 10b0 45w+ 30b0 27w0 34b1 46w033933,535,5691
27IVFjodorovs Dmitrijs0LAT 11b0 5w0 35b1 9w0 41b1 3w0 26b1 13w1 22w152033,535,51043
28IVJahangiryan Ruben0LAT 32b0 16w1 9b1 29w1 23b0 5w0 30b1 44w1 24b16939,542,51125
29IVKotovs Artemijs0LAT 39w1 22b1 2w0 28b0 5w0 31b0 35w½ 16b1 33b03,53335,537920
30IVKrasovskis Valdis0LAT 7b0 45w1 38b1 43w0 13b0 26w1 28w0 46b1 31w151934,536,51043
31IVRudzitis Jekabs0LAT 24b0 6w0 19b1 38w1 1b0 29w1 25b0 3w+ 30b04283840,5924
32IVSarbantovics Roberts0LAT 28w1 4b0 17w½ 22b1 25w1 8w0 14b1 21b0 18w04,5224447,51000
33IVTurks Dominiks0LAT 22w½ 25b0 20b0 16w½ 38b0 19w1 39b1 35b½ 29w14,5262930,51000
34Alans Ignats0LAT -0 -0 -0 42b0 39b0 -1 16w0 26w0 37b014526,528200
35Aliev Arif0LAT 3b0 38w0 27w0 19b1 16b½ 22w1 29b½ 33w½ 25b03,5343234,5920
36Barinov Demiyan0LAT 20b- 46w0 45b0 41w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -004625260
37Cugainovs Renats0LAT -1 24w0 14b½ 15b0 21w- -0 -0 19b0 34w12,5423335851
38Frolovs Nikita0LAT 12w0 35b1 30w0 31b0 33w1 42b1 46w1 14b0 20w04313639957
39Gaidukovs Aleksandrs0LAT 29b0 -1 6w0 18b0 34w1 15b0 33w0 42b0 19w02433335678
40Jolkins Ilja0LAT 45b1 3w1 24b0 20w0 10b0 21b0 42w1 43w1 5b½4,52536391000
41Kalejs Viktors0LAT 2w0 18b0 42w0 36b+ 27w0 16w1 22b0 -1 43b033833,536691
42Matrosov Georgii0LAT 43b0 9w0 41b1 34w1 44b0 38w0 40b0 39w1 13b034130,532875
43Morozli Timurs0LAT 42w1 15b1 12w0 30b1 20w0 24b0 9w0 40b0 41w142739,541,5957
44Pogorelovs Mihails0LAT 15w0 26b1 3b0 45w1 42w1 46b1 24w0 28b0 10w04323638957
45Rudzitis Edvards Rudolfs0LAT 40w0 30b0 36w1 44b0 26b- -0 19w1 22b0 16w-2443133,5875
46Samsonovs Vladislavs0LAT 14b0 36b1 15w1 13w1 2b0 44w0 38b0 30w0 26b14303739957

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)