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Latvijas 2021. gada 1/8 fināls

Last update 24.02.2021 20:39:22, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IJakubsevicus Raimonds1381LAT 48b1 2w½ 34b1 17w1 24b1 71w1 18b16,525,525,51665
2IIVuskans Eduards1288LAT 36w1 1b½ 22w½ 12b1 39w1 11b1 10b162932,51613
3ITolmacevs Romans1211LAT 54w1 58b1 30b1 5w1 10w½ 71b1623231610
4IAndrusevics Jegors0LAT 42b0 47w1 44w1 72w1 30b1 29w1 25b162021,51468
5ISteiners Emils1292LAT 60w1 32w1 29b1 10w½ 3b0 15w1 7b15,528,5301466
6IVasilkovs Aleksandrs1407LAT 55b1 23w0 50b1 35w1 33b1 7w½ 9b15,524,5271268
7IAleksejevs Daniils1022LAT 62w1 45w1 9b1 31w1 71w1 6b½ 5w05,524,524,51363
8IRupais Emils1357LAT 59b1 71w1 37b1 46w1 9b0 35w1 19b½5,521,521,51364
9IIJansons Kristers Roberts1059LAT 16w1 33b1 7w0 22b1 8w1 13b1 6w0530,5341447
10IKarasevics Aleksandrs1464LAT 49w1 65b1 18w1 5b½ 15w1 3b½ 2w053031,51360
11IPetrovs Renars1171LAT 61w1 26b1 71b1 23w1 31b1 2w0 13w0525251321
12IPlatonovs Nikolajs1277LAT 66w1 19w1 31b0 2w0 42b1 39w1 26b1524,5261355
13IZajakins Artjoms1475LAT 29b0 48w1 43b1 42w1 17b1 9w0 11b1524271309
14IJeronovics Toms1080LAT 44b1 17w0 72b1 38w1 36b1 19b0 20w1523,5251349
15IAdamovics Aleksejs1390LAT 67w1 42w1 23b1 71w1 10b0 5b0 32w1522,522,51404
16IPavlovs Ostins1195LAT 9b0 63w1 42b0 65w1 37b1 24w1 22b1521,5231369
17IVasiljeva Sofja1311LAT 72w1 14b1 30w½ 1b0 13w0 41b1 29w14,526,5281308
18IVarpins Kristians1184LAT 35w1 43b1 10b0 58w1 29b½ 20w1 1w04,526281322
19IKrasilnikovs Aleksandrs1298LAT 56w1 12b0 27w0 59b1 58b1 14w1 8w½4,523,525,51324
20IZubova Darja1486LAT 71b1 55w1 40b1 32w½ 21w1 18b0 14b04,523,523,51246
21IPaikens Reinis1194LAT 54b½ 38w½ 32w½ 34w1 20b0 30w1 33b14,52225,51356
22IAleidzans Vadims1489LAT 64b1 34w½ 2b½ 9w0 51b1 31w1 16w0426281183
23IPrudnikovs Stefans1112LAT 52w1 6b1 15w0 11b0 26w0 47b1 43w1425,528,51215
24IJansons Valdis1490LAT 32b0 60w1 28b1 45w1 1w0 16b0 42b1424,5261239
25IVizulis Alfreds1301LAT 47b1 31w0 36b1 29w0 28b1 27w1 4w0424271166
26IRupais Gustavs1094LAT 63b1 11w0 33w0 57b1 23b1 45w1 12w0422,524,51141
27IDerbenev Arseniy1447LAT 37b1 30w0 19b1 33w0 43b1 25b0 53w1422251240
28IDubovs Andzejs0LAT 65b0 69w1 24w0 47b1 25w0 61b+ 45b141819,51141
29INazarovs Daniils1120LAT 13w1 46b1 5w0 25b1 18w½ 4b0 17b03,529,532,51223
30IJansone Melanija Luize1389LAT 50w1 27b1 17b½ 3w0 4w0 21b0 56w13,528301166
31IPetrovs Arsenijs1065LAT 40w1 25b1 12w1 7b0 11w0 22b0 36w½3,52730,51206
32IValdats Reinis1442LAT 24w1 5b0 21b½ 20b½ 46b1 33w½ 15b03,527301275
33IIFreibergs Filips1075LAT 68w1 9w0 26b1 27b1 6w0 32b½ 21w03,526,528,51235
34IKipluka Anna Krista1322LAT 41w1 22b½ 1w0 21b0 40w1 37b½3,525,528,51191
35ILapins Rainers0LAT 18b0 64w1 49b1 6b0 52w1 8b0 40w½3,525271135
36IKrasilnikova Marija1180LAT 2b0 56w1 25w0 61b1 14w0 52b1 31b½3,524261105
37IIStrazdins Maris Kristaps1084LAT 27w0 68b1 8w0 60b1 16w0 34w½ 57b13,52223,51189
38IITolmaceva Alona1062LAT 21b½ 46w0 14b0 66w1 58w1 39b½3,521,5231101
39IIStikane Evelina1169LAT 69b1 58w0 62b1 51w1 2b0 12b0 38w½3,521,5231090
40IISmatcenko Maija0LAT 31b0 66w1 20w0 50b1 34b0 51w1 35b½3,52122,51148
41IIKalinin Oleg0LAT 34b0 50w0 55b½ 56w1 54b+ 17w0 48b13,519211049
42IPolicans Kristers1302LAT 4w1 15b0 16w1 13b0 12w0 59b1 24w0330321267
43IIGaidis Edvards1091LAT 51b1 18w0 13w0 62b1 27w0 49b1 23b0323,525,51124
44IIPinne Nauris0LAT 14w0 52b1 4b0 49b1 45b0 48w0 64b132325961
45IIDanevics Daniels0LAT 57w1 7b0 61w1 24b0 44w1 26b0 28w0322,524,51037
46IIBroks Adrians0LAT 70w1 29w0 38b1 8b0 32w0 53b0 59w1321221159
47IIPukite Elza0LAT 25w0 4b0 70b1 28w0 69b1 23w0 63b1321221009
48IIDiners Kirils0LAT 1w0 13b0 66w0 70b1 60w1 44b1 41w0320,521,51096
49IISmirnovs Artjoms0LAT 10b0 53w1 35w0 44w0 55b1 43w0 61b132022,51042
50IIPlauca Lelde0LAT 30b0 41b1 6w0 40w0 57b½ 64w½ 58b1319,521,51064
51IIPivovarovs Davids0LAT 43w0 67b1 65w1 39b0 22w0 40b0 62w1317,5191064
52IIIKotovs Ilja0LAT 23b0 44w0 63b1 69w1 35b0 36w0 60w1317,519992
53IIZubova Polina1092LAT 58b0 49b0 59w0 67b1 62w1 46w1 27b031617,51070
54ILeja Daniels0LAT 21w½ 3b0 57w- 66b1 41w- 56b0 65b12,52122,51124
55IIBalcuns Kristaps0LAT 6w0 20b0 41w½ 64b1 49w0 57w0 66b12,52021,51049
56IIBeniosev Daniel0LAT 19b0 36b0 64w½ 41b0 68w+ 54w1 30b02,52021,5952
57IIFreibergs Raimonds0LAT 45b0 62w0 54b+ 26w0 50w½ 55b1 37w02,51820837
58IVKotovs Romans0LAT 53w1 39b1 3w0 18b0 19w0 38b0 50w022528987
59IRezniks Roberts1391LAT 8w0 61w0 53b1 19w0 65b1 42w0 46b0221,523999
60IKlidzina Alise0LAT 5b0 24b0 67w1 37w0 48b0 69w+ 52b0220,522871
61IGrandans Rainers0LAT 11b0 59b1 45b0 36w0 63b1 28w- 49w022022999
62IIGreiskans Anrijs0LAT 7b0 57b1 39w0 43w0 53b0 67w1 51b022021,5895
63IVKotovs Artemijs0LAT 26w0 16b0 52w0 68b1 61w0 70b1 47w0219,520,5883
64IIKarpovs Toms0LAT 22w0 35b0 56b½ 55w0 70w1 50b½ 44w021819912
65IILabecka Maria1052LAT 28w1 10w0 51b0 16b0 59w0 66b½ 54w01,52223,5944
66IStulpina Liana1165LAT 12b0 40b0 48b1 54w0 38b0 65w½ 55w01,52122,5826
67IIiPlaucs Maris0LAT 15b0 51w0 60b0 53w0 62b0 69w11,51617,5807
68ILeja Deivids0LAT 33b0 37w0 69b0 63w0 56b- 70w11,513,514,5792
69IIIIljins Kirils0LAT 39w0 28b0 68w1 52b0 47w0 60b- 67b0117,519755
70IIGansone Aiga0LAT 46b0 72b1 47w0 48w0 64b0 63w0 68b011516,5691
71ILazovskis Lauris1109LAT 20w0 8b0 11w0 15b0 7b0 1b0 3w0033,538488
72IIPlumins Patriks0LAT 17b0 70w0 14w0 4b0 -0 -0 -002021298

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)