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23th Khanzad rapid chess championship-2020-GBU2300

Last update 20.11.2020 17:32:59, Creator/Last Upload: IRAQI Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Baxtyar Hama Salih Ahmed1776IRQ 35b0 43w1 37b1 30w1 17w1 15b1 8w1 5b1 7w1811849,5
2Dana Mustafa Mahmood1735IRQ 36w- 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00600027
3Mohammed Khaleel Majeed1733IRQ 37b1 24w1 16b0 32w1 23b1 12w1 7b1 9w1 5b0740748,5
4Pola Azad Saber1727IRQ 38w+ 26w1 34b1 17b½ 7w- 65w1 9w0 21b1 10b16,560647
5Dlsoz Omer Sedeeq1721IRQ 39b1 28w1 35b1 16w1 65b1 7w1 10b1 1w0 3w1820855
6Omiad Saber Abdullah1690IRQ 40w1 29b1 15w0 19b1 20w0 33b1 21w½ 32b1 9b05,5150544,5
7Awat Mohammed Amin Ibrahim1655IRQ 41b1 30w1 59b1 23w1 4b+ 5b0 3w0 16w1 1b0680653
8Sara Masood Abdullah1650IRQ 42w+ 32w1 65b0 34w1 16b1 14w1 1b0 35w0 19b½5,5140551
9Nozhanad Essa Ali1637IRQ 43b½ 65w0 45b1 50w1 28b1 17w1 4b1 3b0 6w16,551648
10Hadi Ahmed Hadi1626IRQ 44w1 33b1 17w0 36b1 19w1 20b1 5w0 15b1 4w06100647,5
11Waseem Raad Najeeb1625IRQ 45b1 34w0 39b0 49w1 43b½ 59w0 50b1 36w1 21b15,5190539
12Aram Abdulla Fattah1622IRQ 46w1 36b1 19w0 33b1 25w1 3b0 20w1 65b0 23w16110642
13Dyar Jaza Bakir1609IRQ 47b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00610027
14Bestoon Abdulkhaleq Assaf1592IRQ 48w+ 35w0 41b1 39w+ 40w1 8b0 32w½ 17b½ 25w16130546
15Mwafiq Hassan Mohammed1580IRQ 49b1 47w1 6b1 65w0 35b1 1w0 43b1 10w0 20b1690650
16Meer Kamal Hama1569IRQ 50w1 52b1 3w1 5b0 8w0 39b1 40w1 7b0 41w05210547,5
17Shkar Hamid Abdullah1547IRQ 51b1 54w1 10b1 4w½ 1b0 9b0 59w1 14w½ 39b½5,5200450
18Najdat Farouq Abdullkarim1542IRQ 52w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00620027
19Miladi Vahideh1534IRI 53b1 56w1 12b1 6w0 10b0 34w1 65b0 30w1 8w½5,5160544
20Adnan Qadir Hussein1459IRQ 54w- 51w1 46b1 59w1 6b1 10w0 12b0 40b1 15w05230542,5
21Rabar Bakhtyar Hama Saleh1433IRQ 55b1 59w0 47b1 35w0 54b1 37w1 6b½ 4w0 11w04,5290443,5
22Ibrahim Adnan Khalil1421IRQ 56w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00630027
23Yashar Didar Mohammed1416IRQ 57b1 61w1 24b1 7b0 3w0 35w0 34b1 43w1 12b05220545
24Abdullahgailan Abdulkhaliq1375IRQ 58w1 3b0 23w0 52b1 39w0 51b1 41w0 59b0 66w03470341
25Nasraw Mustafa Mohammed1375IRQ 59b0 53w1 49b1 54w1 12b0 43w0 37b1 47w1 14b05250539
26Sarezh Dlshad Hasan1349IRQ 60w+ 4b0 40w0 51w1 47b0 52b1 39w0 49b½ 45w03,5430338
27Yazan Jadoo Abou Ras1347IRQ 61b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00680026,5
28Lawin Mohammed Taher1341IRQ 62w1 5b0 44w1 40b0 9w0 64b1 66w1 41b0 43w½4,5310442
29Samir Anwar Mohammed1340IRQ 63b1 6w0 50b½ 43w0 41b0 45w1 44w0 51b1 36b14,5320438
30Kaziwa Salah Abdullah1335IRQ 64w1 7b0 66w1 1b0 44w1 40b0 49w1 19b0 47b04370442,5
31Lania Salah Abdullah1322IRQ 65b0 55w1 54b0 56w0 50b0 63w+ -0 -0 -02540232,5
32Alan Omiad Saber1306IRQ 66w1 8b0 52w1 3b0 56b1 47w1 14b½ 6w0 59b15,5180541,5
33Rawa Fakhraddin Awdl1298IRQ 67b1 10w0 56b1 12w0 61b+ 6w0 47b0 54w0 50b03480341
34Saif Atheer Saeed1291IRQ 68w1 11b1 4w0 8b0 64w1 19b0 23w0 52b1 40w15240540,5
35Al-Saffar Abdullah Ammar Ahmed1279IRQ 1w1 14b1 5w0 21b1 15w0 23b1 36w1 8b1 65w1730750,5
36Arikar Omiad Saber1276IRQ 2b+ 12w0 61b1 10w0 59b½ 50w1 35b0 11b0 29w03,5420346
37Shahram Hayder Faiaq1271IRQ 3w0 58b1 1w0 63b1 66w1 21b0 25w0 53b1 44w04360443
38Adnan Ibrahim Khalil1265IRQ 4b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00640027
39Salam Naser Bejung1252IRQ 5w0 62b1 11w1 14b- 24b1 16w0 26b1 44b1 17w½5,5170542
40Sarkar Omar Ali1230IRQ 6b0 57w1 26b1 28w1 14b0 30w1 16b0 20w0 34b04380440
41Bawan Mahmood Mohammed1195IRQ 7w0 64b1 14w0 66b0 29w1 61b+ 24b1 28w1 16b16120638
42Nvar Sardar Othman1193IRQ 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00650027
43Nhen Zana Ismail1180IRQ 9w½ 1b0 58w1 29b1 11w½ 25b1 15w0 23b0 28b½4,5350348,5
44Roz Samir Anwar1165IRQ 10b0 63w1 28b0 55w1 30b0 54w1 29b1 39w0 37b15260538
45Roziya Fakhraddin Awdl1130IRQ 11w0 66b0 9w0 58b1 53w½ 29b0 56b1 57w1 26b14,5340436
46Aya Falah Sabah1128IRQ 12b0 67w+ 20w0 64b0 57w1 66b0 53w0 55w1 58b03510332,5
47Parwa Pshtiwan Ahmed1120IRQ 13w+ 15b0 21w0 68b1 26w1 32b0 33w1 25b0 30w15270538
48Zhyar Sardar Othman1101IRQ 14b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00660027
49Gardin Kareem Abdullah1096IRQ 15w0 68b1 25w0 11b0 63w+ 56w1 30b0 26w½ 54b03,5440338
50Bahra Samir Anwar1095IRQ 16b0 2w+ 29w½ 9b0 31w1 36b0 11w0 66b1 33w14,5330437,5
51Hevar Diyar Hama Saleh1085IRQ 17w0 20b0 62w1 26b0 68w+ 24w0 57b½ 29w0 55b13,5450330
52Yahiya Dlshad Hasan1074IRQ 18b+ 16w0 32b0 24w0 55b1 26w0 58b1 34w0 56b03500334
53Aymen Falah Sabah1067IRQ 19w0 25b0 64w0 67b1 45b½ 55w½ 46b1 37w0 57b03520231,5
54Didan Dlshad Hasan1061IRQ 20b+ 17b0 31w1 25b0 21w0 44b0 64w1 33b1 49w15280535,5
55Salar Samir Anwar1043IRQ 21w0 31b0 67w1 44b0 52w0 53b½ 62w0 46b0 51w01,5560128
56Lara Samir Anwar1041IRQ 22b+ 19b0 33w0 31b1 32w0 49b0 45w0 62b1 52w14400432
57Gala Mohamad Tahir1012IRQ 23w0 40b0 68w0 -1 46b0 67w+ 51w½ 45b0 53w13,5460230,5
58Pari Pishtiwan Ahmed1000IRQ 24b0 37w0 43b0 45w0 62b1 -1 52w0 64b1 46w14410328
59Ahmed abdul fattah ahmed0IRQ 25w1 21b1 7w0 20b0 36w½ 11b1 17b0 24w1 32w04,5300443
60Ahmed hemen fareeq0IRQ 26b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00670027
61Akar Haidar Sabr0IRQ 27w1 23b0 36w0 62b1 33w- 41w- -0 -0 -02530233,5
62Ali Dlshad Hasan0IRQ 28b0 39w0 51b0 61w0 58w0 68b+ 55b1 56w0 64b02550231
63Amir khaled mohammad0IRQ 29w0 44b0 -1 37w0 49b- 31b- -0 -0 -01580031,5
64Daniar nasraw mustafa0IRQ 30b0 41w0 53b1 46w1 34b0 28w0 54b0 58w0 62w13490334
65Masood khalid mohammed0IRQ 31w1 9b1 8w1 15b1 5w0 4b0 19w1 12w1 35b0670653,5
66Mohammedameen mohammedameen0IRQ 32b0 45w1 30b0 41w1 37b0 46w1 28b0 50w0 24b14390437,5
67Sarwan sirwan sabir0IRQ 33w0 46b- 55b0 53w0 -1 57b- -0 -0 -01590024,5
68Zakarya Hamid Mustafa0IRQ 34b0 49w0 57b1 47w0 51b- 62w- -0 -0 -01570130

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)