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1st Hull 4NCL Online Congress Intermediate

Last update 01.11.2020 19:01:32, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Steiners Emils1292LAT 15b1 23w1 11b1 9w1 2b½4,50,59,51416,5
2Wang Luoke910ENG 28w1 31w1 10b1 5b1 1w½4,50,5913,515,5
3Matilal Tamal K1374ENG 20b1 24w1 17w140811,513,5
4Grice Alec1584ENG 46w1 24b½ 7b½ 12w1 10b14081113
5Venkatesh Anuj V1375ENG 43w1 38b1 12b1 2w0 11b1407,51213
6Duke Dillan1623ENG 10b0 19w1 37b1 27w1 7w1407,510,512,5
7Sagar Aneesh1202ENG 34w1 16b1 4w½ -1 6b03,50101416
8Vaidyanathan Adithya1465ENG 32w1 12w0 16b½ 38b1 22w13,507,510,512
9Kapur Gul1440ENG 29w½ 33b1 25w1 1b0 21w13,506,51113
10Constable Christine F1470ENG 6w1 22b1 2w0 13b1 4w0301115,518
11Johnstone J Gerry1608ENG 21w1 18b1 1w0 14b1 5w0301014,517
12Oliver Peter J R1645ENG 35w1 8b1 5w0 4b0 28w130101416
13Ellinger William1608ENG 37w½ 15b1 10w0 27b1307,510,512,5
Mittal Aditya1540ENG 26w½ 18b1 11w0 24b1307,510,512,5
15Bamford Paul1509ENG 1w0 40b1 13w0 29b1 26w130711,512,5
16Holmes Nick D1540ENG 41b1 7w0 8w½ 26b½ 25w130710,511,5
17Wood Philip A1533ENG 25b0 36w1 39b1 20w1 3b03061011,5
18Fraser Chris A1445ENG 44b1 11w0 14w0 43b1 34w1306910
19Bazan Mateusz1326ENG 33w½ 6b0 30w1 23b½2,5071113
20Hunter Gary1548ENG 3w0 46b+ 21b½ 17b0 40w12,5071112
21Shek Daniel1467ENG 11b0 45w1 20w½ 32b1 9b02,50710,511,5
O’sullivan Christopher0IRL 27b1 10w0 44b½ 31w1 8b02,50710,511,5
23Gilbert David J1537ENG 40w1 1b0 26w½ 25b½ 19w½2,506,51112
24Tokar Kyrylo1420ENG 45b1 4w½ 3b0 28b½ 14w02091314
25Verbytski Oleg1323ENG 17w1 9b0 23w½ 16b020912,515
26Talloen Bert1337BEL 14b½ 42w½ 23b½ 16w½ 15b0208,511,513,5
27Fancourt Leslie J1487ENG 22w0 43b1 29w1 6b0 13w0207,511,512,5
28Minton Alex1488ENG 2b0 32b½ 33w1 24w½ 12b020711,513,5
29Redmond Nigel1565ENG 9b½ 39w½ 27b0 15w0 38w120710,512
30Wright William I1540ENG -0 34w½ 19b0 43w12071011
31Li Reya1503ENG 42w1 2b0 38w½ 22b0 32w½206,51112,5
32Wood Gabriel1600ENG 8b0 28w½ 41b1 21w0 31b½206,51011
Scott Ian1540ENG 19b½ 9w0 28b0 39w½ 44b1206,51011
34Mottram Paul1509ENG 7b0 41w½ 30b½ 44w1 18b0206,59,510,5
35Baber Sanjit1480ENG 12b0 44w½ 45b1 -0206910
36Upton W E (Bill)1454ENG 38w0 17b0 43w0 -1 45b1203,56,57
37Siddle Michael1525ENG 13b½ 6w0 40b½ 42w-1,5081213
38Richards Maurice A1578ENG 36b1 5w0 31b½ 8w0 29b01,507,511,513
39Russo Giovanni1330ENG 29b½ 17w0 33b½ -01,5071012
40Gogia Abeer1324ENG 23b0 15w0 46b+ 37w½ 20b01,506,59,510,5
41Gupta Aarav G1337ENG 16w0 34b½ 32w0 42b0 -11,50699,5
42Mokhber-Garcia Sebastian1128ENG 31b0 26b½ 45w0 41w1 37b-1,5057,58,5
43Madden Jason D1555ENG 5b0 27w0 36b1 18w0 30b0107,511,513
44Lappin Kieran A1570ENG 18w0 35b½ 22w½ 34b0 33w01071012
45Buckley David1563ENG 24w0 21b0 42b1 35w0 36w0106,5910,5
46Fernando Manel1454ENG 4b0 20w- 40w- -0 -00061011

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)