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Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 31

Last update 18.10.2020 14:45:01, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1CMAndronescu Madalin2165ROU 31w1 7b½ 13w1 20b1 3w½ 6b1 4b16053223,526,75
2ICnejev Vladimir-Alexandru2169ROU 16b1 5w1 7b1 6w½ 3b½ 9w15,50,5433,52425,50
3ISerban Cristian-Stefan2065ROU 12b1 18w½ 11b1 9w1 1b½ 2w½ 10b15,50,54332325,75
4IRadu David (Cr)1863ROU 47b1 39w1 6b0 18w1 8b1 17b1 1w050528,520,518,00
5ICoicev Matei-Andrei1810ROU 23b1 2b0 49w1 24w1 14b1 9w0 19b15052820,518,00
6FMVoiteanu Gabriel2121ROU 33w1 26b1 4w1 17b½ 2b½ 1w0 18b1504312220,25
7ICiocani Iosif1777ROU 22b1 1w½ 46b1 2w0 18b½ 14w1 21b15043121,519,00
8IICapragiu Matei-Stefan1722ROU 41w1 15b1 4w0 31b1 17w150425,51817,00
9ITurlea Constantin2032ROU 15w1 19b1 17w½ 3b0 20w1 5b1 2b04,5043222,519,00
10IMihalache Paul-Stelian1787ROU 41w1 17b0 36w1 31b1 19w½ 11b1 3w04,504261815,00
11IGeafer Andrei-Ninel1687ROU 53w½ 35b1 3w0 28b1 46w+ 10w0 29b14,50425,517,512,25
12Manitcaia Alina1527MDA 3w0 41b0 38w1 35b1 26w1 20b½ 28w14,50424,516,515,00
13IILup Constantin-Ionel1662ROU 29b1 27w½ 1b0 25w½ 34b1 32w1 24w½4,5032617,515,25
14INegrean Andrei1581ROU 17w0 48b1 35w1 26b1 5w0 7b0 36w140425,518,511,50
15IIOncescu Vlad-Norin1512ROU 9b0 38w1 50b1 8w0 25b0 40w1 32b140423,51711,00
16ISandulescu Gheorghe1617ROU 2w0 47b0 22w0 38b1 37w1 49b1 34w14042214,511,00
17IAlbu George2142ROU 14b1 10w1 9b½ 6w½ 32b1 4w0 8b0403312316,25
18IISava Robert-Gabriel1716ROU 42w1 3b½ 28w1 4b0 7w½ 33b1 6w040329,521,514,25
19IPruszter Rudolf1714ROU 45b1 9w0 40b1 34w1 10b½ 21w½ 5w0403261912,75
20IINacu Mihai1468ROU 51w1 27b1 1w0 9b0 12w½ 31b1403261912,00
21IITogan Teodor-Bogdan1507ROU 46w0 42b1 29w1 27b1 19b½ 7w04032517,513,25
22IIOlteanu Gabriel-Luca1300ROU 7w0 33b0 16b1 23w½ 51b1 27w1 25b½40324,518,513,00
23IIDobre Daniel-Alexandru1380ROU 5w0 31b0 42w½ 22b½ 52w1 45b1 33w140320,514,59,75
24IIBisti Stefan1700ROU 43w1 5b0 36w1 25w½ 13b½4022618,513,25
25IBantescu Dan2026ROU 47w½ 13b½ 15w1 24b½ 22w½40125,51914,75
26CMChesa Viorel1757ROU 38b1 6w0 44b1 14w0 12b0 30w½ 41b13,50324,5179,75
27IFulger Ionut-Alexandru1891ROU 34w1 13b½ 20w0 51b1 21w0 22b0 35w13,50323,5189,75
28CMCirlan Ionut-Gheorghe1850ROU 48w1 18b0 11w0 43b1 41w1 12b03,50323,5178,75
29FCMihalcea Ioan Alexandru1001ROU 13w0 -1 21b0 40w½ 44b1 46w+ 11w03,50223,516,59,50
30IIDeresoiu David-Leonard1329ROU 32b0 52w1 33w0 26b½ 42w13,5022015,58,75
31IINedelcu Florin1615ROU 1b0 23w1 37b1 10w0 47b1 8w0 20w030328,520,59,00
32IPopa Denis-Marius1769ROU 35w0 53b1 30w1 33b1 17w0 13b0 15w03032517,57,00
33IIMacaneata Ionut-Octavian1543ROU 6b0 22w1 52b1 32w0 30b1 18w0 23b030324,518,58,50
34IICraciun Dorian-Raul1477ROU 27b0 45w1 39b1 19b0 13w0 43w1 16b03032316,58,00
35IIRadu Teodor1222ROU 32b1 11w0 14b0 12w0 50b1 48w1 27b030322,516,57,00
36IIKocak Halil1366ROU 10b0 37w1 24b0 47w1 14b030224,5188,50
37IIGheorghe Raisa-Maria1081ROU 31w0 36b0 16b0 50w1 48b130220,5157,50
38IIAldea Maria-Antonia1181ROU 26w0 15b0 12b0 16w0 -1 51w1 47b13022014,57,00
39FCStefan Fulger-Ariel1001ROU -1 4b0 34w0 43b0 42w0 52b1 49w130219136,50
40IIBar Andrei-Alecsandru1274ROU 19w0 29b½ 49w½ 15b0 51w130120,515,57,75
41IIPaulet Elena-Cristiana1308ROU 10b0 12w1 8b0 50w1 28b0 26w02,5022619,58,25
42IBadica Ariana1123ROU 18b0 21w0 23b½ 48w0 39b1 44w1 30b02,50222,516,57,50
43IICalugareanu Ioana-Denisa1271ROU 24b0 39w1 28w0 34b0 45w½2,50122167,75
44IIMarin Alexia-Iuliana1299ROU 26w0 45b½ 29w0 42b0 52w12,50118,5145,75
45IIPetroff Vlad1229ROU 19w0 34b0 -1 44w½ 48b½ 23w0 43b½2,50020147,00
46IJega Gabriel2013ROU 21b1 7w0 11b- 29b- -020127197,50
47IIAnghelescu Teodor-Stefan1406ROU 4w0 16w1 25b½ 49b½ 31w0 36b0 38w020123,516,57,00
48IIGrasu Gigi1404ROU 28b0 14w0 42b1 45w½ 35b0 37w020120,514,55,50
49IIParaschiv Alexandra1367ROU 5b0 47w½ 40b½ 16w0 39b020023,516,56,00
50FCTudor George (S.)1001ROU 15w0 41b0 35w0 37b0 -120020,515,57,00
51FCBabadita Andrei1001ROU 20b0 53w+ 27w0 22w0 38b0 40b01,5012316,52,25
52FCIlie Daria-Elena1001ROU 33w0 30b0 23b0 39w0 44b010022,5163,50
53AGMVaida Radu-George1001ROU 11b½ 32w0 51b- -0 -0 -0 -00,50019,5142,25

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break5: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable