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Campionat de Catalunya Individual edats Sub18-20 2020 Event code 250233

Darrera actualització10.09.2020 14:24:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1MKMasague Artero Guerau 18b1 10w1 4b0 13w1 6b½ 5w0 15b1 16w15,5629,53639,5
2FMCastillo Dalmau Albert 19w1 13b1 5w0 14b1 9w1 8b1 3w½ 4b½633137,541
3FMSole Pijuan Ferran 20b1 12w1 8b½ 16w1 5b½ 4w1 2b½ 10w16,5230,53740,5
4Saguillo Gonzalez Oriol 21w1 23b1 1w1 5b½ 8w½ 3b0 16b1 2w½5,543238,542,5
5Alvarez Albiol Victor 22b1 14w1 2b1 4w½ 3w½ 1b1 6b1 8w½6,5131,53841
6Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria 23w0 25b1 17w1 19b1 1w½ 9b1 5w0 13b15,5726,53336
7Toquero Gracia Pau 24b1 16w½ 9w1 8b0 17w0 15b0 14w1 21w14,5122429,533
8Garcia Escoda Marc 25w1 35b1 3w½ 7w1 4b½ 2w0 18b1 5b½5,5530,53738,5
9Ros Alonso Joana 26b1 28w1 7b0 18w1 2b0 6w0 22b1 19w15827,533,536,5
10Alcon Llosada Alex 27w1 1b0 19w0 15b1 33w1 21b1 11w½ 3b04,51323,53032
11Riu Lopez Sergi 28b0 24w1 22b1 23w1 16b0 26w½ 10b½ 18w0417253033
12Estruch Andreu Guim 29w1 3b0 23w0 28b½ 26b0 30w1 20b0 32w13,52422,52931,5
13Dominguez Laguna Eduard 30b1 2w0 28b1 1b0 21w½ 20w1 26b1 6w04,510283437
14Garcia-Arroba Romero Adrian 31w1 5b0 33b1 2w0 23b½ 18w0 7b0 27w13,5222430,532,5
15Ruiz Soria Adria 32b½ 34w1 16b0 10w0 24b1 7w1 1w0 20b03,5232429,532
16Pera Muntasell Marc 33w1 7b½ 15w1 3b0 11w1 17b1 4w0 1b04,51126,53335,5
17Parra Ordorica Gorka 34b½ 32w1 6b0 20w1 7b1 16w0 19b0 26w03,52124,53032,5
18Gonzalez Alonso Marti 1w0 27b1 35w1 9b0 19w1 14b1 8w0 11b1592429,531
19Roa Ribera Alvaro 2b0 26w1 10b1 6w0 18b0 33w1 17w1 9b0416283436,5
20Cros Garcia Marc 3w0 29b½ 30w1 17b0 31w1 13b0 12w1 15w14,51520,52729
21Norberto Gonzalez Oriol 4b0 30w½ 32b1 34w1 13b½ 10w0 23w1 7b04192328,531
22Estruch Andreu Lluc 5w0 31b1 11w0 33b0 34b1 32w1 9w0 23b032920,52729
23De Santiago Gordo Abel 6b1 4w0 12b1 11b0 14w½ 28w½ 21b0 22w141824,53033
24Mir Carnice Jordi 7w0 11b0 27w1 31b½ 15w0 35b½ 28b½ 34w13,5271822,524
25Pallas Ferrando Arnau 8b0 6w0 26b0 30b1 29w½ 34w½ 27b½ -13,52520,52628
26Vinolas Anglada Laura 9w0 19b0 25w1 35b1 12w1 11b½ 13w0 17b14,51422,527,529
27Vargas Rodriguez Gabriel 10b0 18w0 24b0 -1 35w½ 31b½ 25w½ 14b02,53318,523,525
28De Lomas Busquets Alba 11w1 9b0 13w0 12w½ 32b½ 23b½ 24w½ 29b1420222729,5
29Altes Rull Marc 12b0 20w½ 34b0 32w0 25b½ -1 35w1 28w033117,52223,5
30Puig Mata Ferran 13w0 21b½ 20b0 25w0 -1 12b0 33b1 31w13,52619,52426
31Ponsa Alcubierre Marina 14b0 22w0 -1 24w½ 20b0 27w½ 34b½ 30b02,5341822,524,5
32Gonzalez Pedraza Africa 15w½ 17b0 21w0 29b1 28w½ 22b0 -1 12b0330202426,5
33Aballanet Beltran Eloi 16b0 -1 14w0 22w1 10b0 19b0 30w0 35b13282125,527
34Niubo Parramon Edgar 17w½ 15b0 29w1 21b0 22w0 25b½ 31w½ 24b02,532192325
35Ponsa Alcubierre Gemma -1 8w0 18b0 26w0 27b½ 24w½ 29b0 33w023521,52729

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)