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XII Rudaga-Kaissa 2020 summer Dicechess. 22.08.2020

Last update 22.08.2020 20:49:14, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 12 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKGutmans Mihail2132LAT 65b1 65w1 19w1 19b0 38b1 38w1 17w1 17b1 10b1 10w1 9w1 9b11176,5810
2IGolikovs Nikita1501LAT 59w1 59b1 40b1 40w1 33w1 33b1 8b0 8w1 3w1 3b0 7w1 7b0978820
3MKGudovskis Konstantins1921LAT 76b1 76w1 34w1 34b0 23b1 23w1 22w1 22b1 2b0 2w1 4w1 4b0978800
4MKMelderis Uldis1952LAT 46w1 46b0 18b0 18w1 69w1 69b1 39w1 39b1 8b1 8w1 3b0 3w1974780
5MKGordievich Larisa1697LAT 55b0 55w1 56w1 56b1 17b0 17w0 46w1 46b1 36b1 36w1 23w1 23b1965700
6MKBrikers Aleksandrs1973LAT 63b0 63w½ 70b1 70w1 47w1 47b0 50b0 50w1 43w1 43b1 17b1 17w18,558610
7FMSemjonovs Ilja2246LAT 21b0 21w1 25w1 25b1 35w1 35b1 10b0 10w0 26w1 26b1 2b0 2w1882880
NMJazdanovs Aleksandrs2168LAT 25w1 25b0 21b1 21w1 41w1 41b1 2w1 2b0 4w0 4b0 45b1 45w1882880
9MKGolubovskis Maksims2122LAT 51w1 51b1 26b0 26w1 34w1 34b0 19b1 19w1 28w1 28b1 1b0 1w0881860
10IParhomenko Anastasija1530LAT 64b1 64w1 20w1 20b0 66b1 66w1 7w1 7b1 1w0 1b0 13b0 13w1881850
11MKZarovs Aleksandrs1708LAT 37w1 37b0 36b1 36w1 20w1 20b0 15w1 15b0 35b0 35w1 33b1 33w1872780
12MKBolsakovs Vadims1930LAT 17w1 17b0 69b0 69w1 18w1 18b0 21b0 21w1 40b1 40w1 34w1 34b1870740
13MKSpringis Jevgenijs1762LAT 36b0 36w1 37w1 37b0 76b1 76w1 35w1 35b0 20b1 20w1 10w1 10b0868700
14MKKolesnikovs Ivans1966LAT 18w1 18b0 46b0 46w1 51w1 51b1 34b0 34w1 33w1 33b0 41b1 41w1865700
15IVSirajeva Anna Mirra0LAT 77b0 77w1 42w1 42b0 48w1 48b1 11b0 11w1 19w1 19b0 52b1 52w1864660
16ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1701LAT 74b0 74w1 66w0 66b0 64b0 64w1 76w1 76b1 37w1 37b1 35b1 35w1849510
17IZvancuks Pavels0LAT 12b0 12w1 52b1 52w1 5w1 5b1 1b0 1w0 53w1 53b1 6w0 6b0788930
18IIGailevska Milana1016LAT 14b0 14w1 4w1 4b0 12b0 12w1 29w1 29b1 27b0 27w1 28b0 28w1785920
19IINorkeliunas Sarunas1468LTU 58b1 58w1 1b0 1w1 49w1 49b1 9w0 9b0 15b0 15w1 22w1 22b0783880
20IIOtrohovs Maksims1143LAT 54w1 54b1 10b0 10w1 11b0 11w1 27w1 27b0 13w0 13b0 47w1 47b1777820
21IILisovskis Dmitrijs1099LAT 7w1 7b0 8w0 8b0 71b1 71w1 12w1 12b0 50b1 50w1 27w1 27b0776800
22IMSveshnikov Vladimir2249LAT 48w1 48b0 63w1 63b1 26b1 26w1 3b0 3w0 41w1 41b0 19b0 19w1772,5770
23IISizov Lev1208EST 43w1 43b0 67b1 67w1 3w0 3b0 54b1 54w1 52w1 52b1 5b0 5w0772760
24MKSinauridze Simons1957LAT 30b1 30w1 38w1 38b0 39b0 39w1 33b0 33w1 34w1 34b0 32w1 32b0770760
25IIIPritulina Nadezhda1083EST 8b0 8w1 7b0 7w0 44w1 44b0 64w1 64b0 73b1 73w1 54b1 54w1767710
26IJakubsevicus Raimonds1344LAT 75b1 75w1 9w1 9b0 22w0 22b0 66b1 66w1 7b0 7w0 49w1 49b1767700
27IPritulina Svetlana1700EST 66w1 66b0 74b0 74w1 40w1 40b1 20b0 20w1 18w1 18b0 21b0 21w1765680
IAminovs Maksims1613LAT 57b1 57w1 33w0 33b0 74w1 74b1 47b1 47w1 9b0 9w0 18w1 18b0765680
29MKPogrebnojs Dmitrijs1917LAT 40w0 40b0 59b1 59w1 46w1 46b0 18b0 18w0 66w1 66b1 51b1 51w1758620
30IIIPogrebnojs Damirs1008LAT 24w0 24b0 72b0 72w1 67w1 67b0 44b0 44w1 75w1 75b1 53b1 53w1755580
IIAzevs Aleksandrs1001LAT 70w1 70b0 48b0 48w1 63w1 63b0 45b0 45w1 39w1 39b0 65b1 65w1755580
32ITestelecs Ilja Kuprijans1239LAT 71b0 71w1 47w0 47b0 68b0 68w1 74w1 74b1 67w1 67b1 24b0 24w1751540
33IDerbenev Arseniy1223LAT 44w1 44b1 28b1 28w1 2b0 2w0 24w1 24b0 14b0 14w1 11w0 11b0684900
34IITreimanis Ernests1242LAT 78w1 78b1 3b0 3w1 9b0 9w1 14w1 14b0 24b0 24w1 12b0 12w0684880
35IIAndrusevics Jegors1155LAT 50b1 50w1 53w1 53b1 7b0 7w0 13b0 13w1 11w1 11b0 16w0 16b0679840
36IINovikovs Aleksandrs0LAT 13w1 13b0 11w0 11b0 70b1 70w1 60b1 60w1 5w0 5b0 42b0 42w1675780
37IIVidrusks Arturs0LAT 11b0 11w1 13b0 13w1 60w1 60b0 42w1 42b0 16b0 16w0 67w1 67b1674780
38IIManzurcevs Ralfs1264LAT 72w1 72b1 24b0 24w1 1w0 1b0 61w1 61b0 47b0 47w1 44b0 44w1672760
IHarlamovs Daniils1223LAT 47b0 47w1 71w1 71b1 24w1 24b0 4b0 4w0 31b0 31w1 43w1 43b0672760
40IIGaidis Edvards0LAT 29b1 29w1 2w0 2b0 27b0 27w0 77b1 77w1 12w0 12b0 68b1 68w1672740
41ISpiridovskis Rafaels1280LAT 49b0 49w1 68w1 68b1 8b0 8w0 58w1 58b1 22b0 22w1 14w0 14b0670740
42IMacuks Timofejs1434LAT 61w1 61b0 15b0 15w1 58w1 58b0 37b0 37w1 49b0 49w1 36w1 36b0665700
43IVMoskaluks Jurijs0LAT 23b0 23w1 62b0 62w1 77w1 77b1 53w1 53b0 6b0 6w0 39b0 39w1665670
44Gailevskis Vladislavs0LAT 33b0 33w0 57w1 57b0 25b0 25w1 30w1 30b0 77b1 77w1 38w1 38b0664660
45IISergejevs Germans1263LAT 68b0 68w1 49w0 49b0 72b1 72w1 31w1 31b0 61b1 61w1 8w0 8b0662660
46IIKokina Elizabete1002LAT 4b0 4w1 14w1 14b0 29b0 29w1 5b0 5w0 68w1 68b0 61w1 61b0580840
47Larmanis Tomass0LAT 39w1 39b0 32b1 32w1 6b0 6w1 28w0 28b0 38w1 38b0 20b0 20w0577830
48IIITer-Avetisjana Agapi1138LAT 22b0 22w1 31w1 31b0 15b0 15w0 55w1 55b0 56w1 56b0 57b0 57w1569740
49IVSirajeva Sofija Marija0LAT 41w1 41b0 45b1 45w1 19b0 19w0 63b0 63w1 42w1 42b0 26b0 26w0568,5730
50FMMustaps Matiss2356LAT 35w0 35b0 73b0 73w1 56b1 56w1 6w1 6b0 21w0 21b0 55b0 55w1567710
51IIDankovs Ruslans1049LAT 9b0 9w0 75w1 75b1 14b0 14w0 68w1 68b0 58b1 58w1 29w0 29b0567700
52WFMVidruska Renate1933LAT 69b0 69w1 17w0 17b0 73b1 73w1 62w1 62b1 23b0 23w0 15w0 15b0566700
IKrauze Anda1581LAT 73w1 73b1 35b0 35w0 55w1 55b1 43b0 43w1 17b0 17w0 30w0 30b0566700
54MKLaimins Lauris2297LAT 20b0 20w0 64w1 64b0 57b1 57w1 23w0 23b0 63b1 63w1 25w0 25b0565,5700
55IIIJurshevich Andrejs0LAT 5w1 5b0 60w1 60b0 53b0 53w0 48b0 48w1 62w1 62b0 50w1 50b0563680
56IIILocmele Valerija0LAT 60b0 60w1 5b0 5w0 50w0 50b0 72w1 72b1 48b0 48w1 62b0 62w1562660
57IMaksimovs Mihails0LAT 28w0 28b0 44b0 44w1 54w0 54b0 71b1 71w1 60w1 60b0 48w1 48b0560640
58IVGravere Justine Elza0LAT 19w0 19b0 65w1 65b1 42b0 42w1 41b0 41w0 51w0 51b0 74w1 74b1560630
59IVDmitrijevs Naums0LAT 2b0 2w0 29w0 29b0 65b0 65w0 -1 -1 76w1 76b1 60b0 60w1558,560,50
60INorkeliunas Matas1649LTU 56w1 56b0 55b0 55w1 37b0 37w1 36w0 36b0 57b0 57w1 59w1 59b0558620
61IVOstrovska Milana0LAT 42b0 42w1 77w1 77b0 62w1 62b0 38b0 38w1 45w0 45b0 46b0 46w1558600
62IIDaineko Pjotrs1175LAT 67b0 67w1 43w1 43b0 61b0 61w1 52b0 52w0 55b0 55w1 56w1 56b0556600
63IILiepina Daniela Nikola1024LAT 6w1 6b½ 22b0 22w0 31b0 31w1 49w1 49b0 54w0 54b0 64b0 64w14,569,5741
IIISidorova Sofija0LAT 10w0 10b0 54b0 54w1 16w1 16b0 25b0 25w1 65b0 65w½ 63w1 63b04,569,5741
65INorkeliunas Kestutis1062LTU 1w0 1b0 58b0 58w0 59w1 59b1 75b0 75w1 64w1 64b½ 31w0 31b04,566690
66IIIHops Roberts0LAT 27b0 27w1 16b1 16w1 10w0 10b0 26w0 26b0 29b0 29w0 70w1 70b0477800
67Senkova Valerija0LAT 62w1 62b0 23w0 23b0 30b0 30w1 69w1 69b1 32b0 32w0 37b0 37w0468720
68IVSpiridovskis Leonels0LAT 45w1 45b0 41b0 41w0 32w1 32b0 51b0 51w1 46b0 46w1 40w0 40b0465700
69IJefremov Aivar0LAT 52w1 52b0 12w1 12b0 4b0 4w0 67b0 67w0 74b0 74w1 73w1 73b0463660
70IIGansone Aiga1045LAT 31b0 31w1 6w0 6b0 36w0 36b0 73b0 73w0 -1 -1 66b0 66w146264,50
71Gaidis Zbignevs0LAT 32w1 32b0 39b0 39w0 21w0 21b0 57w0 57b0 72b0 72w1 76b1 76w1460620
72IVSpiridovska Renata0LAT 38b0 38w0 30w1 30b0 45w0 45b0 56b0 56w0 71w1 71b0 77w1 77b1458600
73IIISenkans Renars0LAT 53b0 53w0 50w1 50b0 52w0 52b0 70w1 70b1 25w0 25b0 69b0 69w1455580
74IIVidrusks Jekabs0LAT 16w1 16b0 27w1 27b0 28b0 28w0 32b0 32w0 69w1 69b0 58b0 58w0372760
75IVPovalyaeva Ekaterina0LAT 26w0 26b0 51b0 51w0 -1 -1 65w1 65b0 30b0 30w0 -0 -0359,5630
76IIGaidis Bozens0LAT 3w0 3b0 78b1 78w1 13w0 13b0 16b0 16w0 59b0 59w0 71w0 71b0270740
77ISergejeva Sofija1284LAT 15w1 15b0 61b0 61w1 43b0 43w0 40w0 40b0 44w0 44b0 72b0 72w0266700
78Baltmanis Sergejs0LAT 34b0 34w0 76w0 76b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0037380

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)