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CN Desporto Escolar 2020 - Infantis B

Última Atualização31.05.2020 21:35:52, Criado por / Última atualização: fpxcoimbra

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Tabela cruzada final após 8 rondas

Rk.NomeEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Desp1  Desp2  Desp3 
1ajeloy10 69b1 16w1 15b1 2w1 5b½ 6w½ 7b1 4b17141,544,5
2rodrisarabando0 54b1 28w1 14b1 1b0 38w1 15w1 16b1 9w17036,540
3EduFernandes0 36b1 41w1 18b1 5w0 6b½ 11w1 28b1 10w16,5036,540,5
4RasskazovDavid0 68b1 50w1 79b1 7w1 39b1 5w1 9b½ 1w06,503537
5Donotdroplitter29770 89w1 34b1 12w1 3b1 1w½ 4b0 6b½ 25w1604142
6GeoXadrez20200 67w1 17b1 10w½ 19b1 3w½ 1b½ 5w½ 22b1604043
7gyhuhu0 8w1 21b1 35w1 4b0 64w1 17b1 1w0 15b16038,541,5
8TiagoSenra0 7b0 89b0 44w1 43w1 45b1 64b1 51w1 16w16029,530,5
9francisco9090 45b1 29w1 57b1 -0 10w1 37b1 4w½ 2b05,5035,539
10BOMBA_FRESCA0 43w1 51b1 6b½ 40w1 9b0 13w1 37b1 3b05,5035,539
11rafalight0 80b1 35w0 84b1 22w1 29w1 3b0 20b1 12w½5,5032,534
12MInesGaspar0 53b1 56w1 5b0 20b0 80w1 41b1 40w1 11b½5,5031,533,5
13Chesssofia2000 55b1 79w0 28b½ 54w1 21b1 10b0 29w1 31b15,503133
14PedroFerreira9310 85w½ 88b1 2w0 30b0 62w1 57b1 32b1 28w15,502930,5
15Matteo0760 30w1 23b1 1w0 78b1 47w1 2b0 35b1 7w05037,539,5
16Harm20180 42b1 1b0 89w1 18w1 31b1 39w1 2w0 8b05037,538,5
17TomasBravo0 87w1 6w0 73b1 35b1 19w1 7w0 25b0 41b15032,534
18JBa2710 52b1 72w1 3w0 16b0 67w1 24b1 22b0 36w1503234,5
19AnaRibeiro080 78b1 24b1 38w1 6w0 17b0 35w0 52b1 40b15031,533,5
20tom2420070 33w1 63b0 59b1 12w1 37w0 38b1 11w0 48b1503134
21magcoelho_xadrez0 75b1 7w0 50b1 29b½ 13w0 72w1 23b½ 35w+503133,5
22lebom9840 -0 83b1 65w1 11b0 46w1 56b1 18w1 6w0503133
23davidboleo20080 44b1 15w0 43b1 53w1 51b½ 28w0 21w½ 46b1503033,5
24Joaomsdiogo0 25b1 19w0 42w0 59b1 57w1 18w0 65b1 37w1503033
25Carolina48480 24w0 55w0 81b1 58b1 78w1 47b1 17w1 5b0502931
26AfonsoMonteiro0 70b1 57w0 78b- -0 87w1 30b1 33w1 38b15025,527
27XDiogo2690 -0 52w0 49b1 72w½ 85b1 36w½ 67b1 47b1502526,5
28chipelo0100w1 2b0 13w½ 76w1 36b1 23b1 3w0 14b04,503636
29PedrozardX0 49w1 9b0 60b1 21w½ 11b0 66w1 13b0 54w14,5032,535,5
30Player20730 15b0 58w1 36b½ 14w1 40b0 26w0 50b1 51b14,5030,534
31Marts80150 84b1 39w0 66b1 32b1 16w0 33b½ 54w1 13w04,503031,5
32MiGaspar0 59w1 93b1 39b0 31w0 52b1 54b½ 14w0 53w14,502829
33anonimo6570 20b0 78w0 92w1 50b1 53b1 31w½ 26b0 56w14,502728
34AfonsoTeixeira0 74w1 5w0 53b0 61b1 56w0 50b½ 75b1 64w14,5025,528
35seser210 48w1 11b1 7b0 17w0 42b1 19b1 15w0 21b-4035,539,5
36candida130 3w0 75b1 30w½ 62b1 28w0 27b½ 44w1 18b0403335,5
37davidsequeira7560 -0 44w1 72b1 68w1 20b1 9w0 10w0 24b0403234,5
38SuperPio0070 98w1 65b1 19b0 42w1 2b0 20w0 66b1 26w0403233
39Bidinh00 95w1 31b1 32w1 63b1 4w0 16b0 -0 -04031,532,5
40Zeca20070 -0 82w1 76b1 10b0 30w1 51w1 12b0 19w04030,532,5
41AnaAlfaiate0 73b1 3b0 55w0 83b1 48w1 12w0 58b1 17w04030,532,5
42shadowgar0 16w0 46w1 24b1 38b0 35w0 52w0 80b1 72b1402830
43leonor_150 10b0 80w1 23w0 8b0 83w1 58w0 71b1 67w1402830
44Bellabeau270 23w0 37b0 8b0 95w1 74w1 60b1 36b0 68w1402829
45RodriVeri0 9w0 61b1 51w0 69b1 8w0 65w0 70b1 66w14027,530,5
46LorenSir3100 50w0 42b0 71w1 73w1 22b0 55w1 64b1 23w0402729,5
47Ttpl10 99w1 90b1 63w0 55b1 15b0 25w0 68b1 27w04025,526
48Tomas5130 35b0 62b½ 88w1 60w½ 41b0 80b1 72w1 20w04024,526
49Tom123930 29b0 66w0 27w0 98b1 50w- 87b1 82w1 65w14022,523,5
50Darksanti10 46b1 4b0 21w0 33w0 49b+ 34w½ 30w0 77b13,503335,5
51Tiagovt20080 77w1 10w0 45b1 52b1 23w½ 40b0 8b0 30w03,5032,535
52kika74940 18w0 27b1 69b1 51w0 32w0 42b1 19w0 58b½3,5030,533,5
53antoniotorres1022180 12w0 67b1 34w1 23b0 33w0 73b1 56w½ 32b03,5030,533
54SoraiaSalsa0 2w0 95b1 87w1 13b0 68b1 32w½ 31b0 29b03,5030,531,5
55TiagoGoncalves20070 13w0 25b1 41b1 47w0 66w0 46b0 62w1 60b½3,5029,532,5
56jose0102860 58w1 12b0 68b0 84w1 34b1 22w0 53b½ 33b03,5029,531
57Jonjondatarde0 97w1 26b1 9w0 64w0 24b0 14w0 76b½ 75w13,502930
58Maria_104010 56b0 30b0 -1 25w0 61w1 43b1 41w0 52w½3,5028,532
59ariana_andre_matias0 32b0 77b1 20w0 24w0 65b0 74w½ 87b1 73w13,502526,5
60gongas123_1230 -0 92b1 29w0 48b½ 76w½ 44w0 83b1 55w½3,5024,525,5
61raulestevam0 -0 45w0 77b1 34w0 58b0 92b+ 69w½ 76w13,502425
62EmaRicardo0 72b0 48w½ 99b1 36w0 14b0 85w1 55b0 74w13,5023,524
63BernardoGaspar20070 82b1 20w1 47b1 39w0 -0 -0 -0 -0302931
64arianam280 79b0 71w1 93w1 57b1 7b0 8w0 46w0 34b0302930
65Miguel_5A0 71b1 38w0 22b0 80w0 59w1 45b1 24w0 49b03028,530,5
66Pastel_de_nata0 -0 49b1 31w0 82w1 55b1 29b0 38w0 45b03028,530,5
67afonsom23050 6b0 53w0 95b1 70w1 18b0 82b1 27w0 43b03028,529,5
68dinzcc0 4w0 98b1 56w1 37b0 54w0 76b1 47w0 44b0302829
69gumarques570 1w0103b1 52w0 45w0 77b½ 75w0 61b½ 80w1302525
70rafa2020-950 26w0 -0103w1 67b0 82w0 95b1 45w0 83w1302121
71Salsa20110 65w0 64b0 46b0 92w+ 84b½ 77w½ 43w0 82b1302021
72Beatriz_120 62w1 18b0 37w0 27b½ 75w1 21b0 48b0 42w02,5030,533
73JPAlex30 41w0 74b1 17w0 46b0 97w1 53w0 77b½ 59b02,502526
74luissilva080 34b0 73w0 83w0 -1 44b0 59b½ 88w1 62b02,502425,5
75CaudiaCarvalho0 21w0 36w0 97b½ 88w1 72b0 69b1 34w0 57b02,502425
76Rafae1120 88b½ 85w1 40w0 28b0 60b½ 68w0 57w½ 61b02,5023,525
77marianaverissimo0 51b0 59w0 61w0 96b1 69w½ 71b½ 73w½ 50w02,5022,523,5
78ChakraHunter0 19w0 33b1 26w+ 15w0 25b0 -0 -0 -02032,536,5
79Silver_up0 64w1 13b1 4w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0203235
80joaocaslhon0 11w0 43b0 96w1 65b1 12b0 48w0 42w0 69b0202930
81MMPchess0 -0 -0 25w0 -0 88b1 97b1 -0 -02026,527,5
82Francisca120 63w0 40b0 98w1 66b0 70b1 67w0 49b0 71w0202324
83Afonso_Rasteiro0 90b0 22w0 74b1 41w0 43b0 98w1 60w0 70b0202324
84MarianaSilva3730 31w0 97b1 11w0 56b0 71w½ -0 -0 -01,5028,529,5
85MatildeFrancisco130 14b½ 76b0 91w0 94b1 27w0 62b0 -0 -01,5025,526,5
86iaramonteiro20080 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 98b1 87w½1,5025,526,5
87CSR000 17b0 99w½ 54b0 97w½ 26b0 49w0 59w0 86b½1,5023,524
88inesteixeira080 76w½ 14w0 48b0 75b0 81w0 94b0 74b0 98w11,502021
89crismelo70 5b0 8w1 16b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0103337
90mabel41800 83w1 47w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0102830
91LeonorAbrantes7C0 -0 -0 85b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0102829,5
92DanielaPortugal0 -0 60w0 33b0 71b- -1 61w- -0 -01027,530,5
93Marco84460103b1 32w0 64b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01027,527,5
94Anastacia370 -0 -0 -0 85w0 -0 88w1 -0 -01025,527
95rafaelmoreira240 39b0 54w0 67w0 44b0102w+ 70w0 -0 -01025,525,5
96Cristiana104000 -0 -0 80b0 77w0 98w0 -1 -0 -01024,525,5
97vascom3020080 57b0 84w0 75w½ 87b½ 73b0 81w0 -0 -0102021,5
98PPaixao0 38b0 68w0 82b0 49w0 96b1 83b0 86w0 88b0101819
99Rodrigo121980 47b0 87b½ 62w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5027,529
100diogopereira430 28b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00028,532,5
101AndreSilva120 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002832
102AlexAndre103990 -0 -0 -0 -0 95b- -0 -0 -0002829
103FranciscoRibeiro200 93w0 69w0 70b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002627

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)