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Departamental Cundinamarca 2020 U12

Il sito e stato aggiornato il16.02.2020 23:13:56, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: FECODAZ

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Tabellone finale dopo 5 turni

PosNomeElopaese*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.TurPts. Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1Paladines Pinzon Samuel1375CUN 20b1 13w1 6b1 7w1 5b15512,50
2Gomez Ramos David Santiago1327CUN 8b1 18w1 4b0 6w1 7b14413,50
3Cruz Beltran Ismael Josue1218CUN 18b0 16w1 12b1 4w1 10b14412,50
4Romero Rojas Oscar Julian1252CUN 10w1 5b½ 2w1 3b0 8b13,5317,50
5Sanchez Soba Omar Jose1153CUN 21b1 4w½ 14b1 9w1 1w03,5314,50
6Torres Garcia Juan Nicolas1198CUN 12w1 17b1 1w0 2b0 13w133160
7Agudelo Guevara Juan Sebastian1134CUN 14b1 21w1 9b1 1b0 2w033150
8Avila Mendez Jairo Alejandro0CUN 2w0 15b1 17w1 11b1 4w03314,50
9Prieto Candil Oscar Alejandro1340CUN 19w1 11b1 7w0 5b0 17w13312,50
10Barrera Peña Sebastian0CUN 4b0 20w1 13b1 18w1 3w03311,50
11Arias Juan Sebastian1155CUN 16b1 9w0 18b1 8w0 14b133110
12Lopez Gonzalez Emanuel David0CUN 6b0 -1 3w0 15b1 21w13212,50
13Garzon Roa Stiven Alejandro1148CUN 15w1 1b0 10w0 19b1 6b022140
14Rodriguez Barragan Diego Alejandro1401CUN 7w0 19b1 5w0 16b1 11w02212,50
15Bohorquez Parra Juana Valentina1424CUN 13b0 8w0 20b1 12w0 18b122100
16Ortiz Prado Sofia0CUN 11w0 3b0 -1 14w0 19b12112,50
Rocha Duarte Lesly Nicolle0CUN -1 6w0 8b0 20w1 9b02112,50
18Garcia Garcia Daniel David0CUN 3w1 2b0 11w0 10b0 15w011160
19Alvarez Palacio Johan Sebastian0CUN 9b0 14w0 21b1 13w0 16w011100
20Aguilar Aguilar Luis Esteban0CUN 1w0 10b0 15w0 17b0 -11014,50
21Aya Perez Angie Vanesa1561CUN 5w0 7b0 19w0 -1 12b010130

Cls1: The greater number of victories (variable)
Cls2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Cls3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)