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Fase Prèvia C. Catalunya edats 2020, Camp de Tarragona SUB-10

Darrera actualització07.03.2020 20:12:11, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ruben Morales Medel

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Gonzalez Catala Biel1510 22b1 25w1 26b1 35w1 9b1 2w16121230
2Cavalle Pla Pol1485 23w1 27b1 17w1 13b1 11w0 1b04521230
3Stankevicius Dominykas1428 24b1 26w0 35w- -0 31b1 18w131817,5180
4Vidal Amador Roger1424 25w0 39b0 19w1 23b0 38w0 29b013813150
5Moreno Gomez Guillem1420 -0 -0 14b0 30w0 21b- -003913140
6Aledo Medina Alvaro1412 26b0 22w0 21b1 18w1 24b0 30w02251819,50
7Gómez López Marco1412 27w0 23b0 31w1 40b1 33w0 36b13221313,50
8Blanco Riou Arthur1405 28b0 24w0 30b0 21w1 32b1 20w131915,516,50
9Koval Oleksandr1402 29w1 33b1 39w1 15b1 1w0 13b15319,521,50
10Manzanares Errazu Iker1396 30b1 28w0 24b0 36w1 23b1 35w03161819,50
11Torrent Ravelo Canek1395 31w1 35b0 27w1 33b1 2b1 26w0471919,50
12Borras Veciana Eloi1392 -0 -0 32w1 25b1 40w0 39b132113140
13Beglaryan Edgar1391 32b1 34w1 40b1 2w0 35b1 9w04818190
14Munté Casellas Oriol1388 33w0 29b0 5w1 27b0 39w1 38b022916180
15Quijada Prades Pau1388 34b0 30w1 25b1 9w0 28b0 23w131418200
16Ortega Veciana Alejandro1379 35w0 31b1 29w+ 24w½ 26b- -02,5241818,50
17Dasca Huertas Jordi1373 36b1 37w1 2b0 26w0 30b1 28w031320,5220
18Chicu Sebastian1368 37w0 32b1 33w0 6b0 25w1 3b023215160
19Sáez Miranda Néstor1368 -0 -0 4b0 32w0 36b- -004010110
20Portal Salvat Joan1364 38b1 40w0 34b+ 37b0 27w0 8b02261719,50
21Manye Pujol Didac1356 39w0 36b0 6w0 8b0 5w+ 31w123499,50
22Escoda Sanahuja Adria1355 1w0 6b1 36w1 39b1 37w0 33b14101718,50
23Yerga Gomez Ian Joel1354 2b0 7w1 37b0 4w1 10w0 15b022717180
24Pique Castro Raül1348 3w0 8b1 10w1 16b½ 6w1 37b14,5417190
25Espinosa Carbó Daniel1340 4b1 1b0 15w0 12w0 18b0 32w123116170
26Padilla Moreno Alvaro1340 6w1 3b1 1w0 17b1 16w+ 11b15220,522,50
27Llorens Buqueras Alex1330 7b1 2w0 11b0 14w1 20b1 40w141215,5170
28Requena Kramer Lukas1319 8w1 10b1 -0 -0 15w1 17b14917,520,50
29Gonsalvez Vikoulin Dylan1318 9b0 14w1 16b- -0 -0 4w123016170
30Carbo Jornet Jordi1317 10w0 15b0 8w1 5b1 17w0 6b132014160
31Armora Daura Carla1306 11b0 16w0 7b0 -1 3w0 21b013615,516,50
32Ariste Rodriguez Martina1286 13w0 18w0 12b0 19b1 8w0 25b013715170
33Ronda Hidalgo Guillem1279 14b1 9w0 18b1 11w0 7b1 22w031518200
34Sablon Llorach Leo1279 15w1 13b0 20w- -0 -0 -013516180
35Mestre Carcelle Marçal1276 16b1 11w1 3b+ 1b0 13w0 10b14620,523,50
36Grau Cabre Abril1262 17w0 21w1 22b0 10b0 19w+ 7w023314,5160
37Zurano Lopez Eric1237 18b1 17b0 23w1 20w1 22b1 24w041115,5170
38Rodriguez San Martin Victor1231 20w0 -1 -0 -0 4b1 14w132312130
39Saber Pahca Sah Haron1231 21b1 4w1 9b0 22w0 14b0 12w022816,517,50
40Gonzalez Danus Ruben1217 -1 20b1 13w0 7w0 12b1 27b031717,5190

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)