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IX Torneig Clàssic Internacional Sant Martí 2020

Darrera actualització12.03.2020 23:04:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Pablo Castillo García

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1GMPerez Mitjans Orelvis 43w1 28b1 10w1 4b0 16b1 9w1 3b½ 6w1 20w17,515244,537,570
2IMRojas Keim Luis 45b1 25w1 11b1 21w½ 7b1 4w0 9b1 10w1 6b06,554739,53760
3IMVidarte Morales Arturo 47w+ 30b1 12w1 6b½ 4w½ 10b½ 1w½ 18b1 40w17447,5403650
4FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro 48b1 31w1 14b1 1w1 3b½ 2b1 6w0 19w1 16b+7,524941,539,570
5FMRuiz Mata Oscar 50w1 32b1 -0 -0 52w1 58b1 -0 11w1 21b161041,535,52960
6FMCapellades Subirana Marc 51b1 34w1 15b1 3w½ 21b1 14w1 4b1 1b0 2w17,5347,5404070
7Nadal Fajardo Ricard 52w1 36b½ 24w1 22b1 2w0 18b½ 20w0 -0 -044245,538,52830
8MKPerez Garcia Adria 53b1 35w1 21b0 29w1 32b0 -0 -0 -0 -03643731,52330
9MKVillar Reymundo Juan Antonio 54w1 38b1 22w0 18b1 19w1 1b0 2w0 35b1 25w16644,5373160
10FMCastillo Dalmau Albert 55b1 37w1 1b0 31w1 57b1 3w½ 11b1 2b0 18w05,5134537,53350
11Perez Pastora Evarist 56w1 40b1 2w0 26b½ 30w1 32b1 10w0 5b0 27b15,51444,5373050
12MKNamay Caceres Santos 57b1 39w1 3b0 32w0 41b½ 53w½ 47b0 59w1 43b-44639,53323,530
13Busom Isach Carlos 58w1 42b1 -0 39w1 -0 61b½ 30w½ 37b1 57w-525413528,540
14Cervello I Tost Roger 59b1 41w1 4w0 28b1 22w1 6b0 21w0 -0 -04434537,52840
15Garcia Martinez Josep 60w1 66b1 6w0 35b½ 40w1 21b½ 22w½ 20b0 47w½52144,5372930
16NMAnguera Maestro Jaime -0 58b1 42w1 38b1 1w0 24w1 26b1 21w1 4w-674436,53060
17Bulto Gonzalvo Ramon 61b1 -0 46w1 57b- 39b½ -0 67w- -0 -02,57238,53318,520
18MKPrats Rodriguez Juan Bosco 62w½ 70b1 36w+ 9w0 48b1 7w½ 27b1 3w0 10b1694235,530,550
19Padros Martinez Albert 63b0 59w1 27b1 41w1 9b0 29w1 25w1 4b0 62w052441,534,52850
20Garcia Ruiz Adrian -0 60b1 47w1 -0 49b1 38w1 7b1 15w1 1b06842,5352960
21Riera Danes Manel 64w1 76b1 8w1 2b½ 6w0 15w½ 14b1 16b0 5w05204739,53240
22Planella Sanchez Jordi 65b1 63w1 9b1 7w0 14b0 47w1 15b½ -0 58w15,51541,535,530,550
23Rojas Fernandez Andres 66w0 -0 73b1 59w1 47b0 70w1 57b0 52b0 64w+4503327,51840
24Parayre Soguero Jordi 67b1 69w1 7b0 48w½ 35w1 16b0 61w1 40b0 75w+5,51837302950
25Vallbona Domingo Joan 68w1 2b0 52w1 67b1 -0 62w1 19b0 38w1 9b052341,5352850
26Repiso Alvarez Jorge 69b0 61w1 45b1 11w½ 62b½ 57w1 16w0 47b½ 67b15,517383126,540
27Moreno Perez Norberto 70w½ 72b1 19w0 40b½ 54w1 64b1 18w0 53b1 11w052737,53226,540
28Sumelzo Lozano Jose 71b1 1w0 51b1 14w0 53b0 49w1 62b0 79w1 52b-44540,5332240
29Calderon Gutierrez Felipe 72w½ 62b½ 54w1 8b0 56w1 19b0 40w0 63b0 59w+44836,53121,530
30Poyato Ruiz Fernando 73b1 3w0 53b½ 70w1 11b0 41w1 13b½ 67w½ 33b04,53240,5342530
31Alcaraz Lopez Francesc 74w1 4b0 56w1 10b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -027637301620
32Ramos Alvarez Maximo 75b1 5w0 63b+ 12b1 8w1 11w0 -0 62b0 -04444436,52740
33Aguila Barcelo Lluis 76w0 64b1 57w0 60b1 58w0 52b1 63w1 75b½ 30w15,51934292350
34Bernat Ernest 77b1 6b0 62w½ 53w½ 61b- 54b1 58w½ 57w- -03,55340,5332120
35Cabot Muntane Jordi 78w1 8b0 66w+ 15w½ 24b0 48w1 53b½ 9w0 39b½4,53638322530
36Planella Sanchez Xavier 79b1 7w½ 18b- 62b- 82w- -0 -0 -0 -01,58135,5301310
37Niubo Calvo Juan 80w1 10b0 67w0 63b1 64w0 56b1 82w1 13w0 49b15293528,52350
38Donas Perez Emilio 81b1 9w0 69b1 16w0 67w1 20b0 64w1 25b0 53w½4,535393224,540
39Farre Buil Carles 82w1 12b0 76w1 13b0 17w½ 40b0 51w1 61b1 35w½52836,5302440
40Albert Cristobal Jorge 83b1 11w0 77b1 27w½ 15b0 39w1 29b1 24w1 3b05,51638,5322850
41Martinez Diaz Francisco Javier 84w1 14b0 82w1 19b0 12w½ 30b0 70b0 68w1 63w14,54033,528,521,540
42Ibanez Riquelme Sergio 85b1 13w0 16b0 61w0 69b1 59w1 75b0 66w½ 70b03,55537301930
43Permanyer Ugartemendia Inaki 1b0 67w- 72w½ 75w½ -0 76b1 60w1 64b1 12w+5303527,516,540
44Gomez Parla Josep -0 71w½ 70b- 74b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,58231,526,51010
45Salazar Navas Josep 2w0 68b1 26w0 64b0 72w1 63b0 65w0 51b0 83w13683427,51430
46Vigier Lopez Carlos -0 73w1 17b0 65w1 -0 67b0 72w½ 74b½ 82w14513327,517,530
47Fuentes Barrientos Carlos 3b- 75w1 20b0 72b1 23w1 22b0 12w1 26w½ 15b½522423523,540
48Agut Alvarez Josep Lluis 4w0 74b1 49w1 24b½ 18w0 35b0 79b0 72w½ 65b½3,554393219,520
49Costa Trave Jaume -0 65w1 48b0 76b1 20w0 28b0 73w1 82b1 37w044935,528,51940
50Navarro Cardenas Jose Adrian 5b0 77w0 75b½ 55w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,58530,5233,500
51Fungueirino Pique Daniel 6w0 78b1 28w0 82b0 68w½ 74b1 39b0 45w1 79b03,55734,52716,530
52Romero Funieles Rafael 7b0 81w1 25b0 66w1 5b0 33w0 78b1 23w1 28w+5263830,52050
53Tortosa Moros Joan 8w0 80b1 30w½ 34b½ 28w1 12b½ 35w½ 27w0 38b½4,537373223,520
54Bellpuig Mencos Gerard 9b0 83w1 29b0 69w1 27b0 34w0 66b0 76w1 72b145231,525,51740
55Genoves Dexeus David 10w0 82b0 74w½ 50b+ 70b0 75w0 -0 -0 -01,58330,5259,510
56Abascal Vicente Ignacio 11b0 85w1 31b0 77w1 29b0 37w0 -0 84b1 74w½3,5593226,516,530
57Capdet Egea Sergi 12w0 84b+ 33b1 17w+ 10w0 26b0 23w1 34b+ 13b+6123933,52760
58Cabrera Marmol Manuel 13b0 16w0 81b1 85w1 33b1 5w0 34b½ 70w1 22b04,53144,53721,540
59Garcia Gonzalez Juan 14w0 19b0 78w1 23b0 73w1 42b0 84w1 12b0 29b-36931,526,51530
60Gonzalez Canovas Sebastia 15b0 20w0 83b1 33w0 75b0 77w1 43b0 85w1 -036238311330
61Serentill Tost Eduard 17w0 26b0 79w1 42b1 34w+ 13w½ 24b0 39w0 66b14,53340,5342140
62Cruz Saez Alejandro 18b½ 29w½ 34b½ 36w+ 26w½ 25b0 28w1 32w1 19b161139,53426,540
63Garcia Punzano Josep Lluis 19w1 22b0 32w- 37w0 77b1 45w1 33b0 29w1 41b044737,531,52040
64Esteban Lupianez Jose Miguel 21b0 33w0 84b1 45w1 37b1 27w0 38b0 43w0 23b-36337,5321830
65Valdes Azon Gerard 22w0 49b0 80w1 46b0 76w1 -0 45b1 -0 48w½3,558342815,530
66Pascual Gonzalez-Novelles David 23b1 15w0 35b- 52b0 79w½ 78b½ 54w1 42b½ 61w03,556353017,520
67Gibert Juan Ramon 24w0 43b+ 37b1 25w0 38b0 46w1 17b+ 30b½ 26w04,5343933,52340
68Colominas Isern Josep 25b0 45w0 85b0 81w1 51b½ 79w0 83b1 41b0 73w-2,5743024,511,520
69Tomas Martinez Angel 26w1 24b0 38w0 54b0 42w0 84b0 74w0 71b½ -12,57331,5261110
70Subirana Santos Marc 27b½ 18w0 44w+ 30b0 55w1 23b0 41w1 58b0 42w14,5393529,520,540
71Munoz Prior Marcelo 28w0 44b½ -0 -0 -0 83w0 77b1 69w½ 85b027829,524,5810
72Paez Nunez David 29b½ 27w0 43b½ 47w0 45b0 81w1 46b½ 48b½ 54w03673529,514,510
73Martin Sanchez Antoni 30w0 46b0 23w0 80b1 59b0 85w1 49b0 78w½ 68b+3,56129,524,51230
74Climent Vidal Pere 31b0 48w0 55b½ 44w0 83b1 51w0 69b1 46w½ 56b½3,56030251320
75Sumed Castillo Alejandro 32w0 47b0 50w½ 43b½ 60w1 55b1 42w1 33w½ 24b-4,5383731,519,530
76Febrero Perez Lluis 33b1 21w0 39b0 49w0 65b0 43w0 81b1 54b0 78w136636,5311330
77Menbrive Hernandez Juan 34w0 50b1 40w0 56b0 63w0 60b0 71w0 81b1 84w137031,5261130
78Gracia Poch Frederic 35b0 51w0 59b0 83w½ 85b1 66w½ 52w0 73b½ 76b02,57528,5241110
79San Isidoro Castillo Josep 36w0 -0 61b0 84w1 66b½ 68b1 48w1 28b0 51w14,541322716,540
80Cacho Lafuente Marc 37b0 53w0 65b0 73w0 81b- -1 85b0 83w½ 81w01,58426,521,5500
81Perez Parra Agusti 38w0 52b0 58w0 68b0 80w+ 72b0 76w0 77w0 80b128027,523620
82Fuentes Del Pino Raul 39b0 55w1 41b0 51w1 36b+ -0 37b0 49w0 46b03653731,51930
83Ponsa Asensio Ramon 40w0 54b0 60w0 78b½ 74w0 71b1 68w0 80b½ 45b027928,523810
84Manukyan Aram 41b0 57w- 64w0 79b0 -1 69w1 59b0 56w0 77b02773025910
85Lison Palomero Nicolas 42w0 56b0 68w1 58b0 78w0 73b0 80w1 60b0 71w137127,5231130

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempat5: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)