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9ο Νεανικό Open ΣΟΠ-ΣΜΑΟΚ κάτω των 16 σε εξέλιξη_7 Κυριακές_ 17.00 Με διεθνή αξιολόγηση (FIDE)_1+30'+30''

Τελευταία ενημέρωση16.02.2020 18:52:35, Δημιουργός/Τελευταία ενημέρωση: Greek Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Πίνακας Αρχικής Κατάταξης

Α/ΑΌνομαΧΩΡ1.Γύ2.Γύ3.Γύ4.Γύ5.Γύ6.Γύ7.ΓύΒαθ.Κατ. ΚΙ1  ΚΙ2  ΚΙ3 
1Fotiadis FilipposGRE 39b1 29w1 15b1 5w1 2b1 8w1 4b17103022,5
2Giakoustidou IoannaGRE 25w1 36b1 8w1 4b1 1w0 19b1 3b054032,523
3Drivas Georgios IGRE 34b1 45w1 6b1 4w0 40b1 2w15,5203021,5
4Piterou DimitraGRE 26b1 32w1 22b1 2w0 3b1 5w1 1w05603221,5
5Yannopapa AngelikiGRE 27w1 38b1 42w1 1b0 22w1 4b0 39b041403122
6Spantidakis GeorgiosGRE 28b1 40w½ 47b1 3w0 7b1 34w1 9b04,51102820
7Andreadellis GeorgiosGRE 29w0 43b0 20w1 31b1 6w0 36b½ 15w13,526022,516,5
8Argyropoulos Konstantinos GGRE 30b1 41w1 2b0 12w1 39w1 1b0 42w155032,523
9Bairaktaris DimitriosGRE 31w1 42b0 33w1 38b1 40w½ 45b1 6w15,5302719,5
10Bairaktaris NikolaosGRE 32b0 26w1 40b½ 34w0 14w1 23b0 36w13,52502316,5
11Bencardino AntonioGRE 40w0 31b0 35w1 45b0 25w- 46w1 30b-240021,516,5
12Demestichas PetrosGRE 33w1 45b½ 43w1 8b0 41b+ 48w157027,519,5
13Dimopoulos MarkosGRE 15b0 28w0 21b1 32w0 29w0 17b½ 27w12,53801712
14Galanis DimitriosGRE 36w0 46b1 43w0 10b0 33w0 17b½24301913,5
15Giannarelis GiorgosGRE 13w1 46b1 1w0 39b0 37w0 7b02,53602719
16Kakaletris PanagiotisGRE 38w0 25b0 34w0 20b1 31w0 18b- 46b124102115,5
17Kapidaki EleniGRE 46w0 27b0 24w0 35b0 20w+ 13w½ 14w½2450149,5
18Kapidakis IoannisGRE 47b0 30w0 26b0 21w1 33b0 16w+ 35w0244018,513,5
19Kapsabelis GiorgosGRE 24b1 47w0 32b1 41w1 48b1 2w0 38b041802619
20Kitsiou AlkminiGRE 41b0 39w0 7b0 16w0 17b- 21b- 21b-04702014
21Kitsiou MikaelaGRE 42w0 33b0 13w0 18b0 35w- 20w- 20w-048015,510,5
22Koka KleanthisGRE 44b1 48w+ 4w0 47w1 5b0 48w- 32b+416026,518,5
23Koraki EiriniGRE 45w0 35b1 36w0 29b1 37b½ 10w1 43b03,52402619
24Kourtis FaidrosGRE 19w0 37b0 17b1 44w0 46b1 43w0 31b0239022,517
25Metos DimitriosGRE 2b0 16w1 39b0 37w0 11b+ 30w1 33b1420024,517,5
26Molyndris SpyrosGRE 4w0 10b0 18w1 33b1 36w1 42b0 44w-332023,517
27Moundros GeorgiosGRE 5b0 17w1 41b0 46w1 44b0 32w0 13b0242020,515
28Moustos IoannisGRE 6w0 13b1 37w1 40b0 38w0 31b+ 41b0328026,519,5
29Mpotsis MichalisGRE 7b1 1b0 38w0 23w0 13b1 35w+ 47w1417026,517
30Papageorgiou ApostolosGRE 8w0 18b1 44w1 42b0 41w0 25b0 11w+33002417,5
31Perpatidou DanaiGRE 9b0 11w1 48b0 7w0 16b1 28w- 24w1333023,516
32Priggouris TheodorosGRE 10w1 4b0 19w0 13b1 47w0 27b1 22w-33102417
33Sarris PanagiotisGRE 12b0 21w1 9b0 26w0 18w1 14b1 25w033402215
34Spyridonidis AlkiviadisGRE 3w0 16b1 10b1 42w1 6b0 40w14,51202719
35Taylor GeorgeGRE -0 23w0 11b0 17w1 21b+ 29b- 18b133501913,5
36Thanopoulos IoannisGRE 14b1 2w0 23b1 48w0 26b0 7w½ 10b02,537024,517,5
37Tsakomidis KonstantinosGRE -0 24w1 28b0 25b1 23w½ 15b1 45w-3,527022,516
38Tsekouras StefanosGRE 16b1 5w0 29b1 9w0 28b1 44w+ 19w159025,517,5
39Tsepis KonstantinosGRE 1w0 20b1 25w1 15w1 8b0 47b1 5w158026,518
40Tsirimokos AndreasGRE 11b1 6b½ 10w½ 28w1 9b½ 3w0 34b03,52302921
41Tzamtzis AnastasiosGRE 20w1 8b0 27w1 19b0 30b1 12w- 28w142102215,5
42Tzamtzis DimitriosGRE 21b1 9w1 5b0 30w1 34b0 26w1 8b0415026,519,5
43Vazdirvanidis ChristosGRE 7w1 12b0 14b1 45w0 24b1 23w14,51302316,5
44Vitoratou StellaGRE 22w0 -1 30b0 24b1 27w1 38b- 26b+42202013,5
45Xergias ThanosGRE 23b1 12w½ 3b0 11w1 43b1 9w0 37b+4,51003021,5
46Yiakamozi RodanthiGRE 17b1 15w0 14w0 27b0 24w0 11b0 16w0146015,511
47Yiakamozis ApostolosGRE 18w1 19b1 6w0 22b0 32b1 39w0 29b0329025,519
48Zervakis GeorgiosGRE -1 22b- 31w1 36b1 19w0 22b+ 12b0419025,518,5

Κριτήριο1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Κριτήριο2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Κριτήριο3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)