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TWCA Open Chess Championships 2019

Last update 06.01.2020 16:43:14, Creator/Last Upload: NitzbornMB

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Starting rank

1Tavagwisa LawrenceNAM1895
2Khoa GoodwillNAM1846
3Gurirab MontgomeryNAM1627
4Gurirab KevinNAM1534
5Shilongo IsraelNAM1508
6Hambira ZavazaNAM1500
7Jane DitshabaNAM1500
8Jane GalesheweNAM1500
9Van Wyk KeishaNAM1465
10WCMBeukes Jamie-NicoleNAM1353
11Mouton DanielNAM1182
12WCMHinda OttilieNAM1155
13Jansen LilianNAM1122
14Uris TaishaNAM1021
15Mupetami StevenNAM1500