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VI Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A (Id.234911)

Last update 24.12.2019 16:55:58, Creator/Last Upload: LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Eduardo

Player overview for EGY

19GMAdly Ahmed26070EGY½110½1111½7,512Group A
75Said Abdel Monem Mohamed16020EGY000000000087Night Bltz 14

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAdly Ahmed26077 ½ - ½ GMDurarbayli Vasif2609
Said Abdel Monem Mohamed16020 0 not paired  

Player details for EGY

GM Adly Ahmed 2607 EGY Rp:2608 Pts. 7,5
1173Nikolic Vladan22170SWE5s ½
2169WIMPriyanka Nutakki22300IND4w 1
394FMRathanvel V S24110IND6s 1
460IMErenberg Ariel24790ISR6,5w 0
5113FMManu David Suthandram R23690IND5,5s ½
6115IMSankalp Gupta23650IND5,5w 1
774IMReal De Azua Ernesto24500ARG6,5s 1
856GMGordon Stephen J24950ENG6,5w 1
942GMSindarov Javokhir25260UZB7s 1
1018GMDurarbayli Vasif26090AZE8w ½
Said Abdel Monem Mohamed 1602 EGY Pts. 0
130Medar Marti22180EST4,5- 0K
2-not paired-- --- 0
3-not paired-- --- 0
4-not paired-- --- 0
5-not paired-- --- 0
6-not paired-- --- 0
7-not paired-- --- 0
8-not paired-- --- 0
9-not paired-- --- 0