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FIDE Grand Swiss 2019

Last update 21.10.2019 21:55:15, Creator/Last Upload: aeliens

Player overview for AZE

65GMMamedov Rauf2645101½½½½½½0½5,569GRAND SWISS
83GMAbasov Nijat2632½½½1½½½½1½½6,515GRAND SWISS
100GMDurarbayli Vasif2617½½½½00110105113GRAND SWISS
112GMSafarli Eltaj2593½1½0½½½½½½½5,577GRAND SWISS

Results of the last round for AZE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAbasov Nijat26326 ½ - ½6 GMXiong Jeffery2708
GMKamsky Gata26855 1 - 05 GMDurarbayli Vasif2617
GMMamedov Rauf26455 ½ - ½5 GMYilmaz Mustafa2595
GMPapaioannou Ioannis26455 ½ - ½5 GMSafarli Eltaj2593

Player details for AZE

GM Mamedov Rauf 2645 AZE Rp:2661 Pts. 5,5
1142IMHouska Jovanka24303,5w 1
215GMWang Hao27268w 0
3133IMErenberg Ariel24635s 1
412GMNakamura Hikaru27457,5s ½
514GMSvidler Peter27296,5w ½
611GMArtemiev Vladislav27465,5w ½
735GMKorobov Anton26796s ½
817GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi27187w ½
927GMGrandelius Nils26916,5s ½
1010GMWojtaszek Radoslaw27486,5s 0
11111GMYilmaz Mustafa25955,5w ½
GM Abasov Nijat 2632 AZE Rp:2745 Pts. 6,5
16GMKarjakin Sergey27606,5w ½
28GMAronian Levon27587,5s ½
34GMAnand Viswanathan27656,5w ½
4138GMSebag Marie24454s 1
540GMBacrot Etienne26715,5w ½
628GMSargissian Gabriel26906s ½
746GMSaric Ivan26676w ½
850GMEljanov Pavel26636s ½
952GMSjugirov Sanan26626w 1
1030GMGelfand Boris26866s ½
1120GMXiong Jeffery27086,5w ½
GM Durarbayli Vasif 2617 AZE Rp:2558 Pts. 5
123GMDubov Daniil26995,5s ½
219GMLe Quang Liem27087w ½
325GMVallejo Pons Francisco26946,5s ½
433GMRodshtein Maxim26844,5w ½
557GMDemchenko Anton26555,5s 0
6133IMErenberg Ariel24635w 0
7138GMSebag Marie24454s 1
8147GMDanielian Elina23854w 1
99GMHarikrishna Pentala27486,5s 0
10149WGMSoumya Swaminathan23654,5w 1
1131GMKamsky Gata26856s 0
GM Safarli Eltaj 2593 AZE Rp:2662 Pts. 5,5
135GMKorobov Anton26796s ½
233GMRodshtein Maxim26844,5w 1
350GMEljanov Pavel26636w ½
444GMKryvoruchko Yuriy26696,5s 0
568GMChigaev Maksim26445,5w ½
682GMMareco Sandro26346s ½
761GMSevian Samuel26546,5s ½
845GMBerkes Ferenc26675,5w ½
931GMKamsky Gata26856s ½
1055GMNabaty Tamir26585w ½
1166GMPapaioannou Ioannis26455,5s ½