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Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2020 - Amateurs B

Last update 29.01.2020 18:55:39, Creator: IA Laurent FREYD,Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1 
1Oyelabi Jonathan1895NGR 43w- -0 -0 -00,5790
2Sedgwick David1894ENG 41b1 23w1 21b0 25w0 44b13191814
3Nash Damian1890USA 42w1 24b½ 43w1 30b½ 27w1461972
4Bosschem Eddy1881BEL 43b½ 48w0 69b½ 58w1 50b½2,5431588
5Dumont Andre1872BEL 45w1 26b0 42w1 23b1 24w1451979
6White David J1872ENG 46b1 27w0 41b½ 48w0 76b½2521568
7Nwachukwu Chino1868NGR 47w1 28b1 20w1 21b1 9w1512566
8Teh Wee Zhun1857MAS 48b½ 50w1 44b1 13w1 15b14,522079
9Bryant Richard B E1849ENG 49w1 29b1 26w1 27b1 7b0431996
10Cooper Malcolm H1847ENG 50b½ 54w½ 46b½ 61w1 37b½3291686
11Nebel Uwe1847GER 51w1 32b1 38w0 26b0 45w13231768
12Gonzalez Pabollet Jesus Maria S1845ESP 52b1 31w1 27b0 29w0 54b13251765
13Martos Martin Jose Angel1841ESP 53w½ 74b1 70w1 8b0 40w13,5151754
14Leimeister Winfried1838GER 54b½ 70w- 72w1 46w1 41b13,5121928
15Hari Charan Sai Kalluri1836IND 55w1 36b1 40w1 38b1 8w0471947
16Jacob Sydney J1816ENG 56b1 33w0 54b1 31w0 52b02501578
17Olaizola Miguel1809GER 57w1 38b0 45w1 40b0 49w02511571
18Kovacevic Aleksandar S1804SRB 58b1 35w1 33b0 39w0 56b13281727
19Diaz Gallego Saul1801ESP 59w1 40b0 51w1 28b1 30w½3,5141813
20Johansson Daniel 19841799SWE 60b1 39w1 7b0 44w1 29b1481936
21Marani Luca1796ITA 61w1 65b1 2w1 7w0 31b03241768
22Mircov Nicola-Alexandar1788ROU 62b1 44w0 56b1 35w1 33b14101878
23Oueld El Hachemi Abdelhaq1788MAR 63w1 2b0 55w1 5w0 62b13271742
24Campuzano Franco1785ARG 64b1 3w½ 37b1 33w1 5b03,5131886
25Dennis Nigel W1784ENG 65w0 79b1 57w1 2b1 38w14111841
26Dragic Dragan1781SRB 66b1 5w1 9b0 11w1 39b1441983
27Anjali R. Sagar1775IND 67w1 6b1 12w1 9w0 3b03181852
28Pauwels Rudi1761BEL 68b+ 7w0 58b1 19w0 64b13301676
29Martos Amiguet Valentina1745ESP 69w1 9w0 60b1 12b1 20w03261747
30Bowman Richard L1740ENG 70b½ 76w1 48b1 3w½ 19b½3,5161751
31Sagar Siya1740IND 71w1 12b0 59w1 16b1 21w1491905
32Mena Castillo Luis1739ESP 34b1 11w0 -0 -0 -01770
33Salas Martin Javier1738ESP 75w1 16b1 18w1 24b0 22w03221778
34Murray J Stephen1731SCO 32w0 61b½ 74w1 43b1 48w½3331647
35Kuenitz Klaus1726GER 77w1 18b0 65w1 22b0 55w½2,5421597
36O`shea Colm1706ENG 78b1 15w0 66b1 -0 -02451658
37Coric Gojko1704MNE 79w½ 53b1 24w0 69b1 10w½3321652
38Greco Joseph1691GIB 80b1 17w1 11b1 15w0 25b03211785
39Waterfield Mark1688ENG 81w1 20b0 73w1 18b1 26w03311664
40D`haluin Wim1686BEL 82b1 19w1 15b0 17w1 13b03201787
41Longdin Michael1680ENG 2w0 63b1 6w½ 70b1 14w02,5381690
42Poggio Freddie1680GIB 3b0 62w1 5b0 50w½ 67b12,5401662
43Boghi Victor Almeida1679BRA 4w½ 1b+ 3b0 34w0 74b½2571502
44Guardia Bencomo Tomas1660ESP 73w1 22b1 8w0 20b0 2w02461649
45Krause Helmut1660GER 5b0 64w1 17b0 59w1 11b02471635
46Gillis Glastone Philippe1654ESP 6w0 67b1 10w½ 14b0 70w12,5391672
47Izzard Brian J1626ENG 7b0 66w0 71b0 77w1 63b½1,5681324
48Henderson Franklin Matthew1617ESP 8w½ 4b1 30w0 6b1 34b½3171888
49Kearsley Raymond J1611ENG 9b0 69w0 78b1 60w1 17b13341622
50Krause Marianne1609GER 10w½ 8b0 79w1 42b½ 4w½2,5361695
51Savage Neil1608RSA 11b0 71w1 19b0 62w0 65b01711349
52White Gary1608ENG 12w0 73b0 75w1 63b1 16w13351597
53Koreywo Witold1601ENG 13b½ 37w0 76b½ 64w0 66b01731297
54Moreno Guerrero Idelfonso1597ESP 14w½ 10b½ 16w0 65b1 12w02441692
55Postigo Jimenez Fernando1597ESP 15b0 78w1 23b0 66w1 35b½2,5411601
56AFMJimenez Urquijo Juan Manuel1567ESP 16w0 75b1 22w0 71b1 18w02561509
57Dhanwani Aditya1565GIB 17b0 80w1 25b0 76w0 81b12631367
58Riedel Michael1554GER 18w0 77b1 28w0 4b0 71w12551523
59Naldrett Geoffrey1526ENG 19b0 82w1 31b0 45b0 73w12581462
60Henderson Se1517USA 20w0 81b1 29w0 49b0 75w12611427
61Davies Cledwyn1507WLS 21b0 34w½ -1 10b0 82w½2591451
62Haddock Paul1498ENG 22w0 42b0 77w1 51b1 23w02531541
63Oliva Parra Ernesto1487ESP 23b0 41w0 80b1 52w0 47w½1,5651431
64Ghatpande Sankalp1480LUX 24w0 45b0 81w1 53b1 28w02541529
65Aragon Martin Miguel1472ESP 25b1 21w0 35b0 54w0 51w12481630
66Zhou Jing1457CHN 26w0 47b1 36w0 55b0 53w12491590
67Bynnersley Ag (Tony)1443ENG 27b0 46w0 82b½ 73b1 42w01,5671367
68Cesar Maestre Eduardo1400ESP 28w- -0 -0 -0 -00820
69Perdigones Gomez Mercedes1364ESP 29b0 49b1 4w½ 37w0 -01,5641619
70Dhanwani Aryan1360GIB 30w½ 14b+ 13b0 41w0 46b01,5661387
71Maloney Harry1328GIB 31b0 51b0 47w1 56w0 58b01701377
72Apps Ian1308ENG -0 14b0 82w0 79b11,5691244
73Russell Logan1269GIB 44b0 52w1 39b0 67w0 59b01721341
74Reyes Craig1240GIB 13w0 34b0 79b1 43w½2601443
75Harbinson Alec Ryan1141GIB 33b0 56w0 52b0 80w1 60b01741228
76Fiekas Niklas0GER 30b0 53w½ 57b1 6w½2,5371695
77Flores Villegas Oscar0ESP 35b0 58w0 62b0 47b0 -0081801
78Hawkins Oliver0ENG 36w0 55b0 49w0 -0 -0080838
79Holt Russel0ENG 37b½ 25w0 50b0 74w0 72w00,5781163
80Konstantynowicz Sylwia0NOR 38w0 57b0 63w0 75b0 -1176671
81Kou Chloe0ENG 39b0 60w0 64b0 -1 57w0175763
82Neal Eric0USA 40w0 59b0 67w½ 72b1 61b½2621422

Tie Break1: Performance (variable With parameter)