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Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2020 - Amateurs A

Last update 25.01.2020 12:51:33, Creator: IA Laurent FREYD,Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1 
1Ashwani Kumar Grover1731IND 58b1 11w1 34b1 30w1 14b152561
2Teh Wee Zhun1857MAS 36w1 25b½ 9w1 12b1 3w½41912
3Dennis Nigel W1784ENG 47b1 16w1 28b1 10w½ 2b½41882
4Anjali R. Sagar1775IND 57b1 38w1 10b0 16w1 18b141822
5Jacob Sydney J1816ENG 33b½ 56w1 27b1 18w½ 10b141810
6Sagar Siya1740IND 53w1 9b0 20w1 35b1 19w141780
7Stamenov Valeriy1761BUL 50w1 10b0 36w1 39b1 23w141776
8Greco Joseph1691GIB 10w0 59b1 45w1 22b1 31w141750
9Xu Chao0CHN 15b1 6w1 2b0 28w½ 30b13,51941
10Farrell Anthony0GIB 8b1 7w1 4w1 3b½ 5w03,51914
11Nash Damian1890USA 32w1 1b0 35w½ 29b1 25w13,51821
Bussmann John1752ENG 43b1 24w½ 29b1 2w0 27b13,51821
13Sedgwick David1894ENG 16b0 47w1 26b½ 37w1 28b13,51789
14Dragic Dragan1781SRB 49w1 45b1 18w½ 24b1 1w03,51739
15Mircov Nicola-Alexandar1788ROU 9w0 53b1 32w½ 52b1 24w13,51700
16Poggio Freddie1680GIB 13w1 3b0 54w1 4b0 35w131850
17Henderson Se1517USA -0 61b0 59w1 41w1 38b131801
18Zitan Abdelhay1705MAR 59w1 41w1 14b½ 5b½ 4w031770
19D`haluin Wim1686BEL 46b1 34w0 41b1 21w1 6b031756
20Kearsley Raymond J1611ENG 30b0 51w1 6b0 48w1 42w131713
21Oueld El Hachemi Abdelhaq1788MAR 35w½ 44b1 23w½ 19b0 39w131687
22Kovacevic Aleksandar S1804SRB 24b0 57w1 38b1 8w0 37b131676
23Coric Gojko1704MNE 56b½ 62w1 21b½ 34w1 7b031663
24White Gary1608ENG 22w1 12b½ 31w1 14w0 15b02,51784
25Collins Andrew1720ENG 51b1 2w½ 30b0 33w1 11b02,51729
26Krause Helmut1660GER 54w0 60b1 13w½ 31b0 52w12,51685
27O`shea Colm1706ENG 48b1 30w½ 5w0 32b1 12w02,51681
28Kuenitz Klaus1726GER 40w1 54b1 3w0 9b½ 13w02,51667
29Longdin Michael1680ENG 60w1 31b½ 12w0 11w0 47b12,51657
30Nebel Uwe1847GER 20w1 27b½ 25w1 1b0 9w02,51643
31Marani Luca1796ITA 37b1 29w½ 24b0 26w1 8b02,51642
32Guardia Bencomo Tomas1660ESP 11b0 43w1 15b½ 27w0 46b12,51630
33Krause Marianne1609GER 5w½ 35b0 56w1 25b0 51w12,51557
34Johansson Daniel 19841799SWE 52w1 19b1 1w0 23b0 -021681
35Jimenez Urquijo Juan Manuel1567ESP 21b½ 33w1 11b½ 6w0 16b021669
36Salas Calvo Alberto1645ESP 2b0 58w1 7b0 43w1 -021653
37Hudson Jeremy1570ENG 31w0 50b1 42w1 13b0 22w021637
38Clare Steve1632ENG 42w1 4b0 22w0 40b1 17w021608
39Savage Neil1608RSA 41b0 48w1 55b1 7w0 21b021607
40Zhou Jing1457CHN 28b0 55w0 49b1 38w0 57b121550
41Olaizola Miguel1809GER 39w1 18b0 19w0 17b0 45w121513
42Bryant Richard B E1849ENG 38b0 49w1 37b0 46w1 20b021486
43Davies Cledwyn1507WLS 12w0 32b0 60w1 36b0 56w121427
44Bullock Lee1509ENG 21w0 46b0 50w½ 60b121260
45Camara Bordon Luis Marcos1349ESP 55b1 14w0 8b0 47w½ 41b01,51543
46Garriga Marrodan Enrique0ESP 19w0 52b½ 44w1 42b0 32w01,51512
47Dhanwani Aditya1565GIB 3w0 13b0 58w1 45b½ 29w01,51490
48Maloney Harry1328GIB 27w0 39b0 53w1 20b0 49b½1,51441
49Naldrett Geoffrey1526ENG 14b0 42b0 40w0 58b1 48w½1,51431
50Tatlock Stephen0ENG 7b0 37w0 44b½ 53w½1,51392
51Bynnersley Ag (Tony)1443ENG 25w0 20b0 57b½ 62w1 33b01,51383
52Koreywo Witold1601ENG 34b0 46w½ 62b1 15w0 26b01,51381
53Haddock Paul1498ENG 6b0 15w0 48b0 59w1 50b½1,51324
54Dumont Andre1872BEL 26b1 28w0 16b0 -0 -011564
55Ocana Jeremy1708ESP 45w0 40b1 39w0 -0 -011346
56Reyes Craig1240GIB 23w½ 5b0 33b0 57w½ 43b011343
57Busch Guenther1520GER 4w0 22b0 51w½ 56b½ 40w011304
58Oliva Parra Ernesto1487ESP 1w0 36b0 47b0 49w0 62b111293
59Apps Ian1308ENG 18b0 8w0 17b0 53b0 -11803
60Hawkins Oliver0ENG 29b0 26w0 43b0 -1 44w01789
61Carr Matthew1681ENG -0 17w1 -0 -0 -010
62Holt Russel0GIB 23b0 52w0 51b0 58w00,5759

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)