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International Chess Open Graz 2020 A

Last update 03.03.2020 08:12:13, Creator: Steirischer Landesverband,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for LAT

4GMMeshkovs Nikita2566LAT111½1½1½06,572610106,10Grp A

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMDragnev Valentin25496 1 - 0 GMMeshkovs Nikita2566

Player details for LAT

GM Meshkovs Nikita 2566 LAT Rp:2610 Pts. 6,5
198CMMilikow Elie2208ISR4,5s 1101,00
249IMSzotkowski Jakub2367CZE5,5w 1102,40
334IMNomin-Erdene Davaademberel2417MGL4,5s 1103,00
413IMLivaic Leon2492CRO6,5w ½10-1,00
521Janzelj Tim2451SLO5,5s 1103,40
63GMShevchenko Kirill2580UKR7,5w ½100,20
736IMSchwabeneder Florian2412AUT6s 1102,90
811GMVorobiov Evgeny2520RUS7w ½10-0,60
97GMDragnev Valentin2549AUT7s 010-5,20