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2011 women national championship

Last update 18.04.2019 10:31:57, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

Starting rank list of players

5Haile Lidet Abate15702073ETH1573
9Eshete Ruth Leykun15700194ETH1500
10Girmay Feven Gebremeskel10801804ETH1470
1Bantiwalu Aster Melake15702081ETH1379
3Tekulu Masho Beyene15702758ETH1371
7Gebretsadik Merhawit Brhane15704190ETH1346
8Aregay Feven Dawit15703738ETH1256
6Abera Mekdes Demise15701964ETH1152
4Mekonen Selamawit Kidanemaryam15704467ETH0
2Welearegay Roza Mehari15704475ETH0