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Trinidad and Tobago National Finals 2018 - Open

Last update 18.11.2018 00:59:38, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

Starting rank list of players

7FMMc Intosh Isaiah7703791TTO2262
6FMJohnson Joshua7700768TTO2261
5FMHarper Ryan7700156TTO2226
3FMWinter Atwell Adrian7700750TTO2221
9FMRamoutar Alan-Safar7704224TTO2168
8FMCupid Kevin7700512TTO2124
11CMWiltshire Esan7700318TTO2079
12CMSoondarsingh Dev7700954TTO2049
4FMYee Frank7700105TTO2017
10CMRamos Caldera Cesar3901513VEN1975
2Jones David7700075TTO1894
1Ramdath Simon7702515TTO1863