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Asian Universities Chess Championships 2018 MEN - BLITZ

Last update 01.06.2018 18:00:48, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1IMWANG Chen08601020CHN2492Shanghai Univ. of Finance & Economi
2IMXU Yi08605564CHN2455Shanghai Univ. of Finance & Economi
3IMWANG Yiye08606021CHN2439Shanghai Univ. of Finance & Economi
4YUAN Qingyu08609772CHN2365Capital University of PE & Sports
5QUIZON Daniel05217911PHI2321Philippine Selection
6IMFIRMAN SYAH Farid07102526INA2315Gunadarma University
7FMTAHER Yoseph Theolifus07105347INA2311Gunadarma University
8FMTURQUEZA Mari Joseph05204674PHI2298Philippine Selection
9IMBERSAMINA Paulo05206995PHI2240Philippine Selection
10FMSAI AGNI JEEVITESH J05070147IND2190Osmania University
11FMHAFIZ Arif Abdul07104227INA2173Gunadarma University
12IMALI Muhammad Lutfi07103743INA2126Gunadarma University
13CHAN Sheng Yip05715245MAS2055Malaysian Selection
14YEAP Eng Chiam05702682MAS2049Malaysian Selection
15SEVILLANO Rhenzi Kyle05208971PHI2001Philippine Selection
16CMJACUTINA John Merill05217920PHI1949Far Eastern University
17LIN Zhaochen08616990CHN1920Capital University of PE & Sports
18PHUYAL Aashish012312649NEP1900The British College
19MANTILLA Earl Rhay05228786PHI1867Lyceum of the Philippines
20MOHD KIFFLEE Awang Mohd Syafie05716632MAS1865Malaysian Selection
21RILLORAZA Istraelito05213436PHI1769Far Eastern University
22IMMICIANO John Marvin05211948PHI1743Far Eastern University
23ABE Yuta07001983JPN1741Tsukuba University
24LAW Tze Hong05724295MAS1719Malaysian Selection
25MORDIDO Justine Diego05216176PHI1719Dasmarinas HIgh School
26PALASIGUE Gal Brien05226929PHI1664San Beda University
27CONCIO Michael Jr.05217873PHI1621Dasmarinas HIgh School
28NOGUCHI Takaya07002270JPN1453Fukui Prefectutal Univ
29SRIHAAN Poddar025611348PHI1231Intrernational School
30ALIAC Tony Zachary1432PHI0Cavite School of Life
31ASUNCION Gino Angelo05229499PHI0San Pedro College
32CHUA Zion El Gabriel875PHI0Arellano Univ
33CRUZ Jeremiah Luis11665228751PHI0La Consolacion University
34FAELDONIA Jasper05227488PHI0Arellano Univ
35GUCILATAR Sierlon668PHI0STI College Malolos
36HASEEB Ur Rehman07801378PAK0Univ. of Veterinary & Animal Scienc
37MARANAN Junsen Audric533PHI0Arellano Univ
38ONG Kurt Kenly182PHI0Ateneo de Manila
39REN Zhicong08625727CHN0Capital University of PE & Sports
40SANTIAGUEL Jerico0PHI0BEPZ Multinational School
41SUBAHANI Sarri8635228638PHI0Sulu State College