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Campeonato de Canarias Femenino 2018

Last update 13.05.2018 14:43:10, Creator/Last Upload: Gonzalez Valero

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Starting rank

1Sosa Suarez Carla Cristina19871982Gran Canaria
2Rodriguez Redondo Adhara19061901Tenerife
3Sanjuan Morigosa Isaura18331823Tenerife
4Sanabria Taskila Jenny Maria16341659Gran Canaria
5Barrera Martin Nayra16191599Lanzarote
6Gil Ojeda Lucia14561457Tenerife
7Otero Campos Cintia14261410La Palma
8Montelongo Espinosa Josefa Carm13051575Lanzarote
9Malmierca Julian Noelia11641160Fuerteventura
10Bellveser Armas Aitana00Hierro