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1r Torneig Promocio Espiga de les Corts (182759)

Last update 09.06.2018 11:37:13, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Starting rank list of players

3Mut Company Guillem19072114Espiga De Les Corts
9Nadal Fajardo Ricard18942094Castelldefels, C.E.
1Gutierrez Palomino Albert02066Espiga De Les Corts
8Recio Reyes Sergio18032039Sant Feliu C.E.U.C.
2Esteban Lupianez Jose Miguel16991961Sant Marti C.E.
4Sierra Muntane Luis01784Espiga De Les Corts
5Farres Garcia Joan01718Espiga De Les Corts
7Vives Illa Andreu01698Espiga De Les Corts
6Pallas Casadevalls Joaquim01616Espiga De Les Corts