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The championship of Kazakhstan 2016 (women)

Last update 12.05.2016 15:58:54, Creator: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 2),Last Upload: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 1)

Starting rank list of players

5WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya13703544KAZ2386
1WIMDavletbayeva Madina13703595KAZ2297
3WIMDauletova Gulmira13702971KAZ2284
7WFMZhylkaydarova Sholpan13700138KAZ2181
4WGMAnkudinova Yelena13702114KAZ2098
10Karabayeva Zhanna13704664KAZ2053
9Bauyrzhan Arnash13706322KAZ2052
2Mukhit Aisezym13706349KAZ1979
6Muratova Saltanat13705776KAZ1965
8Iskichekova Nadezhda13707582KAZ1784