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Waterkloof Open Prestige Section

Last update 08.03.2015 17:49:06, Creator: Hendrik du Toit,Last Upload: Pule Mangonyane

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Starting rank

1IMMakoto Rodwell11000120ZIM23210
2WGMToma Katarzyna1119907POL22990w
3IMMabusela Johannes14300702RSA22580
4Simutowe Musatwe8700389ZAM21660
5Masango Spencer14300753ZIM21360
6Mthunzi Brighton14311054RSA21030
7CMBezuidenhout Roland14304562RSA20830
8Hercules Benjamin Vincent14301938RSA20820
9Klaver Cornelis14301725RSA20670
10Van Der Westhuizen Willem14309408RSA20570
11IMMamombe Kudzanai11000147ZIM20160
12Du Plessis Heinco14306263RSA20140
13Mpya Tshediso M14308452RSA19890
14Mare Eben14305712RSA19610
15Nel Andre14308509RSA19580
16Ponelis Albert A.14302918RSA19350
17Ristovich Dmitar S.14305968RSA19330
18Mazo Donald14320789RSA19310
19Hoek Cornelis14307693RSA19230
20Nelson Jaco14300400RSA19230
21Khanyile Wanda14307790RSA18750
22Matseme Tshepo14309394RSA18670
23Solo Muzenda14304554RSA18440
24WFMDu Toit Sune14303639RSA17910w
25Koekemoer Bernard14307812RSA17390
26Marais Daniel14309440RSA16840
27Louw Gideon N.14303868RSA16800
28Sadie Johan Jacobus Hendrik14315807RSA16720
29Roets Marius H.14304244RSA15410
30Grobbelaar Jacqui14307650RSA15090w
31Zitha L'thukelaRSA02076
32Mfundisi SandileRSA01727